"WE" just recently had a get together for a weekend, and I had everyone pack a "Meds" kit/bag, and a Personal foods bag. I bought the minor stuff, and let them all pick and choose what they wanted to carry. They surpassed my greatest hopes! These kids are quick to catch on and they help each other in every aspect of what anyone would call survivalism! My son just showed me today, that he alone came up with a gelled fuel for camping type stoves such as the sterno. h He mixed white glue, borax and 70% isopropyl alcohol and made it! Beats the heck out of mine,... I tried to make it for 2 weeks and it never gelled! I figured to heck with the 72 hour kits, let's do what we can to see how much we can put together in a short time, for all of us to work on.... Now we have our medical and persoanl food bags set to where we could live easily for over a week with NO further supplements.... ( except extra T.P.!) I even made the mylar food-grade bags up, with 1 quart of water, for each person! Everyone has an even dozen, IF they want or need them! Bill