Illegal Immigrant Discussion Topic

Discussion in 'Freedom and Liberty' started by SoCal09, Nov 12, 2009.

  1. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer

    Use that "debateable" on wi state troopers and find out first and how many taser reloads they carry...You understand the context of my above statements perfectly well.

    ,Iam stupid to get sucked in to an argument with a frickin' hardcore leftist.. So I won't:
    ofcourse I can't say there are absolutely no racist conservatives , just as you can't say there are no racist liberals
    " Yes I can "
    "No you can't"
    " That's preposterous"
    "No it isn't.."
    simple, look at the time I saved you.
  2. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Awrightchuguys, go back to SoCal09's original post and see if you can come up with responses to the question along with a smattering of logic and law rather than gut feelings and invective.
  3. SoCal09

    SoCal09 Monkey++

    I think in all the arguing yall have established a lot of ground. I turned my paper in yesterday, and everyone definately helped out. My eyes were opened to the problem with the prison system, which I was unaware how many illegal immigrants make up our prison population. I also learned that between 2004 and 2008 those illegal immigrants cost our tax payers nearly 6 billion dollars.

    The main arguement on the liberal side is that illegal immigrants do the jobs Americans don't want to do, and that we should give everyone a chance to be American.

    I believe that there are so many Americans out of work that we should be concentrating on getting THEM employed before worrying about what jobs we will do and which jobs we won't do, I think America would be surprised.

    I also realize this country was founded by immigrants, and we are all decendents of immigrants, so we shouldn't shun the idea all together. I think we could make a better system, but our economy just can't simply support people who don't pay taxes and just take, so we need crack down on the illegals coming in, and possibly figure out a way for Mexico to take lawful action against these criminals who enter our land and steal our benefits and jobs.
  4. Ivan

    Ivan Monkey++

    nah, i'm so white i gotta wear sunscreen when theres a full moon out at night. [dunno]
  5. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member


    Well, SoCal made his paper. [beer]
  6. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer

    Depends on what you see as the"issue"

    If it's keeping a low paid work force in the country for the massive meat packers:
    i really don't see why a worker's visa could not be issued.(Stamp upon entry stamp every day of work renew every 30 days; no worky no fresh ticky. go home.)

    on the grounds some amount is withheld for taxes.(pretty sure the corps. won't like that, yes food prices will rise that hasn't scared the libs before: ( "Under my plan energy prices will necessarily skyrocket!".BHO),.

    If I had a young family in an impoverished mexico I'd probably leave to findwork too.( can't really blame them( see I'mnot a heartless racist.).

    "Full nationalized citizenship" has a track already.
    If its the bordersecurity ( ie. drugs and weapons/"terrorista's")I say put northcom on the border. If millions of supposedly average americans are on the no fly "watchlist" and can;'t fly from decatur to los angeles: it's a complete travesty Juan and jaunita can wander in with apotentially explosive nino under each arm. With out takingtheir shoes off. for the "thousands standing around."(TSA)...
  7. dragonfly

    dragonfly Monkey+++

    Living here in Phoenix, I see the coin as one sided anymore....
    My taxes have increased, my car insurance rates are more than triple what they were 10 years ago, and the schools are in terrible shape.
    I do NOT blame the immigrants for wanting to have a decent life and jobs, but NOT at the cost of me and mine!
    I live in what was a "gated" type of community, NOT one of those associations!
    There are no longer any gates....they were run over by drunks, along with 90% of the rest of the park areas, including trees and the laundry building...
    Then there's the "graffilthy"!
    It is worse each week. They paint/tag peoples homes, trees, even a local Church!
    Gang members here come and go, and recently 4 illegals living here were caught in Showlow, Az., trying to get work....they were deported and returned 3 days later and they partied in here for a week solid! ( manager hired help to pick up the beer cans and broken beer bottles!)
    I have been threatened, I have been told to get out, and to move away, even by the park manager, a hispanic that takes the side of the illegals, as he is "collecting" fee's from the illegals, to house up to 10-12 per trailer space!
    It has gotten out of control, and I see no end to it....
    Local P.D. will not stop them for most motor vehicle infractions of the laws, as they can be accused of racism, or profiling....
    When the local government won't even allow the local Police to do their jobs, it's all downhill from there!

    Now, I have been called a lot of names and most were: I was a racist and I was a bigot and I'm just paranoid about Mexicans.....even that I was against anyone that is NOT white or considered Caucasian....
    (I'm half German and Half Indian!) ( I have my own problems!)
    Tell my wife that one,..... Oh, Wait!
    She's a Mexican from Hermosillo, Mexico, and came here LEGALLY, and we have a soon to be 20 year old son together!
    Ask the "legal immigrants" how they feel!
    They are not happy with the situation as they did it the hard way, the right way!
    They feel the others, (illegals), are pretty much "Lowlife's".
    They are!
    Someone once coined the phrase: " It's the LAW stupid"!
  8. SoCal09

    SoCal09 Monkey++

    I completely agree with what you said about the car insurance. Corpus Christi has the highest car insurance in the state, more so then houston or even dallas! That's because so many illegals get in accidents here and have no insurance!
  9. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Leave it to Corporate America to raise the rates on everybody instead of just raising rates on people with Latino names. Oh no, that would be WRONG! I still believe that kids should not be allowed to have a license and drive a car until they first prove that they have a job (at 18 by the way instead of 16). And as for seniors...well, they should have to undergo an annual eye exam and take a special course to see if they are even fit enough to drive (over 70 yrs.) -of course I am only DREAMING...

    Then we have the Gestapo roadblocks and checkpoints for the intoxicated crowd -I say, stopped once and caught for DUI, automatic 100% increase in insurance for one full year, dropped after no further incidents, on top of the license revocation for whatever length of time that may be.

    Instead of having police pull us over all the time for every minor infraction possible, they should just set up speed cameras and have our tickets mailed to us, to be paid at any bank we choose (Germany does this), then lay off as many cops as needed and free up our highways.


    Maybe we could then apply some more security along our borders...
  10. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer

    I have never personnally experinced what you describe, it sounds like the worst inner city hell that I can imagine...So knowing this I am going to recoil and react fromthe anti-illegal immigration camp.
    And "better than you" liberals are going to tatoo "Racist:" on my bright red naked babboon butt.with a coat hanger brand and a propane torch.

    Is that"Racism?"

    Iam judging individuals purely on their culture( or sick lack there of) and peers. Globalism be dammned I choose not to live in that environment, I would not choose to moveto bed-stuy or Harlem either.
    Maybe thats';s not such a derogatory term; when latinos want to retake the southwest for latinos. ( Is that "racist?" )
    Is it racist to want to hang on to something of "your "normal"???

    Maybe anti-immigaration has "racist"aspects in its nature; Maybe that'
    no longer a bad thing? when it comes to survival of your ideals and Society??
    All of nature is territorial and protects its offspring.
  11. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Well, as far as I am concerned (here comes the pain), the massive illegal invasion is nothing short of an act of war. We should actively engage (and freely support citizens) in hostile action against every illegal in this nation. Actually, it has gone one step further than an invasion and act of war -the tens of thousands of illegals (and growing daily) who kill our people, our police officers -should be immediately shot on sight, exterminated like the rats they are. No judge, no jury, just pure, swift justice. This is because they not only intend on killing our people, they fully intend on taking over our country piece by piece.

    After we clean house, we need to take our fight directly to Mexico and take it over entirely. (I choose multiple carpet bomb runs as the primary assault of choice) This way, we can keep all of the remaining Mexicans happy and content with a nice, warm series of USA parking lots complete with Wal-Marts and Target stores all over the place. We will put up signs in English everywhere, and schools for their lovely children, where they can freely learn the English language and stuff like science and history. Perhaps there may be a few scientists or doctors to come out of that despicable place, and it would be a first. Positive thinking, I say. Positive thinking indeed.
  12. tacmotusn

    tacmotusn RIP 1/13/21

    This post is just plain wrong! I can understand the frustration regarding the mulitude of illegals in our country, but this post basically advocates open season and genocide on anyone who looks hispanic. WRONG! WRONG! WRONG!
  13. SoCal09

    SoCal09 Monkey++

    I think he was just explaining that because it is an act of war, we should retaliate like any other country would have already. Not to attack anyone of hispanic origin who is a legal citizen. Although the process of identification may be a little difficult...
  14. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Exactly. I don't condone unnecessary violence. I also do not espouse any violent acts be committed against another unjustly.
  15. OzarkSaints

    OzarkSaints Monkey++

    The one thing no one ever seems to talk about is the simple fact that we have US corporations actively advertising all over Mexico, encouraging them to come over illegally for no expierience neccessary jobs....guess it's just me that finds it odd that those same corps fund our politicians and those same politicians have this bullshit treasonous lax border policy and refused to bust those corporations....
  16. Ivan

    Ivan Monkey++

    it is a mystery [dunno]
  17. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

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