Shame on them for paying attention to the shiny ball and not what the magician is doing with the other hand......
Lol ok boys (not gender specific boys) lol Can we just blame the right people please. Spineless leaders? With no honor and no concept of 'the buck stops here' you may not like the man but when a man honor his word as himself I have nothing but respect for the man We don't have leaders anymore. We have popularity seekers
Yeah, there are a LOT I'd like to peel like a banana too. I look over the current crop of Republicrats and I am waiting to see ANY of them grow a spine. They run like scared sheep from EVERYTHING! "The negro in the White House" sent Rubio/Paul and who else running when Bundy was getting his prize cattle run to death in the desert. Yeah, real leadership there! The Republicrats saved Obummer Care when the Demonrats (yes, that is spelled correctly, why?) bailed on it. The Council Of Concerned Citizens (about as mild a group as you can find) gave the local/state/Congresscritter fools $1000 each and now that they are "caught" they are giving the money away! WTF! Do none of them have a set of 'nads? Are we expected to believe they will grow a set AFTER they are elected? Some of these people have been in for years and they wet themselves at $1000 and being "exposed"! SPINELESS!
Just curious which way you peel your bananas. Do you snap the neck off and peel the skin away from there or do you start at the other end, yank it open, and peel towards the neck?