Here we go again: Vaccines

Discussion in 'Freedom and Liberty' started by UGRev, Aug 7, 2010.

  1. bnmb

    bnmb On Hiatus Banned

    Looking at all those "necessary" "vaccines", I really wonder how did we manage to survive as species for thousands of years without them...My grandfather was 13th child in the family...2 died at birth. He died at 94...never had a vaccine or drugs. Grandmother died at 89...same thing.
  2. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Vaccines and horseless carriages. One increases the population, the other allows more idiots to text. Both force increased land usage, one for living space, the other for cemeteries and more roads. Eventually, there will be no land left to grow food.
  3. UGRev

    UGRev Get on with it!

    We've managed to dilute a significant part of natural selection, eh?
  4. bnmb

    bnmb On Hiatus Banned 99%... :D
  5. fortunateson

    fortunateson I hate Illinois Nazis!

    Wow Ghrit, you ARE old! ;)
  6. Hispeedal2

    Hispeedal2 Nay Sayer

    I hear this argument a lot. The facts just don't support it. Take for instance the infant mortality rate:

    Google - public data

    The infant mortality rate it typically the rate used to analyze health care. It has improved with the advent of child vaccination campaigns. Yeah, there are those old ones that made it, but some of their siblings didn't. The fact that your father had two that didn't make it and my father had a 100% survival rate with us shows this trend.

    The infant mortality rate of old is also directly tied to the number of children people had. Back then, children were also needed to help with farm work etc. My grandmother had 6 children. On the other side, my grandmother had 7 children. All were born in the time frame of childhood vaccinations- all survived.
  7. bnmb

    bnmb On Hiatus Banned

    Actually, it was my grandfather...2 of his siblings didn't make was in 1910...but 11 of them 1910!
    So, basically, first vaccines contributed to Earth overpopulation, and then they are using them to de-populate...these guys really can't make up their minds... :D
  8. Hispeedal2

    Hispeedal2 Nay Sayer

    Interesting way of looking at it. I guess for every action, there is an equal reaction?

    Question at the risk of sounding insensitive- what about the 2 that didn't? If the choice was given to any human of a vaccine that will save a child's life or letting your child die (hey, it's natural selection anyway), I would estimate 99% would take the vaccine. While 2 of 13 isn't bad odds, it is to the parents. That is a infant mortality rate of 15% in your family. The infant mortality rate in England for example was around 12% in 1910. Today's infant mortality rate is 6.7% in the USA. Most parents are happier with those odds.

    So, with natural selection taking it's course, the English should out-survive your family and the USA will out-survive 1910-England. We win!!


  9. bnmb

    bnmb On Hiatus Banned

    LOL...and then SHTF happens, and the planet blows up...Anything is possible!... :D
  10. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Yes Al, but do try to keep in mind the natural selection behind it all, too. Nature has a way of sorting things out (far better than we can determine today with our "infinite" scientific wisdom) and the weak DIE. Only the strong survive -this is to ensure survival of the species. It is nature. Hence "natural". Now, factor in anti-virus serums and the thousands of drugs and antibiotics being piped into human beings. Add time...shake and stir. What do we have in a few dozen generations?

    Very weak humans with genetic material not worth a spit in the realm of nature. Dependent creatures we have become, very soon unable to sustain ourselves for long in our natural setting. One day, all humanity (if it survives) will be living in bubbles hooked up to machines and synthetic food supplies.

    Think I am going overboard? Too extreme?

    Bnmb has a valid point. The weak didn't survive. Perhaps it was in their DNA -we may never "know" truly. As long as mankind continues to be a religious-oriented, decadent and ignorant species...I doubt true enlightenment will ever become commonplace. The world is not being overpopulated by accident. In third world countries, it is a sign of the shortness of life and how cheap it is. The natural reaction is to bear more children. In more civilized nations, those who produce more children than others actually make up for the ones who cannot for multiple reasons. A few months ago, the last I checked, the American (white) population (excluding illegal immigrants) was on a decline, at 1.7 children per female on average when 2.0 is necessary just to keep the human white American population stable. In a few decades, if this does not change, white Americans (non hispanic) will become an endangered species. This isn't some racist garbage either, just numbers. To be honest, I don't pay too much attention to it. It could all be wrong...but it does prove my point. Government sponsored "data" is corrupt and often times propagandized. Only independent research should be accepted by those who do not bow down to global governance. Anyway, I am getting sidetracked.

    Through all of this, and with very purposeful implementation of genetically modified foods and by contaminating water supplies, the modern human is destined to be zombie meat -little more.
  11. Tracy

    Tracy Insatiably Curious Moderator Founding Member

    I'm sure states differ, but here are Oregon's requirements:

    Oregon law requires the following shots for school and child care attendance*
    * Doses required varies by a child’s age and how long ago they were vaccinated.

    Preschool, Child Care or Head Start
    4 Diphtheria/Tetanus/Pertussis (DTaP)
    3 Polio
    1 Varicella (chickenpox)
    1 Measles/Mumps/Rubella (MMR)
    3 Hepatitis B
    2 Hepatitis A
    3 or 4 Hib
    Kindergarten/1st Grade
    5 Diphtheria/Tetanus/Pertussis (DTaP)
    4 Polio
    1 Varicella (chickenpox)
    2 Measles
    1 Mumps
    1 Rubella
    3 Hepatitis B
    2 Hepatitis A
    Grade 2-6 or Grade 9-12
    5 Diphtheria/Tetanus/Pertussis (DTaP)
    4 Polio
    1 Varicella (chickenpox)
    2 Measles
    1 Mumps
    1 Rubella
    3 Hepatitis B
    Grade 7 or 8
    5 Diphtheria/Tetanus/Pertussis (DTaP)
    1 Tdap
    4 Polio
    1 Varicella (chickenpox)
    2 Measles
    1 Mumps
    1 Rubella
    3 Hepatitis B

    Phase-in Schedule for Tdap and Hepatitis A Requirements in Schools and Children’s Facilities
    Tdap: This requirement will be phased in by grades through School Year (SY) 2013-2014

    SY 2008/09 7th grade
    SY 2009/10 7th, 8th grade
    SY 2010/11 7th, 8th, 9th grade
    SY 2011/12 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th grade
    SY 2012/13 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th grade
    SY 2013/14 All students grades 7-12

    Hep A: This requirement will be phased in by grades through School Year (SY) 2014-2015
    SY 2008/09 Children’s facilities, Kindergarten
    SY 2009/10 Children’s facilities, Kindergarten, 1st grade
    SY 2010/11 Children’s facilities, Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd grade
    SY 2011/12 Children’s facilities, Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 3rd grade
    SY 2012/13 Children’s facilities, Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th grade
    SY 2013/14 Children’s facilities, Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th grade
    SY 2014/15 Children’s facilities and all students grades K-12
    Note: Children in grades 1-6 in school year 2008-2009 will be required to have Hepatitis A vaccine before they graduate.
  12. fortunateson

    fortunateson I hate Illinois Nazis!

    Is that additive in nature? IOW, will a kid entering 1st grade need all of the first grade stuff if he had the kindergarten stuff? Or is that to say a kid matriculating into 1st grade from out of state will need only what's on the first grade schedule etc.?

    BTW, many states are joining in with that phase-in schedule. So, just when you thought your kid was all caught up - nope. They need more shots.
    And I cannot possibly see how that is public safety issue. In the very least, it is driven by profit motive. I hate to think what the worst might be.

    This point has been made here before - why do you care if my kid is not vaccinated? If you believe in these things, get your kid shot up and leave me alone.

    Regardless of your opinions of vaccinations, EVERYONE should be livid about the privacy / individual freedom aspect of this issue.
  13. bnmb

    bnmb On Hiatus Banned have vaccines for Varicella and Rubeolla? And for hepatitis A and B? Our doctors do not give vaccines for Varicella and Rubeolla. We have sort of tradition here...If a child in school get one of those, we keep our kids in schools so they can get infected. Especially if it's a girl. We take our girls to friends that have them so they get it and become immune. Both my kids got both V and R. As for Hep A and B, we teach them to wash hands regularly, and if they eat any fruit and stuff, to wash it well in running water (tap)...And since B and C are fluid-transmitted, I don't see the point of vaccination...My kids today got the same vaccines I got years ago...
  14. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member


    lol. b::
  15. bnmb

    bnmb On Hiatus Banned

    Nnnnooo, Sir....Ssssoory, Sir...Wwwwonnt hhappen again, Sir... :oops:
  16. Hispeedal2

    Hispeedal2 Nay Sayer

    This is the issue that wrestle with here.

    Holy Crap Tracy!!
    I hope other states aren't following Oregon's example. That schedule look s similar to mine for being dropped into a 3rd world foreign hole. I can't see that much need.
  17. Tracy

    Tracy Insatiably Curious Moderator Founding Member

    Crazy, isn't it? They also have suggestions for adult immunizations (because you lived through the pin-cushion period called childhood).

    There are charts with that info in every doctor's office. The first question I get asked when we drive near a Dr's office is "do I have to get a shot?":rolleyes: Ridiculous!

    I searched and searched for kids with chicken pox so that my kids could get exposed at an early age. We couldn't find one... not one!!

    :lol: @ Brokor's n/d comment.
  18. bnmb

    bnmb On Hiatus Banned

  19. Hispeedal2

    Hispeedal2 Nay Sayer

    How about this for irony...

    I'd say *most* who posted here on vaccines are anti-vaccine. How many medical threads for SHTF meds have we seen? For example, those that stock up on meds (a lot of times meds that are designed for animals) to cure illness that they may possibly be able to be vaccinated from. Just something to think about. If you are afraid of vaccines, why would you self-dose an antibiotic made for a cow? Or self medicate with a drug from an evil pharmaceutical company? The same principles apply to meds as to vaccines.

    Example thread:

    I'm not against self medication in SHTF. I actually think it's a good idea. I enjoyed the above thread. Meds, just like vaccines, can be another line of protection for you and your family. Obviously, educated decisions must be formed for each and everyone will have their own opinion. No one is right or wrong in this one.
    chelloveck likes this.
  20. bnmb

    bnmb On Hiatus Banned

    Irony depends on the point of view...

    For example: I'd say that is ironic that the more "medicine" and "science" advances, the sicker we are, shorter we live and wealthier doctors and pharma are...

    Also is ironic that after all the bull medical and pharma companies have been selling us for years, we still tend to believe in their bull, eat their crap for curing "diseases" that our ancestors cured with herbs and keep committing a global suicide...

    It's also ironic that for example, US has laws that allow patenting living beings, so if you plant some of "Monsanto" crap, you are not allowed to use the seeds for the next planting season, but you have to buy new seeds to plant...

    It's ironic that the most powerful country in the world is in the worst shape of all other "first world" countries...

    It's ironic that US situation is getting worse rapidly only two years before US people are free from "Federal Reserve" banksters...

    It's ironic that people that value their freedom as much as you allow a bunch of thugs to enslave you like this...

    It's ironic that most of religious people can't see that they traded their true God with filthy green paper...
    It's ironic that we, intelligent and most advanced humans ever, are here learning other, ancient ways to light fire, trap and survive...

    It's ironic that in my country people that wanted separation from Yugoslavia and thought that they would live like in "Dynasty", now cry like babies for loosing YU...

    It's ironic that our government promised us economic growth and jobs and prosperity, bud is screwing us daily with new bull**** laws and taxes...

    And it's ironic that we destroyed the planet we live on, exterminated thousands of animal and plant species, and we still exist!...

    Now, excuse me while I go and get completely drunk and stoned...
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