I Live in LA If you can't get out of the City in Longterm SHTF or TEOTAWKI Where is the best Place

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by ED GEiN, Feb 25, 2017.

  1. Altoidfishfins

    Altoidfishfins Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Barricade yourself in an apartment and even if you have plenty of food, and you manage to keep the snakes away, you will still run out of water if it's cut off. Too risky. Water is critical and you won't be able to store nearly enough to last 6 to 12 months to match the food supply.

    Once that happens, you're going to have to exit with the remaining food supply without getting killed - good luck with that. I'd move that food somewhere else and figure on a quick exit from the apartment when things begin to turn to dog pooh.

    No fan of dirt bikes as VisuTrac suggests but seems to me in your situation it'd make a lot of sense. Small, light, quick and maneuverable past traffic jams and tight spots. If the road is completely blocked, well, that's what they're designed for - you don't need no stinkin' road.

    If you can do it get yourself a remote bug out location with like-minded others who own property around you. Begin forging alliances. Make sure it has a reliable water source that is not dependent on the grid.
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2017
  2. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

    You are in San Fernando? If you follow Brand Blvd up through Glendale to the end going north up towards the foothills there is a nice park there with a concentration camp on the other side of it. If TSHTF you may be spending some time in there. Yeah that's right, I said CONCENTRATION CAMP. Yes its active and was built in the last few years. Look into it and I'm sure you can find it.

    As for nice bug out locations there is a tunnel system under the race track at Santa Anita. Being in that area you need to know your ethnic neighborhoods. Make sure you blend in. Having been through the streets during the Watts riots you want to make sure you are in the right places and avoid the wrong ones especially during civil unrest/SHTF.

    There are also several entrances to the underground drainage system from the LA river to various parts of the city. If I recall correctly there is an entrance on the corner of Colorado Blvd and Figueroa that will take you all over. It is a good exit to know if you can make it there from other parts of the system. There is another entrance at the corner of Eagle Rock Blvd and Yosemite right where the Eagle Theater used to be that goes to Highland Park/Glassell Park and towards the hills. There is another entrance at the end of W Ave 40 just after you cross Delavan Dr. Jump the fence and there is a tunnel of to the right through the bushes. If you take these systems I have put chalk writing on the walls telling you how to get from place to place. Just follow the arrows.
    ED GEiN and Yard Dart like this.
  3. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    ED GEiN likes this.
  4. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    If they are building concentration camps in your area the time to bug out is now. Just like there is an enormous detention facility in my area that has never been used, and nobody ever buys to repurpose, even though the City keeps "trying" to sell it.

    In California you will need to greatly fear the Golden Horde when things break down. The people in the "Inland Empire" will start with plenty of resources but they will rapidly run out of the most important things due to the number of people consuming them. It will get hostile and deadly. Many will be forced to flee - that is the Golden Horde who will be forced to take whatever you have to survive. They might even want to eat you. Do not be along any of the major outlets of the population centers - I-15 to Las Vegas or I-80 to Reno There may be some parts of Northern California you could survive in, but I'd get the hell completely out of there, like to a state where you can buy the guns you will need. Think Idaho, some parts of Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Montana, Wyoming, Alaska, Eastern Washington... You can write off most of Oregon as it will soon be a soggy SoCal.

    If you absolutely need to live in SoCal and can't relocate, then slim down your footprint as much as possible and buy a place to bug out to and put the majority of your preps there. Plan to bug out with a minimum of gear/supplies to keep it quick and fast. I'd get an old style Jeep Cherokee.with that bombproof straight 6 to get me there. Handy as hell, 4WD, short turning radius, designed to be easy to work on, and they made it for so many years parts are everywhere and cheap. Somebody please tell me why I sold mine? Whenever things start to look dicey but you aren't sure, call in sick and go to a location where you can be ahead of traffic while you monitor the news while you camp out. Otherwise just take a short vacation and see what happens..

    You don't want or need a huge shelter at your bugout. Big attracts attention and you want to avoid that. Even with a bugout you won't be able to survive much on your own. Do you know any like minded you trust with your life to team up with?
  5. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    Any area that is publicly known, will likely be watched. woods, caves, mines, drainage ,river beds and so on.
    all large populated areas would likely have the highest levels of internal destruction/implosion .
    Be sure that all doors will be opened ,to prove nothing behind it is worth anything .
    Any sources of water will be exploited and the lure of assistance will draw the weak to the powers that be. and they will be encouraged with reward, to divulge any an all locations of others for the military to find.
    The greatest test of courage is the teen that has friends they cannot disconnect from ,and for the sake of belonging, get caught and shipped away even confessing where their parents are hidden. It's happened in the past , it will happen in the future.
    Loyalties will be at their greatest test.
    Especially with all the latest means of torture the military have at hand. Don't for a minuet think it is beyond them .
    ED GEiN likes this.
  6. ED GEiN

    ED GEiN Monkey+++

    Great idea of the open door policy. Never would have thought of that one!
  7. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    Some people have built below deck safe storage , and it seem prudent that if you can get below deck and dig ,maintaining the support of the home, and build a basement /shelter you'd be further ahead .
    Both a cooler place to store goods but a safe zone to hide in the event of home invasion .
    If you build with the anticipation of the house being burned down, your that much further ahead .
    3M-TA3 likes this.
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