Yea..145%.. I was shocked, too. Was thinking litigation costs, increased costs for research chemists, increased costs for testing and trials, everything goes up and I'm sure the lobbying costs have skyrocketed, too. Those trips to to the hot spots all over the world bought and paid for by the pharmaceutical companies add up quickly. Top lobbying industries in the U.S. 2017 | Statistic
@Dunerunner "litigation costs, increased costs for research chemists, increased costs for testing and trials, everything goes up and I'm sure the lobbying costs have skyrocketed, too" I truly doubt research Chemists are getting much more - wages simply haven't gone up, not even for scientists and if so then a drop in a very large bucket, but you nailed in on the Lobbying costs. LOL! Oh yeah! Those have sky rocketed! It costs much more now to buy a Senator/Congressman than it did 15 years ago! LOL!!!!!!
Yup , that's why lot's of Auzi /Kiwis come here to work in Blackcomb/Whistler Ski hills , Same CW health system .(40Kms away from me) No we don't pay more in House Taxes , we pay with deductions from pay checks for medical .Single ,married or plus kids & how many !! So everyone pays very similar rates ..Europe , NZ,Auzi,England ,India Canada,Iceland ,Greenland and was South Africa till many have left (Dutch white) ,,Swiss,Denmark so many are the same type of system . I can't keep typing all of them So now you go Hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm !!!! Sloth
Getting some Tamaflu for the wife. It's $203. If I get the flu I will just stay sick. Hell $200 is a NFA tax stamp. Hmmm would I rather be over the flu 2 or 3 days sooner or enjoy another silencer, hmmm.
I went to a meeting last week,Found out I have to pay and the illegals get it for FREE!!! Now ain't that the drizzling s____t's
Me? I'm still checking it out,However we were told we pay for the benefit??? out of our S.S.Check but the illegals don't. Oh and you ass will be fined if you don't sign up by a certain time and age.