This morning, I blended Kauai medium roast with Ka`u dark roast. It came out delicious. But I wanted to give you a visual tale of two beanies... They grow em bigger and badder in Ka`u, like Kamehameha. It was close to half half. The lone Ka`u warrior bean on top was for contrast. The rest of his buddies were under as they jumped the grinder blades first.
*sigh* I am a ruined man. We always open our gifts on Christmas Eve. Among our wondrous presents was one of the more humble Keurig coffee makers. We had one at work for a week......then it broke....and it made pretty decent coffee. And here one shows up under the tree. I brought it into the kitchen, set it up, flushed a couple of cups of plain water thru and then made a 10 oz cup of 8 o'clock coffee. Put in a nice splash of heavy whipping cream, a couple of truvia packets and WOWZERS!!!! Move over Timmy! (Horton, that is). This was an outstanding cup of coffee! Sweetie ran a cup of hot chocolate thru, added in a touch of heavy cream and she was highly impressed. Over the next few days we'll be experimenting with some different brands and flavors, including some Tim Horton's. Merry Christmas indeedy! Kajun
I got three jars of instant...still hoping saint nick'll drop by some "adult flavoring compound" when he swings by later. Not getting my hopes up. Ha. Seriously, though, 20oz of Pampa Instant with a heavy pinch of dark brown sugar and a shot/shot and a half or Disarono makes for a fine cup of sipping liquid what the mood strikes to kick back for a few. I'm as game sitting in front of the computer as I am sitting out a downpour in lean-to (which I find relaxing).
Amazon carries it, Tully. We brought ours back with us last year when we made a very cold winter trip up there. I tried some today on our new little Keurig, using the brew-your-own coffee holders. I used 1.5 T and 10 oz water and it turned out too weak. Gonna try 1.5 T coffee and the 6 oz water setting next. And Merry Christmas to all you coffee drinkers over here! Kajun
@AxesAreBetter I like good instant coffee too when I just want one cup. What brand do you use? The walmart generic isn't too bad
I don't do instant which means we drink a lot of coffee.. The two latest top of the current list are a peaberry and a Costa Rican. Most all commonly available coffees are Arabica; the difference in taste is where they are grown. There is also Coffee Caneflora aka Robusta bean. If you're drinking instant; you're drinking Robusta. 10 differences Between Robusta & Arabica Coffee
That explains a lot. I generally am a sucker for the bitter end of the flavor spectrum. I don't remember if I mentioned it, but on a whim, I added some dark brown sugar to mine the other day. I have always dranken mine black, I picked up drinking it Irish (with brandy/whiskey) after picking up a nasty bug that I couldn't shake. The Disaronno with the d.b. sugar is amazing.
I think the biggest difference is smell. Robust has a stronger coffee smell. Arnica while it tastes better doesn't have that coffee smell as strongly as robust neans
I personally am not much of a fan of regular coffee. Never been able to pin one down I liked for more than a cup or two.
As black as the heart of a mother in law who is a tax assessor. Strong enough to float a horseshoe. Temp doesn't matter. (No Foo-Foo drinks for me.) Remember, latest research says that at least 4 cups per day reduces the chance of Diabetes II, Alzheimers, Heart Attacks, colon, liver and kidney cancers and improves your outlook on life.
Add 3 squares Raw or Hasslachers chocolate, 2 pinches cinnamon, 2T butter or coconut oil and 1/3c Double cream & depending on mood, maybe some coconut sugar. Oh and leave out the coffee. does nothing for me
Irish coffee... one of the worlds perfect foods, because it contains all four major food groups: caffiene, sugar, fat and alcohol.