How did you make yourself stronger today?

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by SeptemberMage, Nov 17, 2008.

  1. Quantrill

    Quantrill Monkey++

    I ran 7 miles in one hour with no breaks today. I started my cardio regimen last Feb. I started off with the elliptical trainer and stationary bike at first. It takes time to build up to this stuff, just start slowly and build up.

    I have lost 45 lbs. doing this, I am now in better shape than I have ever been in my life. Heck, I even got my wife's brother to go with me so I can share the suffering with someone.

    I really need to start doing a weight lifting program as well but, I really needed to get some weight off. A slow target is an easy target. Priorities you know.

    I don't want to look like Arnold. I want to be cut/lean. I am not fat now but I am not super muscular either.

    Any advice on a weight training program for this goal?
  2. Wild Trapper

    Wild Trapper Pirate Biker

    Thanks for the inspiration folks. I never do good in the winter at watching my diet, especially this time of year. My over weight doctor at the VA told me I was fat. I said, "well, I weigh 12#'s less at home in my skivvies." But, truth be told, I need to back away from the snacks. Rarely do I over eat at a meal, it's everything I eat after my evening meal.

    I did find the strength and stamina to go deer hunting this year. I do that every year, not planning on actually shooting a deer thus, not worrying about what I would do if I actually even saw a deer to shoot at. Go along for the ride, I guess! This year I must have gone to the wrong place, because this deer came out about 50 yds away and stood there waiting to see what I was and what I was going to do about it. So, I finally got my gun up and shot. Got him! he died very quickly, but not before he flopped around, down hill about 50-100 feet. Steep incline!

    I'm old and didn't get very excited, after all, in the back of my head was the thought, "You gonna have to drag that thing back up this hill!" So, to lighten the load, I removed the innards. Then I pulled, "OMG", this thing didn't look that big when he was just standing there staring at me. So, I pulled, think it was 10 feet. Stop and rest, can't have heart failure just over a 8 point buck. It took me what seemed like hours to get him and me back to my truck the whole hundred or so yards to the top. Once to the top, I was all back in shape and pulled it all the rest of the way with stopping only once at the road. Old guys are tough!
  3. dutterman

    dutterman Monkey++

    shoulders and treadmill in the Gym yesterday and P90x chest and back workout today
  4. poacher

    poacher Monkey+++ Founding Member

    Well unfortunately as the old saying goes it's not the years it's how ya spent em is true. My knees are shot. Tried running and made it a whopping three laps around the Y's track before my knees were hurting. So after talking with my doc I started walking. I was down to a 13 min. mile, which, for walking isn't too bad. My theory is that if it comes down to it those that can sustain a good walking speed will do well.
    Now that being said. I haven't been to the Y for quite some time so I need to get my butt back in there. Since I haven't been there for ages I will once again be starting off slowly and not getting to mad over the fact that I let myself go.
    Oh well the journey of a 1000 miles starts with just one step.

    Take care Be safe Poacher.
  5. enough

    enough Monkey++

    I'm on day 26 of 100 straight days of running. I'm doing okay, but feeling the effects of some tendon overuse. The core/ab workouts are going great and I think I'll actually increase the numbers again to 300 per day.

    I'm happy to see some new folks reporting in. Congrats on the venison trapper! :)
  6. Tacman

    Tacman "We The People"

    My perfect pushups came in today. I am taking them to my office in the morning. I do a set of push-ups every hour when I am stuck in the office. The perfect pushups work by allowing your hands to rotate and giving you clearance to really stretch your chest on the down position.
  7. enough

    enough Monkey++

    Gotta bump this one back up. Nothing since new years!?!?!?!

    I'm still on my 100 day running odyssey. Its been ... interesting.

    I've been eating a lot better lately, and I've dropped 7 unwanted pounds. I still have a few to go.

    What have you folks been up to?
  8. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer

    Congratulations to all the fitness motivated monkeys and their recent disciplined success's..
    you know the rest...
  9. Tracy

    Tracy Insatiably Curious Moderator Founding Member

    I used this:
    <object width="425" height="344">

    <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></object>
  10. CRC

    CRC Survivor of Tidal Waves | RIP 7-24-2015 Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Doesn't everyone do that every day, Tracy??? [peep]

    :lol: [lolol] [rofllmao]
  11. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Uhh--. Ahhhh---. Guess I'll just pass on that one ---

  12. CRC

    CRC Survivor of Tidal Waves | RIP 7-24-2015 Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Girls are fun, ghrit..... [batteye]
  13. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    OH, yeah --. [coffee2][troll]
  14. dragonfly

    dragonfly Monkey+++

    I'm going to take some pain killers and go take a nap!
    Some days are better than others......!
  15. gunbunny

    gunbunny Never Trust A Bunny

    I haven't replied to this thread yet, I usually try to keep myself fit and active no mater what the occasion. I've tried something new in the last 3 months- I've gained a little weight.

    I went from 155lbs (benched 185) to 170lbs and got my bench up to 235 pounds. My frigging biceps are stretching the arms on my shirts. The backs of my shirts are now tight. Yes, I did gain a few pounds more than I wanted; my theighs now touch- and I'm not used to that at all.

    I've been increasing my protein and upped my overall caloric intake by 500 cal/day. It's easy- take skim milk, and add a few tablespoons of powdered non-fat dry milk (Sanalac) and drink. Plenty of calories and protein in there! Unfortunetly even skin milk has fat, so I still have to watch overall trends in my daily diet.

    The wife hasn't complained, yet.

    I can still run 12 miles at 6 1/2 mph, so I guess it hasn't slowed me down that much. I usually only run 5k's 2-3 times a week, with a long run in every now and then. Once a week to every other week, weather permitting. Usually my runs are on rocky, wooded hill trails in the parks near where I live and work. I love to run the local sections of the Applalachain trail.

    Luckily I've been blessed with good ankles; my wife complains incessantly about twisting her ankle on the slightest pebble. I never thought about it until I tried to take her along! Big difference between people and how they run.

    I never thought of myself as a runner. My wife keeps insisting that I am. I tell her that every time I go to a summer biathlon match, although I'm not the slowest runner, I am of course nowhere near the times that the other competitors get.

    I always looked at running as the most effecient way to stay in shape. The least amount of time spent on a maximum effort... etc. Not so, I guess. I never thought of it as a hobby because I can't run more than 12 miles at a time. I could never do a marathon; I don't know where the energy would come from for the last half of it. Besides, how messed up would I be the next day, (couple days?) until I completely recover?
  16. Chongo

    Chongo Monkey+++ Founding Member

    Not that you'd notice.
    I did some sit ups, bench press, and dumbbell curls though.
  17. Hispeedal2

    Hispeedal2 Nay Sayer

    I was running 20-26 miles weekly before leave. On leave, I didn't do anything. I transitioned into dumbbell training when I got back (3 days/ week) all while maintaining 18 miles a week. We had some crappy weather right as I sent back all my stuff which led to less running.

    Oh well....

    At 11 months in, I scored a 290/300 on my APFT (27-31 standard- highest in PU and SU event, second highest in run). Not bad for a deployment score. The weather is sunny again so running is less of an issue. We are starting to slow roll so I should be able to get 2 workouts a day. A good thing since I will be jumping up to 5,000 feet of elevation in a couple months. Need more cardio.

    I find that for my job, I have to be light and quick on my feet. I try to maintain a slender build while maximizing muscular and cardio endurance. That means low-med weight and more reps mixed with moderate -long runs. I mix in a bit of speed work occasionally. I guess you could say that I am a bonified enduro-holic.

    Any bigger and I consume so much it's annoying. We have a lot of body-builder types and they just get cranky if they don't have their cell-tec, No-Explode, and at least 6 meals a day. Having an effecient body is overlooked by many. I can keep moving for 36 hours on a handfull of power bars.
  18. fortunateson

    fortunateson I hate Illinois Nazis!

  19. dragonfly

    dragonfly Monkey+++

    Tried to pick up a sock I dropped on the bathroom floor. I wrenched my back trying to bend down for it and stood there screaming for about half an hour...
    My lungs and sweat glands got a great workout!
    Now, when I feel better, I'd put the shower door back on it's track!
    Somehow it came off when I lurched against it and tried to strangle it when I was blinded by searing pain!
    What a workout!
    I can't wait for the next one!
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