If Nuke hits in San Diego & I'm Safe in LA should I still get the Hell out Fearing What the Governme

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ED GEiN, Jun 19, 2018.

  1. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    What do you suppose will happen if just a chunk of California plops into the pacific ? the mass exodus would over whelm the country, and every relative living out side California would be obligated to take them in.
    Personally , if a chunk fell off I'd be relieved as it likely lightened the pressure off the rest of the state .
    Volcanic activity however is a whole nother problem .
    Nuclear attack is any body's guess . we've been fearing that since it's invention . how big , location, weather conditions, economic conditions ,,too much comes into play .
    You have to know that military bases are going to protect them selves as the first line of defense.
    Any cities are a secondary concern being the greater population . Problem with that is with out the farm land, no one survives .
    No matter where you live there is going to be a problem.
    Question to me is," can I make a difference in the midst of that problem ?"
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