Well if it comes to war thats the way to go about it. Go big or go home lol. As for ships I aways think about the brits and what the exocet missile did to them in the Falklands war. That's was some bad hurt.
We have lost our respect around world they don't have the fear they had at one time. I said when we kicked the $h!t out of Baghdad we shold have placed an American flag and called it Baghdad of the USA. moved contractors in pumped the oil. We rebuilt it alot nicer than it was and policed it. It would have kept the gas prices here low and been under our control. We need to stop this what is politically correct and let the world know the old dog has alot of road miles and battle scars but the fight is still here if you want it. These politicans that have bent over backward trying to show that talking can solve any problem is full $h!t some people dont understand anything but force. By the time the politican's are done talking the worrior type of goverment uses that time to set up and dig in. If they try it blow the ships out of the water and send F-16's in country and blow it to hell. When they have to use dozer's to push the people in mass graves they will think twice.
We sank almost all of Iran's Navy the last time they decided to play with us, I expect a repeat. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
A few fanatics in hiding pop a couple super tankers and 25% of the world's supply is gone. It isn't shtf but it would be high prices at the pumps and for food.
Actually 40% of the world's oil supply travels through the Straights, especially the oil bound for Asia. Close that, and watch SHTF. The reasoning behind this is simple: it leads to a war with a potentially nuclear armed country, who has China and Russia (who are nuclear armed), for allies. China has stated very implicitly, they will start WW III to protect their interests in Iran. Oil will triple if the straights are shut down. Wages will not. Commerce will grind to a near halt unless they can reopen the straights quickly. The Strategic Oil Reserves are for the US Military and the Federal Government. While there is enough oil in the Reserves to meet the demands of the entire US for approximately one week, the reserves will not be used for civilians during an all out war. Politics being what they are, if we start a war with Iran, it is a SHTF scenario.
That is exactly why any strike at ahmadipdung has to be reactive, not preemptive, at least insofar as the straight is concerned. China, among others, have interests in Iran, but neither they nor any other country wants to impede the movement of goods as well as oil thru the straight. If someone, us or others, react to a military action to close the straights with counter military, lots of folks will bemoan the act, but will support open seas. Russia won't care (and will do nothing other than mouth music) their supply is overland. SEA will care, and so will China, all theirs other than domestic production, comes by sea. Likewise, Aussieland and NZ are heavily dependent on seaborne deliveries, Japan even more so. Any operation to keep the straights open will have plenty of support, directly or indirectly, absent something more pressing at home.
I believe the US alone could easily open the Strait of Hormuz unassisted. However, sink two super tankers in the channel and the Strait is shuttered.