I have seen a lot of "prepper" topics, regarding when the SHTF. Here's one I have not.

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by Asia-Off-Grid, Jan 9, 2016.

  1. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    It just means that you only get to run the washing machine and electric shaver when the sun is shining....not when it may be just a little more convenient when the sun isn't shining. Solar will still have its uses even if battery storage becomes less readily available.
    T. Riley, kellory and chelloveck like this.
  2. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    I appreciate your knowledge and experience in these matters. Sometimes knowing what may be possible in working around a problem can be the difference between success and failure. Sometimes in relying on a box solution that no longer works as it comes out of the box, it can still be made to work with a little tinkering and bush mechanics. (y)
  3. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    Yep, that and a lifetime supply of magic smoke.
    Garand69 likes this.
  4. secondrecon

    secondrecon Monkey+++

    [sarc2]Yep Never let the smoke out
  5. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    We buy it in bulk.
  6. marlas1too

    marlas1too Monkey+++

    well where do i start --i grew up when we had candle or kero lamps -a hand water pump- outhouse- wood stove to cook on i was a teen before we had elect. so what do i need a battery for --like on heartbreak ridge-adapt' improvise;overcome learn to do without--as for battery’s just hook a bicycle to a car alternator and petal the battery to charge
  7. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    This is a Commonly Held, but Highly Impractical Idea.... It has been demonstrated, and documented, that even a World Class Bicyclist can only produce in the neighborhood of 100 Watts, operating such a device, for any reasonable length of time. (an Hour or so) At the end of the Test Run, it took the Fellow a Minimum of 6 hours to recover, from the exertion...
    chelloveck likes this.
  8. azrancher

    azrancher Monkey +++

    All the battery companies test their batteries with acid, if they then drain them for shipping, they probably don't rinse them so you can still get stultification on the plates, if you buy them dry, fill with distilled water and flush several times with fresh distilled.

    Just my $.02
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 19, 2016
  9. KAS

    KAS Monkey+++

    Auto zone Sella dry at batteries
  10. Dallanta

    Dallanta Monkey+

    Eventually the acid will slowly change chemical composition. No idea how long that is, but the acid will eventually be too weak to do much. That being said, it might last a 20 or 30 years
    Cruisin Sloth likes this.
  11. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    I suspect that many electronics will begin to diminish as well as batteries and solar charging . So the question is who can make a light bulb , or LED lights ,because in the very long run with out these there is very little use for electricity during a very long term disaster .
    I have spare electronics and lights in protection as well as spare solar and so on, but probably the more important skill might be in knowing how to make these things and or their components .
    We are a selfish, impatient, and lazy society, and are too busy to learn electronics and their repair.
    Making a battery is nothing by comparison, making a wind mill isn't rocket science , solar panels however are a more significant undertaking though they have existed over 100 years.
    I had a mind set, that if something could be made 50 years ago or more, there is no reason I shouldn't be able to make it my self.
    To that end, I learn how to do a lot of things, even if I don't have an immediate need for it.
    I know how to assemble some electronics and I'm fine with switching but making diodes and resisters is yet to be learned .
    If there were a particular electronics most critical in the future ,I would name it surveillance ,which is way over my head electronically, both cameras and receivers/displays.
    In the event of an EMP all would be lost unless spares are available cashed away , even so these will only last so long .
    Electric lighting is superrior to every other form illumination but what do you do when they are all burned out ?
    To assume manufacturing will continue as usual after a earth shaking cataclysmic event is over ,is the ultimate pipe dream.
    Concerning batteries , because I am on a battery system, using solar, and wind, and generator ,I intend to restore batteries ,recasting lead an zinc plates as needed.
    chelloveck and Cruisin Sloth like this.
  12. Kingfish

    Kingfish Self Reliant

    I plan on using power tools and such to get me ready for hand tools and such. That electric grinder buts a nice edge on the axes the chain saws cut wood until they run out of gas. My plan is for limited power for at least 10 years. After that Ill do what I have to to cut wood and till.
  13. Asia-Off-Grid

    Asia-Off-Grid RIP 11-8-2018

    This "we" wasn't. I'm sure some of you other folks here - probably most in fact, weren't either. Unfortunately, I guess the days of Radio Shack and Heathkit are going by the waist-side. So, you probably are right, in that people nowadays are lazier than previous generations.
  14. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    When Radio Shack is more concerned with selling phones than stocking resistors potentiometers, then yes, we techs buy a new component, and tell RS to [kissit]
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2016
  15. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    I've saved some old electronics to scavenge parts , it's not the best avenue knowing that it's not only one component that fails.
    Modern technology has gone so far over my head ,unless your working in the manufacturing , there is no way to duplicate the manufacturing in a primitive setting .
    I have lived with candles and kerosene lamps ,and the fire danger and smoke are a serious sacrifice, and no good if you must venture out doors with them.
    Though making alcohol and lamps is relatively easy, they are still a live flame and not as efficient a light as electricity .
    BY the way , those of you that intend on using generators should consider spare parts both for the engine and the generator it's self.
    Diodes may well be lost in an EMP or Carrington event , or simply over time and use.
    Be ware to that often the armature can get glazed over so the brushes do not make proper contact just from setting in a humid atmosphere . fine sand paper can remove that glaze.
    Put a good volt ohm meter or 2 or 6 away as well as other test equipment these will be critical diagnosing problems.
    chelloveck and Asia-Off-Grid like this.
  16. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    Sorry it doesn't work that way. That was my plan too.
    Turns out the glue, if you could call it that used to hold the lead oxide together on the plates degrades over time. Air is actually bad for this glue, so to protect the lead oxide plates they are wetted with acid to protect them even in "dry batteries".
    The battery being dry is actually bad for the oxide plates. As far as I can tell they are shipped dry to save on hazmat and remove the possibility of leaks.
    It is recommended that the battery not be left dry for more than 6 months before use.

    Even the non consumable oxide plates can break down and fail.
    If you want a battery that will last 20-30 years, go nickel iron.

    I have recovered Lead from old batteries by breaking them open. It is a very toxic dangerous stupid thing to do, I highly do not recommend doing it unless as a last resort. Tip: the top doesn't come off as easy as you think it would.
    When you smelt the recovered battery internals you are burning off sulfuric acid, Calcium metal, maybe some mercury, bits of plastic, smelting creates sulfur dioxide from lead sulfate which turns back into sulfuric acid on contact with any moisture (humidity or body fluids in lungs) and produce god only knows what else in that smoke coming off the smelter.
    Asia-Off-Grid likes this.
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