Hawaii Persuing Gun Registry

Discussion in 'Freedom and Liberty' started by 3M-TA3, May 24, 2016.

  1. tacmotusn

    tacmotusn RIP 1/13/21

    A spunky elderly lady from Florida by the Name of Marion Hammer, who also is a past president of the NRA was the force behind the "Must issue CCW license law" in Florida. At the time, obtaining a CCW in most states was controlled at a local (city or county) level, not the State. It was all very iffy. Someone who had an immediate and ongoing threat might still be denied with no appeal or redress available. Since most of us are indeed law abiding citizens, being denied the right to protect ones self seemed really absurd. At the time this law was passed I think only NH or VT was the only state that did not require a CCW to carry concealed. Today there is a march across the Country for a new law called "Constitutional Carry". 11 States so far have passed this law. Sadly Florida so far is not one of them. This law would do away with the CCW law requirement completely. There are plenty of laws on the book for penalty for using a weapon in the commission of a crime (these laws are seldom used - it is insane). I applaud those 11 States for actually affirming the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution. I will be pursuing it here in Florida, and just last night on the news saw my champion, Marion Hammer who is still carrying the fight to the legislators. So far I have not communicated with her, but I want to get her take on "Constitutional Carry", and see if she will not champion it and lead the charge here in Florida. You all might want to pursue this in your own State. ENFORCE THE LAWS ON THE BOOKS, AND HIT THEM HARD IF APPROPRIATE, OR REPEAL THE BS LAWS. FOLLOW THE CONSTITUTION ...... for our children, and the future!
    In rereading this I realized I was not clear about "Constitutional Carry". Under CC any law abiding adult citizen may carry a weapon for protection concealed or open carry on their person.
    Last edited: May 25, 2016
    kellory, chimo, GOG and 2 others like this.
  2. Dont

    Dont Just another old gray Jarhead Monkey

    Idaho just instituted constitutional carry... Some folks I have talked to do not agree with, stating that there has to be training.. Well, anyone that uses any weapon should be trained in its use weather it is training as an olympic target shooter or personal defense, as any military vet. That is just prudent and requires no legislative encouragment and would help to keep one out of the legal system.
    HK_User, tacmotusn and Salted Weapon like this.
  3. Salted Weapon

    Salted Weapon Monkey+++

    Registration is just overreaching is what it is plain and simple. I wont keep one firearm out of the hand of a criminal.
    It wont stop anyone hell bent on causing problems and or shootings. Chances are if even this is used to address a criminal
    with a firearm, whats the process they come take them, you proof your innocent and they give them back? Its not clear whatthe law accomplished but seem to be punishment without due process. Taking items for evidence in a crime is one thing, taking items not associated with a crime and you are not even found guilty yet is abuse plain and simple.

    When are we going to learn we need to punish the criminal not the law abiding. All this does is keep track of the law abiding and does nothing to track criminals. How many illegal guns in Hawaii will stay under the radar, answer all of them until a criminal is caught. All need doing is enforcing the laws we already have and severely doing so. I loved the 1970's short lived mantra before liberal killed it Use A Gun Go To Prison lowered gun crimes over 50% in just three years. The eliminated this and it rebounded 10 fold and never has slowed down.
    If the only deterrent to gun crime is plea bargaining, and lower sentences then we teach the risk is worth the rewards.

    Wild West Justice does have merits, rob a bank you were hung.
    Now we let pedophiles lose and even hire them knowingly in our schools. We are teaching no accountability at all.
    Gun registry ? Really ?? Because Child Sex Offender registry has worked so well ( sarcasm ).
    Yard Dart, HK_User and tacmotusn like this.
  4. GOG

    GOG Free American Monkey

    The basic problem is hoplophobia. There is no "Gun Violence", there is only violence. It could be a gun, a car, a scissors or a hammer. The tool is incidental but the statist control freaks aren't rational enough to understand this simple fact.
  5. chimo

    chimo the few, the proud, the jarhead monkey crowd

    What's sad it that it requires any law at all...this is a right we are born with, not something governments must bestow on us. The only laws required are those that outline penalties for abusing that right.

    Training with any tool is of course prudent...but not required...especially when it comes to our unalienable human rights. Indeed, people can and have learned just fine without formal training or certificates. I'd bet the vast majority of us monkeys learned the required basics of firearms safety informally long before we ever set foot in some training class. Show of hands?
  6. Dont

    Dont Just another old gray Jarhead Monkey

    This is very true and we have always had violence .. Be it by sword, knife, arrow or flintlock.. There have been those that sought to take from others what they wanted.. Gold, silver or, your life..

    This could also be viewed in a different light.. If theft by threat, disception, or violence is publicly viewed in a disfavorable light, then what of theft of our rights by legislation?? Could this be an act of violence if the legislative act requires a violent act, against an otherwise peaceful person, to enforce their decree? Any action that would attempt to force compliance is an act of violence..

    What thinks you all??
    Homer Simpson and GOG like this.
  7. chimo

    chimo the few, the proud, the jarhead monkey crowd

    I think maybe we need to start "following by example". Our leaders provide the example that might makes right and enforce their dictates via threat of violence or outright use of violence. Perhaps rather than trying to walk the high road and continuing to be trampled as we do, maybe we need to follow their example and take the low road that they travel as a matter of routine. Fight fire with fire, as it were.
  8. GOG

    GOG Free American Monkey

    Yard Dart and BTPost like this.
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