I heard folks in Charlotte had a rough night

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by GhostX, Sep 22, 2016.

  1. Tempstar

    Tempstar Monkey+++

    Just like in Charleston after the church shooting, hordes poured in from afar to incite trouble, but the good folks in Charleston wouldn't have any of it.
    If you wanna protest, I'll stand overwatch and support you. Flash mobs and violence is not a protest. Today, they have a protest march scheduled, and I support it 100%. When you randomly take to the streets no matter your motive, you get lumped in with the rest. If the rest are rioting, you have the option of de-assing the area. Sorry DarkLight, anyone legit should have left. Anyone who stayed when the violence started was part of the problem.
    3M-TA3 likes this.
  2. GhostX

    GhostX Monkey

    If what they were protesting for made more sense, I think I would support them. But it's obvious to me that even the legitimate protesters are confused. BLM seems to be a movement that is trying to use racism as their excuse to protest but that is not the issue as much as the lack of a screening process and training for police. I agree 100% that there is an issue with police brutality in this country but as of right now, I don't believe it's focused on a specific minority. Maybe if black people continue rioting, looting and carrying out acts of discriminate violence against white people, it might become that. But white people are just as likely to be the victims of poorly screened and trained police as black people are. Don't get me wrong, I think there are cops who do their jobs the right way and will even bend the rules to give a person the benefit of the doubt. But there are also many cops who enjoy making other people's lives hell, just because they can. Some enjoy the power and dominance a little too much and there is very little that a citizen like you and me can do about it.

    I have a huge issue with people who think they are entitled to their superiority complexes. That's why I would support the group if it's mission was more clearly defined. If it was called ALM I would probably join. But it's not "All Lives Matter" it's "Black Lives Matter" as if black lives matter more than other lives or it's only black people who are being mistreated. That is the fatal flaw with the movement that needs to be corrected or the whole thing will go sliding back down hill, probably lower than they ever were before.
  3. Tempstar

    Tempstar Monkey+++

    Don't take supporting their right as agreeing with their cause. The BLM movement is the most in-your-face example of racism against whites in history. I spent 5 years working in a prison in N.C. At the time we had an 11% black population but inside the walls it was 88%. They were harder to manage, less prone to take orders, had to talk smack all of the time, and far more prone to violence. I would just as soon the BLM idiots march off into the ocean, with Sharpton and Jackson leading the way. Again, a peaceful protest gets my support. What these idiots do does not.
  4. GhostX

    GhostX Monkey

    There is a line between a peaceful protest and a riot. I've seen videos of how the "peaceful" side of things go with protesters marching right up to police and screaming at them about everything they don't like. It seems to be a little astray off the trail of how Martin Luther King conducted his protests. Maybe the problem is that there is no one as influential as MLK to guide people in the right direction with these protests.
    TXKajun likes this.
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