I enjoy that show as well.. Note to self... Pick up the DVD's of the shows.. I find that blurry stuff distracting.. Since they have to evac some of those people illestrates just how serious survival has to be taken. Seems most are evac'd for reasons of their own making, at least the shows I have seen..
So there's some consensus that shows like Grylls have are more entertainment than survival guide. One thing I did pickup on was the food. I ask the question of my fellow preppers, would you rather be eating like Bear and his gang in the picture or grinding wheat with a rock? Exaggerated choices for sure but having "appetizing" fare to eat can ease a lot of pain if TSHTF.
Surviving is eating anything that will put some calories in your gut.. You just need to know what is edibal Before you find yourself in a survival situation.. Practice sure wont hurt none .. There is where the TV shows fall down.. No practicale examples of how to obtain food..