"How much does that pill cost in Canada?" Part II

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Bandit99, Jul 11, 2017.

  1. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    Fact is, CN was supporting England, not the US so what is your point?

    As to the Formula, Deals were brokered between US and CN to allow production in CN of the Drugs.

    Ask your brother how many Operational Subs CN has.

    FWIW, US Trained Air Men gave up their commissions and fought the Germans with.
    The English,
    The Canadians
    The Free Polish Air Force.

    And let's not forget the Flying Tigers were an all Volunteer Group fighting the Japanese.

    And yes some of those Americans died in defense of another nation at the risk of all.
    That was History 101 in my Middle School.

    Last edited: Jul 13, 2017
  2. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    How a little-known patent sparked Canada’s deadly opioid crisis

    How a little-known patent sparked Canada’s opioid crisis
    The untold story of how a single pill sparked Canada’s opioid crisis, and ignited one of the biggest pharmaceutical battles in Canadian history
  3. Mindgrinder

    Mindgrinder Karma Pirate Ninja|RIP 12-25-2017

    #1 Who are you protecting us from? Your enemies? We don't have any.
    #2 "we own all the drug ideas, copyrights and patents" - you sound like a liberal. I dont owe you anything.
    #3 The Arrow was canceled in part due to pressure from USA, then you took our engineers to make your own.
    #4 America is responsible for almost ALL war related suffering in the world today. There ARE NO OTHER COUNTRIES ACTIVELY ATTACKING OTHERS EXCEPT YOU!
    #5 You have your hands in EVERY countries pocket, you overthrow other govs for BUSINESS purposes, you're the only country to ever USE a nuke, your population is fat and stupid, you elect actors (trump included) and you are more corrupt than even the worst middle east or communist country.

    Get off your high horse yankee....some day someone will knock you off it...hard.

    Last edited: Jul 14, 2017
  4. Mindgrinder

    Mindgrinder Karma Pirate Ninja|RIP 12-25-2017

    Ya sure...seems to me you're the one with the "entitlement complex."
    Please DO educate me on what exactly Canada owes you?
    Please DO educate me on who you're defending me from? Russia? LOL.

    Also...consider this thread....one of your countrymen..(a fellow Serviceman no less) comes here to get a better deal on his meds...and you chastise him for it? You'll notice the 2 Canadians in this thread were welcoming and kind hearted....
    If this was mexicans coming to america to have free babies or something you might have a point...

    I actually like you most of the time HK - but on this one...you're wrong.
    *edit* cussin removed
    Brokor edit: Fixed a grammatical error. Lucky nobody was calling anybody a name, or else they would have been embarrassed.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 14, 2017
  5. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Yeah, I am not getting this either @HK_User . You are saying connect the dots but it's like you are off your meds or something...

    What I am trying to show, taking it from A to Z, and keeping comparisons as close as possible, is that Americans citizens are being exploited, and have been for years, decades even. While the Boys and Girls on the Hill look for a perfect solution which of course there isn't one...if there were all the other first-world countries would have it by now...And, you're excusing them!?!? You are bringing up planes and trains and bygone wars which make no sense, in fact, it is nonsense. And, using that as a excuse, a reason for 500-600% increase in cost?!?!. But, these things have no effect on the price of rice in China nor on the price of medicine in America...

    And, these dots you're talking about do not connect and there are no excuses or reasons for what is happening...except our representatives and ourselves have allowed this to happen and continue on. Think about it. There is no damn reason an International company (which all drug companies are now international) can sell their medicine in a first-world country for 'X' dollars while they sell it for a 500%+ markup in a neighboring first-world country, same medicine, same pharmacy. Face it - there isn't! Except the obvious - they can and they do and they laugh themselves silly on their way to the bank. Hell, they have shown they can sell their product for a reasonable price and still make a profit by selling it in Canada so...?

    "I apologize if my attempt to educate you on world trade deals/treaties is not palatable."
    Please, by all means, educate me. I looked forward to the lesson at your earliest convenience.

    "I see you have taken the Liberals Magic Kool Aid."
    Yeah, whatever... But, this has not a damn thing to do with Liberal or Conservative, Yankee or Canuck, Democrat or Republican... It has to do with ripping off Americans and that pisses me off. Fact is, I now suspect you to be drinking Kool Aid or something stronger and of being of the Liberal persuasion and your rebuttal is nothing but a ruse (besides being nonsense), a misdirection, to keep us off the real topic. Nice job BTW... Oh, and I don't drink Kool-Aid. Scotch. First cabinet, top shelf...

    @Mindgrinder "...and you are more corrupt than even the worst middle east or communist country."
    Ain't that the damn truth...But, in our defense, we are starting to wake up. I hope...
    Mindgrinder likes this.
  6. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    I believe we should be working hard to tear apart our healthcare system instead of tearing each other apart. Getting meds and medical care from other countries has been happening for a while. I just had this discussion and I believe we can't go back to a time when medicine was affordable and I don't know what the solution is.
  7. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    @HK_User "I do not need to listen to someone that states that they are entitled to free drugs, just to smooth out their day."
    Frankly, I am advocating reasonably priced medicine not free medicine. And, it is not a narcotic but a popular blood thinner called Xarelto (there is no generic btw). It is now used in place of many others because the others have permanent nasty side effects (like leeching calcium from your bones) and one's diet does not effect it unlike the others. So, if that is what you call 'smoothing out my day'...

    My point in this post was to show the disparity being medicine prices in Canada and medicine prices in America and I think we have achieve it. So let's try to get back on topic or I am going to asked MM34 to lock this post...

    I think it is important to realize the fact that a special Bill is being considered to allow the US to purchase medicine from Canada instead fixing our own problem. Why would we do that unless they realize that the problem cannot be fixed due to powerful lobbyists and big money? Just a thought but I am open to opinions...

    I started this post because I was put in a horrid situation. I must have these pills for without them - well - bad things are going to happen. While I am financially much better off than most there is no way I could consistently afford an extra ~$5500 per year. And, I certainly cannot afford Health Insurance that cost me ~$1200-$1500 a month (for 2 people) with a $14,000 deductible. So, what's to be done? Due to my experience overseas, a question kept ringing in my head, "Is that the true cost of the medicine or a brutally, bloat price specifically for America?" I found the answer.

    I have come to the sad conclusion that in order to have reasonably priced Health Care that we will need government intervention. There is no other way in a Free Market system to control the cost. My simple example has shown the huge disparity. The Canadian system and others while might not be perfect shows that for the most part their citizens are receiving reasonable care at a reasonable cost. We cannot even come close to claiming the same. Health Insurance has become a bane of our society for one cannot even live here legally without it. The reasoning behind this the overall cost of Health Care is so exorbitant that they need more money from each and every citizen. And, it is not going to stop...
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2017
  8. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Americans also pay these taxes you mention. My state has a sale tax plus even the cities and county can have sale taxes and loads of special taxes. For example, I recently purchase a woodstove and had it commercial installed. In order to complete the process and ensure that if I ever want to sell the house, I had to have the Country Inspector come check it out and the permit for this cost me $65 - a tax by a different name and color. But, yes, your Cost-of-Living is higher which probably also has to do with many variables, such as, the size of your country compared to population and, of course, your Health Care system. However, if I understand it correctly, the cost of medicine in your country is 'regulated' - meaning - if companies want to sell their product in Canada then they can do so at a specified rate. The US government also does this (seen in first-hand) with government contracts where they will purchase a product or service at a specific profit point, for example, 14% over cost to produce it. They want the contract then this is what they will get paid but the size of the contract is huge so they still make a ton of money. Your Health Care system allows the government to do this and by doing so rein-in price gouging that could occur, which is happening in America. So, if Pharmaceutical Companies want to play in Canada then they must play fair. I find it funny that our health care is so hosed that rather than fix it ourselves we are making a special Bill to benefit from your solution - yet - the lobbyists and opposition keep waving the flag and touting the horrors of your system. LOL! Priceless!

    So, when you say, "We get subsidized meds and health care" that is a true statement if you're are on the government health care system but not exactly true if you are on a private system. Nevertheless, because of the government system, Drug companies are forced to play fair in Canada and the private system also reaps the rewards from it. This is why I was able to purchase medicines much cheaper. I guess what I trying to say is I purchased no 'subsidized' medications. They were simply fairly priced. And, frankly, that is what has me so pissed off...
  9. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    I fear that this thread has gone well off the rails with a whose is bigger sort of back and forth and is due for a purging of irrelevancies. Seems to me that some post editing is due by the originators, or staff will do it for you. Trouble with staff doing it is that some relevant content will be lost.
    Bandit99 likes this.
  10. mysterymet

    mysterymet Monkey+++

    Also US consumers bear the brunt of the R&D costs. Someone has to otherwise R&D is not coat effective to do. I think the drug companies should spread out those costs in all markets that they operate in.
  11. Imasham

    Imasham Monkey

    MG...this is actually quite interesting to me because I had heard of horror stories like this (of which I am sure there are a few actual ones) but this wasn't my experience. I had a recent experience with renal cell carcinoma which is a fancy name for kidney cancer that I'll share.

    I went from the very initial symptom in mid April, to my GP, to ultrasound, to CT scan, to kidney specialist, to the surgeon consult and then to major surgery itself at the end of May...all of this within six weeks. And of that six weeks, three of them were spent waiting between my initial surgeon consultation and my surgery date itself. I'll grant that my situation may have been quite serious so things may have been a little speedier as a result but even accounting for that it went reasonably well. I live in a small town so other than my GP visit, all of these tests and visits and consults, as well as the surgery itself itself, involved traveling to Lethbridge and/or Calgary. I have no experience with Manitoba Health but I am sure happy with Alberta Health Services.
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2017
    Bandit99, Mindgrinder and BTPost like this.
  12. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Oh, boy. It just keeps getting better and better in 'Murica.
    Bandit99 and Mindgrinder like this.
  13. Mindgrinder

    Mindgrinder Karma Pirate Ninja|RIP 12-25-2017

    I'm glad to read that you kicked the C....with that being said - you are correct aboot the horror stories and I can share 1. My in-law is a Registered Nurse and blew her knee out pretty bad. It took over a year before surgery because it wasn't life-threatening. It was quite annoying because one of the tests (MRI i think) could be done NEXT DAY for a dog/cat but apparently not for the queue of humans. Keep in mind - she WORKS at the hospital where it was performed and was off work / modified duties for a substantial time towards the end and still couldn't get it sped up. They put thought to going to the States to get the tests/scans done but she's a tough gal and decided the $ would be better spent on newborn family. Anyway - story had a happy ending.

    As far as taxes/costs go...absolutely we "pay" for it one way or another. Here in BC I actually pay a monthly Medical Services Plan (MSP) fee. $65/month because I make more than $30k/year(or whatever the scaleable cut off is) + my employer pays for exceptional "extended" benefits. (100% dental, private room if ever hospital etc) I'm sure it's not cheap for my employer...but this is a scenario where collective bargaining worked and ended up reasonable. It's the same with .gov purchasing bulk meds. A person on Social Assistance (welfare) in ANY Province does not get brand name med script if there is a generic alternative...but where it really matters is when whatever the problem is LIFE THREATENING. That person on Social Assistance will get the same treatment as I would (with the exception of a private room).
    This is where it really matters to me. I'm a Capitalist - i guess - but when it comes to life/death or truly essential services, doing the right thing and healing them is "by any means, at any cost".

    "How much have you got to spend?" - is NOT how that conversation should start.
    It's horrific for me to think of an American having to sell their house to pay for chemo.
    Transgender sex change? No - i'm not ok with my tax $ going to this operation or an abortion either for that matter but it is what it is. Cancer? Yes. AIDS drugs? Grrr...fine ok. When weed is legal next year? HELL NO.

    The profit motive "price as high as the market will bare #becauseShareholders" fails when lives are lost for fiat fueled casino stock market. Similarly, I'm sure my GP Doctor makes much much less than his comparable US counterpart. My shrink probably makes aboot the same as a US Doc. ($180-$250/hr). My dentist certainly makes comparable amounts to his US counterpart and many Canadians have no dental coverage at all. It certainly not covered for people on welfare with the exception of extractions that are infected.

    ugh...i'm well into "too long didnt read" here.
    Bandit99 likes this.
  14. Mindgrinder

    Mindgrinder Karma Pirate Ninja|RIP 12-25-2017

  15. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Corporations and government = bad things happen.
    And when the corporations become the government?
    There's no end to the corruption and greed.
    Cruisin Sloth likes this.
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