It is just foolish to no have at least a basic level of things laid back for whatever crisis might arise. I don't prepare for the end of society. I do because you never know what curve ball life is going to throw you. The biggest major threat where I am is the New Madrid Fault line and all the little fault lines that branch off of it....... one of those little fault lines runs pretty much under my place. At worst if the NMF line rips I will get some serious shaking. It is all the area damage from the main fault line ripping that would cause the SHTF in a pretty good size region. I believe FEMA Estimated the number of dead in a 1800s level quake today would be 4 million with pretty much every river town from STL to Memphis wiped from the map. But I digress as usual........... the bulk of the dead would not be from injury, not from mobs, not from starvation or disease.......... The bulk of those millions would die from dehydration while waiting for someone to save them. Pretty much every bridge, overpass and piece of 50-60 year old infrastructure would be wiped out. Given the fact that the fault line is either due or a bit over due in going off.............. seems to me keeping a few cases of bottled water and cases of canned food in a closet would just be a good idea. Prepping at the most basic level that if rationed and used wisely would get you through a few weeks. Of course in preparing for localized disasters most of that carries over to being prepared for Major National level SHTF events.
I can see by the pole , the I already knew the lifestyle because my grandparents lived it and I spent plenty of time with them growing up. But I didn’t really wake up till my daughter was born and found out she needed diapers and food everyday. That put a crimp in my drinking days.
It’s going to be bad because,no out houses,no radio,no smokehouse,no home canning,no garden,no water wells,no animals for food,no friendly neighbors,no doctor house calls,no way to travel when gas runs out,no electricity,no fancy telephones,no government to call on,no knowledge on how to do all of this and that is just a few. The word NO will kill quite a few, The good old days,I miss them don’t you?
If the S does ever HTF, I ain't walking anywhere. My '65 Dodge better work or I'm staying put and that will NOT do, not in this communist pit. Bicycle for me might work, for the wife - not so much.
Screw that defeatist shit. I prep not so much to assure my wife or I survive, but to be sure our daughter survives. I am ultimately expendable, she is not. I am part of my prepping plan for her. I am her force multiplier. I bring the skills and talents for things she hasn’t lived long enough to learn. I need to survive to insure to the extent possible she does. We lost one daughter, it is a life mission to not lose both before I slip the bonds of earth. It’s really just that simple. AT
Amen to that. My daughter is fixing to have her first child , and their survival is the ultimate goal.
Survival and preparedness are lifestyles that have almost nothing to do with how old a person is. I think Vietnam was my greatest awakening, however, being raised very poor, I had to learn most of the basics quite young. I'm actually quite well off today by average standards, however, I live a rather frugal lifestyle even if I might not need to. As I said above, it's a lifestyle.
34 years experience at being 34, and I'm not getting any younger. Dad shared his history with me as well as many other older men in my youth bombarded with preparedness issues, as well as the failures of friends and family . I was encouraged to learn wisdom ,both from my parents and faith based teachers, and not make the blunders they did . Of course the preparedness that matters most is eternal .
I'm only 49... But I did make my students laugh with : "Back when I was a kid , I couldn't play Rock , Paper , Scissors..." "Why not...?" " 'Cause paper and scissors , hadn't been invented yet.... " Andy
That's ok , Say Dictaphone and you get snickers from kids and frowns from the middle-aged. Edison invented the Dictaphone , a recording device an executive used for recording dictation . It worked on the same premise as the Victrola only in reverse . sound drove a diaphragm with a needle on it that drove the vibrations against a waxed tube about the size and shape of a toilet paper tube which turned at a specific speed governed like a music box or wind up clock . His secretary would listen and write at her own speed. this was the early phonograph. I have 2 wind ups here at home as well as some 78 RPM records