In Case Of Emergency Radio Show

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by Falcon15, Jul 26, 2014.

  1. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    Archived show from today is POSTED, as promised. Enjoy!
    SHTF Series | Radio Archives
  2. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    Today on "In Case Of Emergency", at 5PM (Eastern), I will discuss redneck prepping tips, prepping vs. bush craft, how to prep like a pro, 12 essential preps for under $12.00, and the threat of misinformation on prepping sites.

    In Case Of Emergency is a show for preppers, beginning preppers, and with preparedness in mind. The show airs LIVE on Sundays on Liberty Movement Radio and Revere Radio Network, Ras Radio, and starting next week, Salty Talk Radio!.

    Tune in to support the prepping community, as well as to get great information.

    There is a BRAND NEW call in number: 218-548-7034

    To tune in, head over to my website and click play! Also, join in to the new chat room located on the page:

    SHTF Series | "In Case Of Emergency" - Listen Live
    Motomom34 likes this.
  3. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

  4. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    TONIGHT ONLY "In Case Of Emergency SPECIAL REPORT", at 9 PM (Eastern), I will give a break down of the Greek and Puerto Rico Situations!

    In Case Of Emergency is a show for preppers, beginning preppers, and with preparedness in mind. The show airs LIVE on Sundays on Liberty Movement Radio and Revere Radio Network, Ras Radio, and starting next week, Salty Talk Radio!.

    Tune in to support the prepping community, as well as to get great information.

    To tune in, head over to my website and click play! Also, join in to the new chat room located on the page:

    SHTF Series | "In Case Of Emergency" - Listen Live
  5. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    techsar, kellory and Motomom34 like this.
  6. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    Thank you!
    Falcon15 likes this.
  7. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    Today on "In Case Of Emergency", at 5PM (Eastern), will be a special 4th of July show, featuring things related to prepping and the American Revolutionary War!

    In Case Of Emergency is a show for preppers, beginning preppers, and with preparedness in mind. The show airs LIVE on Sundays on Liberty Movement Radio and Revere Radio Network, Ras Radio, and starting this week, Salty Talk Radio!

    Tune in to support the prepping community, as well as to get great information.

    There is a BRAND NEW call in number: 218-548-7034

    To tune in, head over to my website and click play! Also, join in to the new chat room located on the page:

    SHTF Series | "In Case Of Emergency" - Listen Live
    techsar and Motomom34 like this.
  8. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    Motomom34 and techsar like this.
  9. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    Today on "In Case Of Emergency", at 5PM (Eastern), I'll talk about Jade Helm 15, the current world financial crisis (and why you should be worried), and a special message from PREPTHREATFOR (Prepper Threat Forecast)!

    In Case Of Emergency is a show for preppers, beginning preppers, and with preparedness in mind. The show airs LIVE on Sundays on Liberty Movement Radio and Revere Radio Network, Ras Radio, and Salty Talk Radio!

    Tune in to support the prepping community, as well as to get great information.

    There is a BRAND NEW call in number: 218-548-7034

    To tune in, head over to my website and click play! Also, join in to the new chat room located on the page:
  10. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    Today on "In Case Of Emergency", at 5PM (Eastern), I'll talk about Jade Helm 15, the current world financial crisis (and why you should be worried), and a special message from PREPTHREATFOR (Prepper Threat Forecast)!

    In Case Of Emergency is a show for preppers, beginning preppers, and with preparedness in mind. The show airs LIVE on Sundays on Liberty Movement Radio and Revere Radio Network, Ras Radio, and Salty Talk Radio!

    Tune in to support the prepping community, as well as to get great information.

    There is a BRAND NEW call in number: 218-548-7034

    To tune in, head over to my website and click play! Also, join in to the new chat room located on the page:
  11. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

  12. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    Today on "In Case Of Emergency", at 5PM (Eastern), I'll talk about Jade Helm 15, martial law, disorders caused by lack of water, what happens when the trucks stop, how much ammo you should store, China's updated gold reserve numbers, and Texas moves to create a gold backed banking system!

    In Case Of Emergency is a show for preppers, beginning preppers, and with preparedness in mind. The show airs LIVE on Sundays on Liberty Movement Radio and Revere Radio Network, Ras Radio, and Salty Talk Radio!

    Tune in to support the prepping community, as well as to get great information.

    There is a BRAND NEW call in number: 218-548-7034

    To tune in, head over to my website and click play! Also, join in to the new chat room located on the page:
    techsar and ditch witch like this.
  13. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    Today on "In Case Of Emergency", at 5PM (Eastern), I'll talk about what happens when the trucks stop, necessary medical training you should have, preserving dried goods up to 20 years, items that will be impossible to get after a collapse, EMP survival, China's updated gold reserve numbers, and some quick tips for beginning preppers!

    In Case Of Emergency is a show for preppers, beginning preppers, and with preparedness in mind. The show airs LIVE on Sundays on Liberty Movement Radio and Revere Radio Network, Ras Radio, and Salty Talk Radio!

    Tune in to support the prepping community, as well as to get great information.

    There is a BRAND NEW call in number: 218-548-7034

    To tune in, head over to my website and click play! Also, join in to the new chat room located on the page:

    SHTF Series | "In Case Of Emergency" - Listen Live
  14. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    SHTF Series | In Case Of Emergency Show 7/26/2015
    In Case Of Emergency Show 7/26/2015: Today on "In Case Of Emergency", at 5PM (Eastern), I'll talk about what happens when the trucks stop, necessary medical training you should have, preserving dried goods up to 20 years, items that will be impossible to get after a collapse, EMP survival, China's updated gold reserve numbers, and some quick tips for beginning preppers!
  15. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    The newest book in the Some Helpful Tips For series is now in the works. Outlines and ideas are flowing.

    Working Title: Some Helpful Tips For Food Storage

    A frugal and practical approach to a Prepper's kitchen from the basics about calories and balanced nutrition to the Prepper's kitchen appliances! It will include shelf life charts, comparisons of various storage type foods, buckets, bags and O2 absorbers, recipes, and much much more!

    This will be the largest, most comprehensive book out there covering prepping your food storage like no one else, while not breaking the bank!

    Expect more announcements soon!
  16. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    Today on "In Case Of Emergency", at 5PM (Eastern), I'll talk about how homes kept cool before air conditioning, give reasons why you should be a prepper, give a quick primer about being a prepper, things a prepper should be doing around the house, the myth and realities of survival fishing, the 8 signs of canned food going bad, and more on China!

    In Case Of Emergency is a show for preppers, beginning preppers, and with preparedness in mind. The show airs LIVE on Sundays on Liberty Movement Radio and Revere Radio Network, Ras Radio, and Salty Talk Radio!

    Tune in to support the prepping community, as well as to get great information.

    There is a BRAND NEW call in number: 218-548-7034

    To tune in, head over to my website and click play! Also, join in to the new chat room located on the page:

    SHTF Series | "In Case Of Emergency" - Listen Live
  17. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    Today on "In Case Of Emergency", at 5PM (Eastern), I'll talk about the myths and realities of survival fishing, what a prepper should be doing around their house, the eight signs of canned goods gone bad, why you should become a gunsmith, and much more!

    In Case Of Emergency is a show for preppers, beginning preppers, and with preparedness in mind. The show airs LIVE on Sundays on Liberty Movement Radio and Revere Radio Network, Ras Radio, and Salty Talk Radio!

    Tune in to support the prepping community, as well as to get great information.

    There is a BRAND NEW call in number: 218-548-7034

    To tune in, head over to my website and click play! Also, join in to the new chat room located on the page:

    SHTF Series | "In Case Of Emergency" - Listen Live
    Motomom34 and techsar like this.
  18. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    Today on "In Case Of Emergency", at 5PM (Eastern), I'll talk with Keith McGraw, president and CEO of Prepper THreat Forecast LLC, leader of the Omega Crew, and author of a new piece of post-apocalyptic fiction. We will cover the fictional SHTF scenario: "Snap Kick"!

    In Case Of Emergency is a show for preppers, beginning preppers, and with preparedness in mind. The show airs LIVE on Sundays on Liberty Movement Radio and Revere Radio Network, Ras Radio, and Salty Talk Radio!

    Tune in to support the prepping community, as well as to get great information.

    There is a BRAND NEW call in number: 218-548-7034

    To tune in, head over to my website and click play! Also, join in to the new chat room located on the page:

    SHTF Series | "In Case Of Emergency" - Listen Live
  19. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    In Case Of Emergency Show 8/16/15: Today on "In Case Of Emergency", at 5PM (Eastern), I'll talk with Keith McGraw, president and CEO of Prepper Threat Forecast LLC, leader of the Omega Crew, and author of a new piece of post-apocalyptic fiction. We will cover the fictional SHTF scenario: "Snap Kick"!
  20. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    Today on "In Case Of Emergency", at 5PM (Eastern), I'll take callers to discuss "Snap Kick", and I will try to make some sense about the stock market slip, go over some great survival tips from Grandpa, Talk about buying your ammo for SHTF, and revisit some thoughts on Bug Out Bags (if time allows).

    In Case Of Emergency is a show for preppers, beginning preppers, and with preparedness in mind. The show airs LIVE on Sundays on Liberty Movement Radio and Revere Radio Network, Ras Radio, and Salty Talk Radio!

    Tune in to support the prepping community, as well as to get great information.

    The call in number: 218-548-7034

    To tune in, head over to my website and click play! Also, join in to the new chat room located on the page:

    SHTF Series | "In Case Of Emergency" - Listen Live
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