If we are talking about just a gun then I would want a combination gun. I have a 410/.22 side by side made in Germany I would take. .22 for small game,410 slugs for bigger things,although a .22/12 ga would be better. Ammo should not be a problem as most everybody has those in their home that you could trade for. I think Savage makes the over and under combination gun in 410/.22 and other gauges.
I also have one of the Chiappa 12/.22lr in...VERY substantial feel that underlies the actual weight. Wish I had enough money to keep it. Haha.
Somehow Old Folks like me remember that Mr O'conner championed the Mauser type action for dangerous game. Last I new the US Military still issued bolt actions to the best qualified Riflemen they had. Not to mention that one well placed shot beats thousands of misses. While the 45-70 is more than able to down any North American game at close range, it might be advantageous to purchase a Military supported .30 caliber as a starting platform. JMHO. [ 7.62 x 39 deer,black bear, elk out to 100 yards. 308 Win deer,black bear, elk out to 300 yards. 30-06 deer, cinnamon bear, elk out to 300 yards. 300 Win Mag deer,brown bear, elk out to 300 yards.] Military surplus .30 caliber cartridges.
OK, when someone says "one gun" I think either shotgun (Rem 870, Ithaca 37, Browning BPS) or .22 LR rifle (too many to list). OK, he said deer, elk and possibly is in bear country (didn't say what kind of bear). For this budget ($600) I would look at the T/C rifles, Savage rifles, and Ruger rifles. All have rifles in his price range and he should pick what feels best to HIM! Cartridge (NOT "caliber") would be .270 Win., .280 Rem., .308 Win., .30-06 Springfield. The M1 "Garand" Rifle (actually John Garand had little to nothing to do with the design, he stole it from a guy he worked for who designed and built it. Just like GM did not design the Jeep, the gov't put the company that designed and built them out of business and stole the design) at 11 pounds unloaded, no sling, is not something I am going to carry up a mountain, or very far in deer country for that matter. If you can carry an 11 lb rifle up a mountain, more power to you.
+1 for ^^^ @BTPost is on the money with this one. Plus, you can find cartridges anywhere in this country you may go.
There is an article in the current ASG issue about "Make Mine a .30-30" or some such. Didn't read it. Since new Win 94s are well over a grand, used ones not far behind, Marlin and Mossberg probably well over the $600 mark. Haven't tried a Henry .30-30, although their lever action .22 is quite accurate, their customer service sucks horribly so I'm not sure I would trust them with a returned rifle. The ones I returned to Henry didn't work any better then they did when sent, which is the same for Lee customer service too, horrible. But at least with Lee it is cheap enough to throw away. Lee presses will wear out quickly and get thrown away anyway when you buy something better, so don't worry about it, but guns generally are not throw away items, at least not the ones I'm using to protect my life. YMMV.
I have to admit I'm curious about which one you would pick, if you could have only one. You mentioned thinking 12 ga pump gun, and with it a 22lr in your post #50. Pick one, please, the rules of the game prohibit two. Also, notice the intended use in post #1, that should tend toward eliminating the 22lr. Of course, if that's the ONE you want, it's fine for the discussion.
Just found out Uberti appears to be pumping out 10 shot Winchester 94 clones for hundreds off what Winchester is...
If I had to expend all my resources on only one gun to defend my life and all those that depend upon me to defend thier lives, I don't believe that I could place a monetary value (Republic Credit Limit) on such a weapon. I'd be forced to save/earn more to ensure that they had not put thier faith in me undeservedly. So if you have only one gun and it only effects your chances of survival the stakes are limited. If others are depending upon your survival to keep them alive, I'd recommend that you readjust your spending limits. JMHO. If your first gun is going to be your only gun, purchase the best gun that fits your skills. More folks have starved to death than been chewed by bears, but the odds are irrelevant on those days that you ain't the bear. LOL
Had a Report of a lady who just missed getting munched, by a hungry Coastal Brown Bear that had just awoke from hibernation... Bear came out of the brush 40 yards in front of her, Dog charged the Bear, but the Bear swatted the Dog off the trail, and charged... She got off 4 Rounds from her 45-70 GuideGun, and dropped the Bear 5 Yards Away, with one shot left... Husband was just behind her, but never got his weapon into play... Bear looks to be a two year OLD, and about 450#... Will make a nice Rug...
If "I could only have one gun" it'd be a Winchester 63. With your criteria I'd say the best fit is a used Marlin 336 in .30-30 or .35 Remington. The .30-30 has greater ammo availability, but the .35 Remington packs more punch. Either can be loaded down for lighter game and lighter recoil. On-line auctions seem to be around $400 for a good used 336 with scope. It's not so heavy that it'd be a burden, and it's quick and reliable.
I think I would go for the Marlin 1895 Trapper in 45-70. I have a couple of 45-70s already but on the assumption, I'm starting new I'll go with what I know. I like the looks of the peep sights on the Trapper model. My sights are buckhorn and blade
Looking for a one size fits all solution to multiple problems. Some come close but no cigar. Being in the auto repair business I have a lot of tools to deal with the situation at hand. I view guns the same way. No one tool can do everything. JMHO.
How about a .22 hornet? I’ve read somewhere that polar bears have taken with a .22 hornet not that I’m going after one with that small caliber. Here in Louisiana you could use it for everything from squirrels to deer. Although you would have to have a head shot on deer to put one down,it might work as Louisiana deer are not hard to kill. Same goes for self defense. What do you think would a .22 hornet work as an only gun? It would be better than a .22 lr it seem.
@oldman11, I too love the .22 Hornet, but it's an orphan. I've only ever found two cartridges I couldn't convert from another existing cartridge. One was the .357 Maximum, the other was .22 Hornet. (and I've made .30 Rimfire brass from .22 Hornet.) Yes, it is a wonderfully flexible cartridge. I load it with Beeman air rifle pellets with just a primer and could quietly kill and eat every song bird that came within range. I tried to do the math on how often I see a .22 Hornet (besides my Krag) at the range, and it's at best 1 in 1000 shooters, probably many times that. .22 Hornet is like 16 and 28 Gauge shot shells. Your chances of finding them at Walmart, or the local hardware store are near zero.
SXS 12 ga with Brenneke slugs simple and about a ton 1/2 of energy each round using black magic slugs@ 60 yards. The other issue is it is a hunting gun it can also use buckshot bird shot and many other exotic loads. A Stoger coach gun cost 400 dollars lurking in almost any pawnshop are O/U or over under guns that may be cosmetically scruffy but are good shooters with name brands. A shotgun is the most utilitarian hunting weapon it can use numerous inserts to fire many calibers it is so flexible. Personally I like a 870 pump but it takes some practice or amateurs will short stroke it and not get the next one in. SXS means side by side or double barrel a company in Alaska makes rifled barrel inserts you can fire flares CS or pepper spray dragon's breath the list is crazy long fletches with a drill, stick and a roll crimper you can load your own. rock salt or anything else a good cast slug mold and some scrap lead the only limits are primers, powder and hulls if what you use could scratch the barrel shot cups are cheap look up ballistic products online. 45-70 inserts for 2 ga are here at OUR COMPLETE LINE OF SHOTGUN INSERTS TO INCREASE THE VERSATILITY OF YOUR SHOTGUN
I have a 45-70 18inch double barrel that will shoot to point of aim at 50 yards. I can always pull out one barrel and have a combination with one barrel being a 45-70 and the other a 12 gauge. The more I think about it I the 22 hornet might be the best all around gun to have. Everything from squirrels to deer to two legged animals could be taken with the .22 hornet without much noise.
Why would someone have only 1 gun? They are pack animals and get really lonely when they are all by themselves.