I Voted Today

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by TXKajun, Oct 28, 2016.

  1. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    I feel the same way that those who don't vote then have no right to complain. But, them not voting hurts more them just themselves. It hurts you, me, our children our friends, neighbors... So, I am not really asking them to vote for themselves... I am asking them to vote for us, to help us. And, even if it is rigged we must try to do what is correct and win fairly even if it is not counted honestly...then and only then are we in the right...then let the cards fall where they may.
  2. Shalako

    Shalako Monkey+

    The first time I voted, it was by absentee in Viet Nam. Goldwater! Since then it has always been at the polls on election day.

    This time it was all 'R' except for a 'D' for Sheriff. He was the most qualified. All measures, including retaining appointed Judges were a Big. Fat. 'NO!'. Then I went outside and handed out cloths pins for those who needed to hold their nose while voting.

    I used to be against the Electoral College until I looked at the map and realized that if popular vote prevailed, we would be 'Ruled' by only the East and West coasts and the Northeast. The rest of the country's needs and wants would be ignored. So... Keep the EC.
    BTPost likes this.
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