In Case Of Emergency Radio Show

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by Falcon15, Jul 26, 2014.

  1. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    Today on "In Case Of Emergency", at 5PM (Eastern), I'll take time to take callers and discuss the current market and my opinions on it, go over some things you can do to prepare for economic collapse, also ask do you have a prepper mindset (if time allows).

    In Case Of Emergency is a show for preppers, beginning preppers, and with preparedness in mind. The show airs LIVE on Sundays on Liberty Movement Radio and Revere Radio Network, Ras Radio, and Salty Talk Radio!

    Tune in to support the prepping community, as well as to get great information.

    The call in number: 218-548-7034

    To tune in, head over to my website and click play! Also, join in to the new chat room located on the page:

    SHTF Series | "In Case Of Emergency" - Listen Live
  2. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    SHTF Series | In Case Of Emergency Show 8/30/2015
    In Case Of Emergency Show 8/30/2015: Today on “In Case Of Emergency”, at 5PM (Eastern), I’ll take time to take callers and discuss the current market and my opinions on it, go over some things you can do to prepare for economic collapse, also ask do you have a prepper mindset (if time allows).
    Yard Dart, techsar and Ganado like this.
  3. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    Today on "In Case Of Emergency", at 5PM (Eastern), I'll talk about barter goods, bugging in, MREs (a warning), reasons to have and train with a bow an arrow, last minute buys, and people not understanding the scale of the emergency we are faced with.

    In Case Of Emergency is a show for preppers, beginning preppers, and with preparedness in mind. The show airs LIVE on Sundays on Liberty Movement Radio and Revere Radio Network, Ras Radio, and Salty Talk Radio!

    Tune in to support the prepping community, as well as to get great information.

    The call in number: 218-548-7034

    To tune in, head over to my website and click play! Also, join in to the new chat room located on the page:

    SHTF Series | "In Case Of Emergency" - Listen Live
  4. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    Due to the fact that Liberty Movement Radio's server was down yesterday, the primary embedded player on SHTF Series did not work. I have added players for every stream that carries my show. It is now a one-stop shop for In Case Of Emergency. You browse to the radio show page and select the stream you want to listen to and press play on the player. That is it. No hunting for different sites to tune in, no need to browse away from the SHTF Series web page. This page and my show are a work in progress, so I appreciate all of my listeners, and as such I wished to make it super simple for you to catch the show!

    Thank you all for your support!
    Yard Dart likes this.
  5. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

  6. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    Today on "In Case Of Emergency", at 5PM (Eastern), I'll talk about what exactly quantitative easing is, was "Black Monday" really a Black Monday, what is going to happen as we go through September, if you had 7 days warning to prep, off things and their uses for prepping, and bartering your skills, what are they worth?

    In Case Of Emergency is a show for preppers, beginning preppers, and with preparedness in mind. The show airs LIVE on Sundays on Liberty Movement Radio and Revere Radio Network, Ras Radio, and Salty Talk Radio!

    Tune in to support the prepping community, as well as to get great information.

    The call in number: 218-548-7034

    To tune in, head over to my website and click play! Also, join in to the new chat room located on the page:

    SHTF Series | “In Case Of Emergency” Radio Show
  7. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    Today on "In Case Of Emergency", at 5PM (Eastern), I'll talk about what the Federal Reserve not raising interest rates really means,setting up your food storage, hommeade pet food for SHTF, and 12 bad prepping choices that could get you killed.

    In Case Of Emergency is a show for preppers, beginning preppers, and with preparedness in mind. The show airs LIVE on Sundays on Liberty Movement Radio and Revere Radio Network, Ras Radio, and Salty Talk Radio!

    Tune in to support the prepping community, as well as to get great information.

    The call in number: 218-548-7034

    To tune in, head over to my website and click play! Also, join in to the new chat room located on the page:

    SHTF Series | “In Case Of Emergency” Radio Show
  8. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    Today on "In Case Of Emergency", at 5PM (Eastern), I'll talk about the events of the Shemitah year, EMP myths and facts, cooking outdoors without attracting people or animals, 12 very bad prepper strategies, and home made pet food.

    In Case Of Emergency is a show for preppers, beginning preppers, and with preparedness in mind. The show airs LIVE on Sundays on Liberty Movement Radio and Revere Radio Network, Ras Radio, and Salty Talk Radio!

    Tune in to support the prepping community, as well as to get great information.

    The call in number: 218-548-7034

    To tune in, head over to my website and click play! Also, join in to the new chat room located on the page:

    SHTF Series | “In Case Of Emergency” Radio Show
    BTPost likes this.
  9. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    Today on "In Case Of Emergency", at 5PM (Eastern), I'll talk about the the up coming deflationary event, the limits of the human body, must have items for nuclear disaster survival, the pros and cons of the top 5 food storage items, why you should store oats, fruits and vegetables anyone can grow in an apartment (or small house/yard), preserving potatoes, and get home bags for everyone.

    In Case Of Emergency is a show for preppers, beginning preppers, and with preparedness in mind. The show airs LIVE on Sundays on Liberty Movement Radio and Revere Radio Network, Ras Radio, and Salty Talk Radio!

    Tune in to support the prepping community, as well as to get great information.

    The call in number: 218-548-7034

    To tune in, head over to my website and click play! Also, join in to the new chat room located on the page:

    SHTF Series | “In Case Of Emergency” Radio Show
  10. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    Today on "In Case Of Emergency", at 5PM (Eastern), I'll talk about from deflation to hyperinflation, basic life hacks, over the counter medication for your pet, get home bags for everyone, fruits and vegetables anyone can grow in an apartment (or small house/yard), preserving potatoes, and can you cook without attracting unwanted attention?

    In Case Of Emergency is a show for preppers, beginning preppers, and with preparedness in mind. The show airs LIVE on Sundays on Liberty Movement Radio and Revere Radio Network, Ras Radio, and Salty Talk Radio!

    Tune in to support the prepping community, as well as to get great information.

    The call in number: 218-548-7034

    To tune in, head over to my website and click play! Also, join in to the new chat room located on the page:

    SHTF Series | “In Case Of Emergency” Radio Show
    techsar likes this.
  11. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    Today on "In Case Of Emergency", at 5PM (Eastern), I'll talk about being a prepper (crazy or not?), how to get started prepping (a refresher even for experienced preppers), things you should never throw away, simple food storage tips, a prepping to-do list, how to maximize bartering, fruits and vegetables anyone can grow in an apartment (or small house/yard), preserving potatoes, and can you cook without attracting unwanted attention?

    In Case Of Emergency is a show for preppers, beginning preppers, and with preparedness in mind. The show airs LIVE on Sundays on Liberty Movement Radio and Revere Radio Network, Ras Radio, and Salty Talk Radio!

    Tune in to support the prepping community, as well as to get great information.

    The call in number: 218-548-7034

    To tune in, head over to my website and click play! Also, join in to the new chat room located on the page:

    SHTF Series | “In Case Of Emergency” Radio Show
    techsar and Tobit like this.
  12. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    Today on "In Case Of Emergency", at 5PM (Eastern), I'll talk about a prepping to-do list, how to maximize bartering, fruits and vegetables anyone can grow in an apartment (or small house/yard), and can you cook without attracting unwanted attention?

    Joining me will be my new co-host, a complete novice, non-prepper, Tony D'Ateno!

    In Case Of Emergency is a show for preppers, beginning preppers, and with preparedness in mind. The show airs LIVE on Sundays on Liberty Movement Radio and Revere Radio Network, Ras Radio, and Salty Talk Radio!

    Tune in to support the prepping community, as well as to get great information.

    The call in number: 218-548-7034

    To tune in, head over to my website and click play! Also, join in to the new chat room located on the page:

    SHTF Series | “In Case Of Emergency” Radio Show
  13. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    Today on "In Case Of Emergency", at 5PM (Eastern), fruits and vegetables anyone can grow in an apartment (or small house/yard), and tried, tested and actual methods of preserving fresh eggs without refrigeration!

    Joining me will be my new co-host, a complete novice, non-prepper, Tony D'Ateno!

    In Case Of Emergency is a show for preppers, beginning preppers, and with preparedness in mind. The show airs LIVE on Sundays on Liberty Movement Radio and Revere Radio Network, Ras Radio, and Salty Talk Radio!

    Tune in to support the prepping community, as well as to get great information.

    The call in number: 218-548-7034

    To tune in, head over to my website and click play! Also, join in to the new chat room located on the page:

    SHTF Series | “In Case Of Emergency” Radio Show
    techsar likes this.
  14. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

  15. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    Today on "In Case Of Emergency", at 5PM (Eastern), a Q&A session between my co-host - a non-prepper, and myself. He wrote the questions, I will answer them. It is totally unscripted and should be fun!
    Joining me will be my new co-host, a complete novice, non-prepper, Tony D'Ateno!
    In Case Of Emergency is a show for preppers, beginning preppers, and with preparedness in mind. The show airs LIVE on Sundays on Liberty Movement Radio and Revere Radio Network, Ras Radio, and Salty Talk Radio!
    Tune in to support the prepping community, as well as to get great information.
    The call in number: 218-548-7034
    To tune in, head over to my website and click play! Also, join in to the new chat room located on the page:
    “In Case Of Emergency” Radio Show
    techsar likes this.
  16. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    Today on "In Case Of Emergency", at 5PM (Eastern), we will discuss items your great grandparents stockpiled, walking the rails after SHTF, the best reasons to prep, prepping misconceptions, and more!

    Joining me will be my new co-host, a complete novice, non-prepper, Tony D'Ateno!

    In Case Of Emergency is a show for preppers, beginning preppers, and with preparedness in mind. The show airs LIVE on Sundays on Liberty Movement Radio and Revere Radio Network, Ras Radio, and Salty Talk Radio!

    Tune in to support the prepping community, as well as to get great information.

    The call in number: 218-548-7034

    To tune in, head over to my new chat room and click one of the players located on the page:
    SHTF Series | “In Case Of Emergency” Radio Show
    Tobit likes this.
  17. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    Today on "In Case Of Emergency", at 5PM (Eastern), we will discuss prepping terms, SHTF Movies for the holiday season, surviving a winter storm, the 5 stages of prepping, and how to save money on preps!

    Joining me will be my new co-host, a complete novice, non-prepper, Tony D'Ateno!

    In Case Of Emergency is a show for preppers, beginning preppers, and with preparedness in mind. The show airs LIVE on Sundays on Liberty Movement Radio and Revere Radio Network, Ras Radio, and Salty Talk Radio!

    Tune in to support the prepping community, as well as to get great information.

    The call in number: 218-548-7034

    To tune in, head over to my website and click play! Also, join in to the new chat room located on the page:

    SHTF Series | “In Case Of Emergency” Radio Show
  18. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    Today on "In Case Of Emergency", at 5PM (Eastern) we will discuss surviving a winter storm, the 5 stages of prepping, and how to save money on preps!

    Joining me will be my new co-host, a complete novice, non-prepper, Tony D'Ateno!

    In Case Of Emergency is a show for preppers, beginning preppers, and with preparedness in mind. The show airs LIVE on Sundays on Liberty Movement Radio and Revere Radio Network, Ras Radio, and Salty Talk Radio!

    Tune in to support the prepping community, as well as to get great information.
    The call in number: 218-548-7034

    To tune in, head over to my website and click play! Also, join in to the new chat room located on the page:
    SHTF Series | “In Case Of Emergency” Radio Show
  19. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    Today on "In Case Of Emergency", at 5PM (Eastern) we will talk about gifts for Preppers!

    Joining me will be my new co-host, a complete novice, non-prepper, Tony D'Ateno!

    In Case Of Emergency is a show for preppers, beginning preppers, and with preparedness in mind. The show airs LIVE on Sundays on Liberty Movement Radio and Revere Radio Network, Ras Radio, and Salty Talk Radio!

    Tune in to support the prepping community, as well as to get great information.
    The call in number: 218-548-7034

    To tune in, head over to my website and click play! Also, join in to the new chat room located on the page:
    SHTF Series | “In Case Of Emergency” Radio Show
  20. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    Today on "In Case Of Emergency", at 5PM (Eastern) we will talk about the three essential people in your prepping group, know your enemy (during a collapse), what will be worth more than precious metals, trading posts, and more!

    Joining me will be my new co-host, a complete novice, non-prepper, Tony D'Ateno!

    In Case Of Emergency is a show for preppers, beginning preppers, and with preparedness in mind. The show airs LIVE on Sundays on Liberty Movement Radio and Revere Radio Network, Ras Radio, and Salty Talk Radio!

    Tune in to support the prepping community, as well as to get great information.

    The call in number: 218-548-7034

    To tune in, head over to my website and click play! Also, join in to the new chat room located on the page:

    SHTF Series | “In Case Of Emergency” Radio Show
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