How the police can be a pain in your backside.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by cschattner, Dec 12, 2015.

  1. fedorthedog

    fedorthedog Monkey+++

    They will attempt to keep the complainant redacted if they can. The complaint request needs to be in the form of a public records request. They can charge you for the coping so ask for it on disk, this costs less. You may find that the sheriff says he does not have the record. That will be the case if the call /dispatch center is independent. You will then need to make the records request there.
    Gator 45/70, chelloveck and BTPost like this.
  2. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    As there are many farms; I would request a copy of the ordnance requiring insulation and electricity. I'd also speak with a magistrate, who knows the law.
    Gator 45/70, chelloveck and kellory like this.
  3. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    Our monkey is relocating to a new jungle and probably wants this behind her as soon as possible. A year from now she will be in a happier location and her old neighbor will still be frustrated unhappy asshats.
    Gator 45/70 and chelloveck like this.
  4. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    She should keep the property as a manure dump. ( for composting of course)
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  5. Tackleberry

    Tackleberry Krieg Hündchen

    Here is some practical advice:

    1. Post your property with 'NO TRESSSPASSING' signs. Don't get the crazy-goofy 'no-cops' signs, simply post your land with normal signs in several observable locations. Put up hidden trail cams to catch them (your neighbors) with photos for a criminal complaint of your own.

    2. The laws vary state to state with regard to the local LE agency disclosing who complainants are. You should at a minimum ask for copies of the complaint. These will at least give you some insight to the tactics your antagonist is using.

    3. Don't make enemies with your local LE by telling them what they can and can't do. Nor should you kiss their behind and buy them things. They have a job to do, policies to follow and should not be put into a position of getting into trouble for accepting a gratuity. Additionally, LE in many areas can trespass regardless of signage as long as they do not enter the curtilage of your home without a warrant; don't shoot the messenger here.

    4. Do make an appointment with the Sheriff himself and raise your concerns. Be respectful and explain how you feel about the matter.

    5. Narrow down who the antagonist is and start nit-picking them. Give them a taste of their own medicine with the complaints, just make sure you are truthful.
    3cyl, Gator 45/70, kellory and 2 others like this.
  6. cschattner

    cschattner Monkey

    Well we cleaned up 99% of everything and tomorrow my base is letting me store the last of my stuff at my units building.
    I lost a lot of money in the stuff we tossed by oh well. Tomorrow I am also going to look at some apartments I can move into soon so back to that nightmare.
    I am moving on, if they want to be stuck up jerks let someone with the same attitude move in so they can be one happy jerk filled neighborhood.
    pearlselby likes this.
  7. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    Chin up...onwards, upwards and forwards. An expensive and painful learning experience for sure....

    I'm reminded of the military axiom..."Effective reconnaissance is seldom wasted". Your next exercise in securing a place away from base will be with eyes truly opened and widened. :)
  8. cschattner

    cschattner Monkey

    yep definitely wider eyes.
    chelloveck likes this.
  9. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    I'd look for land zoned RVs or campers acceptable. Often, the problem will be distance from where you are located.
  10. cschattner

    cschattner Monkey

    I think that is fairly far out from the twin cities area.
  11. GeneC

    GeneC Monkey+

    Late to the party but my thoughts: So you are in the military and decided to buy some undeveloped land. You put a horse and donkey on there before even a house ( what's the old saying , "Don't put your horse before the house,,,,er cart). You didn't have a shelter for the animals and you wonder why the neighbors complained? Btw is that land zoned for livestock? The first thing we looked at when choosing our place was that it was zoned for livestock. Also, in MOST places, you have to get a permit to build. Knowing all the local ordinances is a responsibility
    Anyway, being in the military, that should be your first priority, imo.
  12. tc556guy

    tc556guy Monkey+++

    First of all, "the police" are the agency of last resort for complaints of this sort.
    People call us after hours, on weekends, etc because the SPCA only has its on-call person respond to verified time-critical emergencies. In the Towns that use some animal welfare provider other than the SPCA, good luck getting them to come out at all.
    So we get called. No one told me when I took this job how often I'd be chasing livestock. Some farmers can't understand the concept of fences making good neighbors.

    I grew up raising horses, goats, had your typical domestic animals as well and neighbors who raised commercial dairy herds, etc.
    That being said, I've had a chance to see how some people take care of domestic animals, horses, goats, sheep etc. Last one was a poor horse tied off to a tree in winter weather with no water or feed. No shelter other than what was overhead from the trees. You talk about state MINIMUM requirements. When it comes to animals, my take on it is to shoot for something more than the minimum, especially when it comes to a part of the nation that's a four season location.

    Neighbors in your case might be legitimately concerned for what they perceive to be poor care of the animal(s). Don't fault them; they're being good neighbors. They don't want some ramshackle shed to boot? Not surprising.

    If you're in the military you must be keeping yourself up to military grooming standards while working, but maybe your off-duty time has you looking more like Jeremiah Johnson. If so, think about how that comes off to neighbors.
  13. cschattner

    cschattner Monkey

    Way late to the party guys. I have up and left over a year ago.
    Decided to walk away and try again with more financial backing and a better plan.

    Still have the horse but he is in boarding, sold the donkey and went back to renting an apartment.
    I figured out that the stress from a job I despised, military requirements and the nutcase neighbors was causing my view to be skewed in the perception of what was going on.
    I switched to a new career and I am much happier and more relaxed verses trying to live up to everyone's expectations in the career I had. 3 years wasted being miserable in my old job.

    Oh well we all have to start somewhere I just started out of the gate wrong.
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