"But state TV accuses the rebels, saying barrels of chemical weapons were found as troops entered previously rebel-held districts." Weapons found, but what are they? They will be labeled, if for no other reason than safe handling. Otherwise, how would they know they were chemical weapons? Something about them, must be identifiable.
Lab test! Safe Handling? Both sides cover up by using any container they can. WAR Zone, all bets are off without a Lab Test.
OK, they did a lab test...what did it show? and will they tell what they are dealing with, or is it to general? I am not military, so I have never even seen one of their lab tests. They claim chemical weapons, so they MUST be able to recognize what they have, an least by category. (neuro-toxins) What else will that lab test show? As for "safe handling" I am referring to not killing your own people because they are moving, or in contact with something deadly. These weapons were "found" not deployed for use. Stockpiled. They would have used different language for a bomb, trap, or something of that nature.
Well, we already know the secret government operates for profit. We know these wars are for global conquest --to cement the foundations of the NWO. All we really have to question is the "official story", because it's a certainty that we are being lied to. Sometimes, there are truths planted inside the lie, and this makes it more difficult to prove. The "conspiracy theorists" are often held back by this subtle tactic.
As was mentioned just the other day, you have incomplete information from conflicting sources who have only themselves to consider. They care nothing about their own combatants or children or anything else. Chill a bit wait a week and then read what has developed. YMMV
Sensory overload designed to confuse and produce bad decisions. This consist of such elements as urbanization, crowding, noise, mass media, technology, and the explosive growth of information and Smart Phones. YMMV and time for me to go to work.
Smart Phones alone are enough to cause confusion and bad decision making with most people these days... Add the rest and it is a total disaster!
We created this problem over the last 70 plus years as we fed the dictators that provided us with cheap fuel for our economic engine, we sold these weapons and provided them with little moral obligation. We are now having to pay for our sins that postponed WWIII until now, I have little doubt that the mushroom clouds are on the way to our cities and that this country will be a but a footnote in the history of this planet. Such grand promises from our constitution and our statues will melt away in our failure to live up to those words on a world wide scale.
I hope you are wrong.... MSM seems to be applauding a cruise missle strike as "punishment" to Assad but oddly downplaying it as a way of "helping the rebels". Seems to me if you take out top brass command posts, air defense, ammo depots... It's gonna help the "rebels". Trying to figure out some of the word-play...it's very weird and I have a bad feeling about all this.
Consider this. Syria and Iran have both threatened to attack Israel if any country attacks Syria over the chemical weapons incident. Syria has said it will strike with everything it has. Now, if Syria fires chemical weapons into Israel, does anyone think Israel won't reply with nuclear weapons? Israel nukes Syria, Russia or China will nuke Israel in return and the United States won't do squat because of whatever back room deal Obama has made with both of them. It's no secret Obama doesn't like Israel and he accomplishes what his Saudi Arabian handlers has wanted for years and that's the destruction of Israel.. And the destruction of Israel Has different meanings for different people. and Israel has the “The Samson Option.”