Is Church Essential?

Discussion in 'Faith and Religion' started by Dont, Jun 4, 2020.

  1. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    A question was asked, and an answer was given.... I was clearly expressing a personal opinion: My personal opinion, and not assuming to, "proclaim for all". Others may agree, or disagree according to their individual thoughts on the matter. Agreement and disagreement can sometimes make for interesting a fruitful dialogue, and I am open to listening and weighing up the merits of an argument.: Are you?

    If one is in a dander on one's high horse, it's a wise rider who will get off it, before they fall of it foolishly. From a theological perspective, god apparently gave me the freedom 'to give such an answer', (if the Holy Scriptures are to be believed), by giving me 'free will'. If I do not have the free will to be critical of 'The Church', then I am nothing more than an automaton to god's whims and wishes.

    I have not done so... you are making a straw man argument. Straw man - RationalWiki

    Yes, that is an opinion: A common opinion held by many: but do religious people have unfettered freedom to worship and participate in religious rituals and practices which are harmful and hazardous to others who are not of that faith, religion, or creed....or even harmful or hazardous to the members of that faith , religion, or creed in particular?

    The courts are often called to adjudicate upon just such issues, particularly when the religious rights of litigants are in conflict. It is the civil way of sorting out contentious issues, as opposed to the good old days when the dominant religious tradition would burn their religious dissidents, heretics, and competitors at the stake: After an ecclesiastical court trial of course.

    Don't let me stop you. Who knows, I might actually read a concise, cogent, coherent argument worth replying to.

    I'm always happy to examine an argument critically, evaluating its soundness, and giving a reasoned reply. I am open to persuasion based on the quality of the evidence presented, and the soundness of the reasoning used, else, I would still be a Christian.
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2020
  2. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    So Chello old buddy,Have you ever been in a situation like lets say....
    In a fox hole with bullets,mortars,shells dropping around you?
    Had engine power lost in a helicopter and what you see in front of you is what you'll hit?
    Said to yourself,Lord protect me?
    Garand69 likes this.
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