@Ura-Ki you are doing all the correct things. It sucks that the network connectivity for the most part is outside your control. I have the same ISP, but in my area they have been rock solid and speeds are such that I can telecommute while the Mrs. streams movies and facebooks to her heart's content. Here are some things you can look at: How does the laptop connect to the network? If wireless, then what speed does the wireless router or access point support? If you don't know send me the details (make/model of the router or access point and the laptop) If wired, then what speed does the router or switch port support? 10, 100, or 1,000? (again send me details of make and model including laptop if you don't know) What router and modem are you using? If either are provided by Comcast that is the first problem. Comcast wireless routers will act as hot spots for other Comcast customers in the area at YOUR performance expense! I can help you choose replacements that will likely result in higher performance and will prevent Comcast/Xfinity access. The cable modem portion is the biggest part of the scam as the rent they charge will pay for a new one every eight to ten months. If it's that "all in one" doohickey that combines the modem and router like my MIL has it freaking needs to go. If a wireless connection, run speed tests from a computer connected directly to the router and compare to the same speed test from the laptop, This will help to isolate the bottleneck. The use of a real keyboard is a GREAT move. If she is still using the screen on her laptop I strongly urge you to get one or two standard monitors and have her use those instead. A laptop can be configured to operate when closed using outboard monitors and keyboards and that's how I use my setup to telecommute. See if the school system can provide a docking station or a USB adapter that will support a pair of monitors. I started out as an under performer when it came to reading. My First Grade teacher realized the problem wasn't that I was not smart enough, but that I was a daydreamer. We had three "reading groups" and I was in group 2. A quick chat with my mom and I was inspired to improve to group 1 or I would face punishment. Remember I had the potential, I just wasn't exercising it. That was enough to do the trick. The moral is to identify the bottleneck and then come up with a plan to work past it based on the child. In my case, the subject material (Cat in the Hat, etc.) was uninspiring, so as soon as I left that section of the library and found science and literature I couldn't stop reading. Whatever interests your niece, and she may not even know what that is yet, will inspire her. That brings up something else. Do not accept the level at which the state is willing to teach. If she shows any weakness that you deem important then focus on that. Any direction she is motivated to explore, then help her with that. Any subjects the school system or curriculum is weak in or misguided (Civics, US History likely) then expand her knowledge there. IMO public schools have not educated for decades but instead brainwash as they provide a babysitting service.
3M, i'm tracking what your pointing out on the comcast/Exfinity crap, it's the modem/router for sure! What's really bad, we have 3 "Smart T.Vs" but only two of them actually work, the newest, biggest greatest needs a direct connection, which comcast flat refuses to hook up, as they will not run a 50 foot cable from where the router/modem is to where the T.V. is! This is causing all sorts of issues as near that T.V is where we have the most room for the kids to do their learning! the 5G issue is only my phone and I cant seem to turn off the 5G and revert to 4G, this just happened within the last month, and i'm having all sorts of issues with calls, I cant hear the person on the other end at all! Other then that, Where can a feller find the cable needed to run it hisself from modem/router to where it's needed? Also, need to get a different setup so i'm not getting throttled/dry raped by Comcast and can get the speeds up to where they need to be! Will message you the details in a bit!
You can buy Ethernet CAT5 Cable in 100-2000’ spools... or you can buy 100’ pre-made with connectors on Amazon all day long, and with Prime get two day delivery... I always build my own CAT5 cables, made to length custom...As stated above, look at the Ethernet Port Speeds on all wired connected devices, and it is ALWAYS BETTER to use wired connections, over Wireless (WiFi) connections...where ever possible, even if you have to deal with stringing wire around the place... It is also significantly more secure to have Wired, over Wireless, as Wireless is vulnerable to WarDriving Hackers that can drive within connection ranges of your AccessPoint, and connect to and Packet Sniff your network traffic... I use WiFi around my place but limit that segment of my network, to ONLY the Internet, and NOT EVER to the segments that carry my family and business traffic.. I have a separate WiFi segment that does NOT publish it’s presence, into the RF Domain, and only allows family and business specific computers and devices to connect... Network segmentation, and segment isolation can go a long way to improving network bandwidth useage & speeds...
From what I've gathered so far from some acquaintances and family that are dealing with "remote learning" is that the school systems are cheaping out on wifi and hardware that the kids are expected to use. I do NOT know if that is universal, but ---- The internet connections are another ongoing agony, depending on the supplier/hosting service also. Gotta say, laptops are not learning friendly, the screens are too small and the keyboards are designed around portability, not utility. Yep, get an auxiliary monitor and keyboard, most, if not all laptops can deal with the auxiliaries readily. (I also prop the back of my lappy up with a couple bits of wood. Lets my wrists do what they are supposed to do instead of arch and tire.)
What @BTPost sez above. Wireless is cheap and easy in much the same way as a hooker. Wireless and hookers being promiscuous can leave behind unwanted side effects. I usually buy network patch cords from Monoprice (HDMI Cable, Home Theater Accessories, HDMI Products, Cables, Adapters, Video/Audio Switch, Networking, USB, Firewire, Printer Toner, and more! - Monoprice.com). If you have Amazon Prime you can buy their stuff through Amazon with free shipping and get it faster. If you want high quality, then Blue Jeans cable (Blue Jeans Cable -- Quality Cables at Reasonable Prices) all they way, and they will make the exact length. I had them make the coax that runs from my Xfinity hand off to my modem. Freaking bomb proof. I would expect their network cables to be every bit as good. If you are going to run the cables through walls make sure you get ones rated for that. If you want to try running the cables through walls you should get plenum rated bulk cable. Plenum rated means that if you have a fire the fumes from their melting plastic won't poison you. Plenum cables are rated to go through HVAC ducting. I'd buy Cat 6. You can terminate to low voltage keystone jack wall plates and then use patch cords to the devices, or you can get special wall plates that allow the terminated cable to pass through. When you run wire always run extra. It would be a great opportunity to pre-plan for a PoE surveillance system and pull it all at the same time. As you can see this job can be quick and dirty or it can get YUGE!