IRAN/RUSSIA/CHINA and the Coming World War

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Brokor, Dec 4, 2010.

  1. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Sometimes the THREAT of war provides more impetus, moves more money, creates more fear and uncertainty, and alters policy far greater than war itself. Never let an opportunity to capitalize go to waste, kind of thing.
    Alanaana, Dont and VisuTrac like this.
  2. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    It doesn't make much sense to go into all the details of what has transpired in the USA in the last year or two, but here's a very brief rundown of the highlights. Following, I'll give a brief synopsis pertaining to foreign relations.
    • Botched Afghanistan withdrawal
    • Economic turmoil / supply chain sabotaged
    • Open borders / Mass illegal immigration
    • Racial divide widens / Anti-White policy making
    • Pandemic fearmongering / Tyrannous mandates and abuse of office
    • Media disinformation / Social media censorship
    • Voting regulation / Removing protections to increase fraudulent voting
    • Massive homelessness / Federal and State subsidizing to promote rewarding homeless
    • Rewarding violent criminals / Criminalizing parents for resisting mandates and standing up to school board
    • The executive is increasingly losing support from all groups who previously were in support
    Obviously, the Leftists are swinging wildly, and it's indicative of an all-out Communist invasion at this point. The military is viewed as making poor decisions, the Administration is seen as weak and impotent, and the corporate media is covering for the blatant errors made by the Biden Administration every day. It goes without getting into the details that Russia can see what is happening, too. With this recent military buildup near Ukraine's border region, the Russian Federation is geared to make yet another move to grab their prize, so it seems.

    And let's not forget about China. It looks like the war drums are beating steadily now, and everywhere we look we can see cracks developing in the foundations that once held nations in check. It's no secret that war is good for the economy, or rather it's good for the corporate cartels and their shareholders. The economy will continue to worsen no matter what, as there is no way to pay off the trillions on loan from the private banks and there never was. The trick is not to see all of this as cause and effect, but to view it from the perspective of a well thought out plan that spans decades of private deals and political maneuvering.
    mysterymet likes this.
  3. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    Found on my old and battered Zippo

    gii shi kan dug likes this.
  4. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    LINK to full story: The Ukraine Crisis: What You Need to Know

    2D Chess is for Losers
    There's nothing more satisfying than a good guy/bad guy narrative. We have so internalized this form of storytelling that for many it is almost impossible not to see the world in these terms. Two people are fighting. One of them is a bad guy. Therefore, the other one is a good guy.

    The problem comes when we try to map that simplistic, binary, black-and-white storyline on to real-world events. What "guy" are you talking about? Do you still believe that Putin is Russia? That's as absurd as saying that Biden is NATO (or even the US). And can we jump from NATO bad to BRICS good that easily?

    Well, if you've been listening to me over the last decade and a half you will know that it's not that easy. The BRICS are controlled opposition. Putin and Xi are both tyrannical thugs. The Chinese government and the Russian government both love controlling their citizens every thought and speech and action, and their supposed opposition to the globalist empire is a smoke-and-mirrors distraction hiding the fact that they are absolutely on-board with the ultimate agenda of world control.

    Or are you the type of person who watches the clip of Schwab bragging about all the cabinets the World Economic Forum has "penetrated" around the world without noticing that the second person he lists in his stable of WEF acolytes is Vladimir Putin?

    Are you the type of person who conveniently forgets how to read when Xi and Putin release documents extolling the creation of the New World Order that call on all states "to protect the United Nations-driven international architecture" and declare that "In order to to accelerate the implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development," states will have to "take practical steps in key areas of cooperation" like "vaccines and epidemics control, financing for development, climate change, sustainable development, including green development, industrialization, digital economy, and infrastructure connectivity"?

    Are you the type of person who constantly forgets that Vladimir Putin is close personal friends with Henry Kissinger?

    Are you the type of person who believes that the Russian COVID vaccine is the good kind of vaccine and the Russian vaccine passports are the good kind of vaccine passports and the Russian COVID clown show is the good kind of COVID clown show?

    Are you the type of person who believes that preemptive invasions of foreign countries are good when they're done by the good guys for good reasons and that the people who die in such operations are just collateral damage (who probably deserved to die anyway)?

    I don't know about you, but I'm not that type of person. The sad truth for those who are still waiting for the White Hat on the White Horse to deliver them their fix of Hopium is that Putin is an "anti-globalist crusader" in the exact same way as Donald "Fill the Swamp" Trump is an "anti-globalist crusader," which is to say, not at all. Because if you are still waiting on the sealed indictments and the watermarked ballots and Vladimir the Great to upset the globalist apple cart, you have yet to understand the nature of the globalist system.


    The uncomfortable truth, as always, is that the war has not just begun. It's been going on for generations. And it's not a war of nation against nation, or even valiant "anti-globalist crusaders" like WEF-connected, biosecurity-promoting, false flag-perpetrating, political opponent-assassinating Vladimir Putin against the global control structure. It is a global war against you. To the extent that wars are being waged between the elitists, they are only being waged to determine which group of elitists get to rule over you and in what way.

    Now more than ever it is important for those of us who have escaped the mainstream narrative "Team NATO" trap to reject the "alternative" narrative "Team BRICS" trap and redeclare our personal sovereignty. A choice between the two wings of the same bird of prey is no choice at all. Or, to put it in a more familiar way: "It's a big club, and you ain't in it."

    So, let's keep the real background of these events in mind as we watch this military spectacle play out on our computer screens and let's avoid getting caught up in cheerleading for the army of one branch or another of the global elitist class.

    Link to full story: The Ukraine Crisis: What You Need to Know
  5. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    I have to reiterate this point I made before. And there's this:
    Germany to permanently deploy troops near Russia border

    Poking the Bear...the warmongers really are persistent.
    Minuteman and SB21 like this.
  6. apache235

    apache235 Monkey+++

    WHEN was Putin friends with Schwab? IIRC Schwab was one that supports the war in Ukraine against Russia with all his might as Putin is no longer a “good” guy but is against Schwab and all that he stands for. When that whole mess started I looked to see who was supporting Ukraine and that made up my mind as to who to support - and it wasn’t the Ukraine.
  7. Stingray

    Stingray Monkey

    Klaus Schwab = Founder of The World Economic Forum (WEF), an independent international (lobbying) organization committed to improving the state of the world.
    Brokor likes this.
  8. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    You must be referring to my post earlier? Kissinger was referenced.
    As for Schwab, here's the part you may have confused with Kissinger:
  9. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

  10. apache235

    apache235 Monkey+++

    Let’s see, we are low/or out of 155mm shells, 40% of our subs are in for repair, we can’t produce very many tanks, trucks, APC’s or artillery, our navy is smaller than China’s, our supply lines are incredibly long, we have no hypersonic missiles and we would be fighting the two strongest militaries in the world and we are teaching our soldiers to use the correct pronouns instead of teaching them how to fight. What could possible go wrong?
    SB21, Yard Dart, Brokor and 1 other person like this.
  11. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    Heard we have a shortage of ammo so Bidumb is sending cluster bombs to the Ukraine. I can't help but think Putin's invasion of Ukraine was by an agreement with China. Invade Ukraine bleed the USA dry of weapons and China will back Putin with military weapons and aid. Weaken the US militarily (shortage weapons) so we can't
    wage war and China takes Taiwan easily.
    SB21 likes this.
  12. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    It's not that linear, I'm afraid. There are no good guys in this scenario. The purposeful erosion of our traditional authority and livelihood wasn't done by Russia or China; think more close to home for the culprit.
    Men aren't men anymore, they have to toe the line like good ladies and behave, and women are forced to compete against men pretending to be women in sports while children are taught to be transsexuals. The economy was sabotaged, fuel pipelines cut off, and key food and farming heavily under assault. Energy is being gouged, forcing Americans to pay much more for electricity and other utilities. EV's are priced nearly the same as standard combustion engine vehicles as auto manufacturers raise prices to ridiculous levels. More loans, more debt, more financial crisis. Mass illegal immigration, mostly third world criminal males with raging testosterone to face off against weak and timid males in America who have been fed poison and are too fat and broken to resist isn't exactly my idea of an accidental occurrence.

    Seriously, if you wanted to take over a society with gun owning whites as the major force to resist tyranny, I can't think of a more viable weapon than to use an army I have just mentioned. The heavy attack on the Second Amendment is not something the Liberals just decided to push because they care about gun crime. They want you defenseless, subservient, without manhood and in full denial of your survival instincts.

    The military was on the downward spiral since Covid, again all of this was carefully orchestrated from within our country. They've practically cleaned the slate of any military command who will stand up to the radical left. The Ukraine situation was started to push for emergency rule, and everybody on the Hill knows a nation divided stands no chance in a World War. With the Supreme Court attacked non-stop, the question on everybody's mind should be "what's the solution?" when only the Executive can flex and move freely about the room with impunity. Everything I've just mentioned and all that is coming is meant to further empower the Deep State takeover with this proxy war and complete assault on the foundations of the nation. This has always been about humanity and bringing about the extermination of the old version of it. The transhumanism movement is real and believe it or not, humanity is not winning this fight. Essentially, it means there are no good guys vs. bad guys, no us vs. them on the global stage, nothing you see is real and the truth is being obfuscated so WE do not unite against the culling that is on its way. The "solution" will be delivered at the defining moment.
    Zimmy, mysterymet, Yard Dart and 4 others like this.
  13. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Zimmy, mysterymet and CraftyMofo like this.
  14. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    Don't forget,,, Bedumb has allowed about 50,000 Chinese military aged men in our country .

    And the democraps are working overtime trying to take everyone's guns .
    mysterymet and Brokor like this.
  15. Jaybird

    Jaybird Monkey+++

    Not quite. Illegals are allowed to have guns. They are just trying to take guns from the legal citizens.
    Zimmy, Brokor, Seawolf1090 and 2 others like this.
  16. mysterymet

    mysterymet Monkey+++

    Democraps have the anti midas touch. Everything the touch turns to shit. They are going to bumble their way into ww3 are we are going to get our asses kicked because we cannot fight russia and china at the same time and win.
    DKR likes this.
  17. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Sometimes, I think about the wild and sometimes crazy antics coming from the Left and ponder the reasoning. I'm sure that there ought to be a hierarchy involved which influences the idiots we see paraded around us. Perhaps they are reaching out to the advanced ancient overlords, trying to prove that it's time to get involved. Maybe it is a desperate attempt to throw one last bit of fuel onto the fire and stoke the embers of hatred and fear, exclaiming, "Look at what we have become!". I don't know. I do feel like we might be better off if this were so, because if it's not, then we're in for a bumpy ride. This would mean they are blindly trying to solve their fragmented belief system that is based on the supposition which demands that we are capable of living in harmony, even though it requires us to sacrifice our humanity to do so. I don't like to believe the Leftist philosophy is destined for failure, because they are committed to purpose. Being human myself, I rather enjoy reveling in the notion that we are more than our clothes and societal affiliation. However, what does it mean if the Left leaning ideologies are purpose-built, designed to destroy a civilization? One thought comes to mind: the philosophy of Communism.
    I won't simply quit here, though.
    The hierarchy I started off with is the focus of this diatribe. We should all know how corporations work, where the primary investors appoint their people to the board and the money makers in control dictate how the company does business. It wouldn't be too difficult to see how the influence steers the machine. The CIA is perfectly situated to move about the cabin freely, making the news and controlling who gets to see what. This is why it doesn't matter sometimes when we see a Right-wing politician go with the flow and promote a Leftist policy. The power of the entire system is intertwined with the machinations of control that are shielded around the oligarchy.

    Anyway, I'm thinking about facing another World War and questioning the insanity we see all around us and funnily enough, I am hoping that we aren't just silly monkeys caught up in a bunch of folly. Because, if we are, then I have little hope for the human race.
  18. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member


    Explosions reported in Iran, Iraq, and Syria following the attack on Israel by Iran.

    I started this thread back in 2010, but originally I had started this discussion back in 2005 on another forum. Israel was always going to be the primary instigator. It's interesting how this was expected to happen, but I just wanted to say that I never could foresee all of this unfold in the exact manner it has. I honestly thought this would have happened much sooner, and not with the United States championing a weakling in charge.
    This still doesn't mean WW3 just yet, but it does bring the global stage one step closer. It will be very interesting how this plays out. I'm thinking it will take a little time for the whole Islamic world uniting before major players get motivated (China-Russia).
    mysterymet likes this.
  19. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    Does Chyna like Muzzies?
    No, witness the Uyghur slave/genocidal camps

    Does Russia like Muzzies?
    No, witness the entirety of the Chechnya et al.

    and the Muzzies hate each other with a passion. Shia vs Sunni

    And nobody likes Iran, they’ll do business with em, but no love lost there.
    Zimmy and Brokor like this.
  20. Cruisin Sloth

    Cruisin Sloth Special & Slow

    Stock your food , cus you lost
  1. Macgyver
  2. BlackJack7
  3. DKR
  4. Brokor
  5. johnbb
  6. Dont
  7. Brokor
  8. 3M-TA3
  9. Bandit99
  10. TnAndy
  11. Ganado
  12. Motomom34
  13. john316
  14. enloopious
  15. Mindgrinder
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