A study from USC shows the migrants are not fleeing anything- (https://www.americanthinker.com/blo...rant_caravan_not_about_escaping_violence.html) Except that it's not violence that's being fled, it's the wages of being uneducated, low-skilled and wanting more. Plus the big banquet of U.S. bennies, it's always all about the bennies. Such people, as I noted yesterday, are very costly to the U.S. when they are admitted as refugees and asylees, forcing us to shell out $8.8 billion, or an $80,000 free ride per asylee. Most of these guys aren't going to get asylum, as the latest data show, but 9% will, and even that suggests some corner-cutting, given that Central America is composed of countries recognized as democracies. The Washington Times notes that the surge in asylum claims is based on word getting out that the system can be gamed. Immigrant-rights activists say the Central Americans are asylum-seekers fleeing horrific gang violence and government indifference back home. They point to murder-rate statistics as key evidence for the “push factor.” The Trump administration, though, argues that the “pull factors” of family already in the U.S., the chance for better jobs ,and the low risks of being turned back are more important. The new report, which was submitted to the Homeland Security Department, which supported the research, said there’s mixed evidence on violence being a factor, but said the evidence on the pulls is more clear. And the researchers put data behind what analysts have long guessed: migrants from Central America appear to have figured out how to navigate U.S. humanitarian laws to their own benefit. What's more, applying for asylum is the only cost-free way of applying to get into the U.S. As 91% of these migrants get their claims thrown out, failing to show up (and amazing 40% failing to even file) most are free to move about the country and hold jobs, which was the whole idea in the first place. Don't just close the door - weld it shut.
(Census confirms: 63 percent of ‘non-citizens’ on welfare, 4.6 million households) Census confirms: 63 percent of ‘non-citizens’ on welfare, 4.6 million households A majority of “non-citizens,” including those with legal green card rights, are tapping into welfare programs set up to help poor and ailing Americans, a Census Bureau finding that bolsters President Trump’s concern about immigrants costing the nation. In a new analysis of the latest numbers, from 2014, 63 percent of non-citizens are using a welfare program, and it grows to 70 percent for those here 10 years or more, confirming another concern that once immigrants tap into welfare, they don’t get off it. Over 50% of the FEd Gov budget is for 'entitlements' - and growing.
American Thinker had another great article about the caravan. Seems they did not expect Trump to stand his ground so now: https://www.americanthinker.com/blo...nizers_dump_migrants_flee_responsibility.html And now the people that were sold a dream have woke up and learned that these people lied and used them. There will not be a free and easy path to living in America.
Nice assessment in that article MM . I hope Mexico finds the organizers and throws them in one of their prisons . That may stop those caravans from forming the next time .
the entire caravan BS was totally politically inspired >>>> these agitator activists wanted black eye the countries in Central America and create tension between them and Mexico & the US - specifically give Prez Trump trouble in any number of decisions that were made ... as it seems now - the current caravan is busting up - good chance others still pushing north will re-consider - future attempts won't get the numbers they did this time .... Shumer and Pelosi have an appointment with Prez Trump this week to talk $$$$$$$$$ for The Wall >>>> currently budgeted at $1.5B - I figure $3B+ after the discussion - The People want The Wall and want immigration reform - better get humping ....
Chuckie .& Pelosie will NEVER give Trump that kind of victory, no matter what the sheeple say... They can’t afford to mess with the feelings of their base... They must be as obstructive as possible, or they lose their base...