@Kingfish is correct, Our security mostly works, because there just aren't a lot of Homosapians, out this far, and those that are, We already know, and live with.... Anyone unknown, walking up to the Front Door, is meet, either Outside, with Momma backing me up, inside, with the Shotty in her hands, or at the Front Door, with my hands on the Shotty, on it's Pegs, out of their Sight, and talking thru the Greenhouse Screen Door, which is between the Front Door and the Outside. It happens maybe twice a winter, at most, and usually unKnowns just are lost, or looking for Fuel to get Home with. We do have Networked WebCams, that alert us when they sense Movement, like a Boat coming up the Inlet, something coming up the 150 YD open space to west, in the front of the Cabin, or something approaching the Cabin from south. (Again, a 150 Yd Open Space) We call it the "Moose Alarm" as it mostly triggers on Moose, & Bears, rather than People, because there are many more of them, than People.
That’s a clever observation! As things turned out, those two intruders didn’t know I was out that night (or on any other night) until AFTER I made my presence known. One of them, very clearly, knew what the garbage pickup truck’s schedule was; and THIS told me that I had to be dealing with someone who lived, somewhere, in the neighborhood. Thereafter, it took almost 18 months for this problem to finally become fully resolved; and, yes, I lost a lot of sleep before things eventually returned to normal; and I ended up an older, wiser man with a newfound respect for the considerable intelligence, strong personal aggression, and dark personality of people who deal in and distribute illegal drugs. They’re not all degenerate thugs! Some of them are pretty damned smart, and have access to the same surveillance, security, and tracking devices that the government uses! (Remember they’ve, also, got the funding!) I’d even dare to say that many of their leaders could be highly successful corporate CEO’s if they wanted to. Prior to this event street gangs, and (fairly large scale) drug dealing were subjects I knew very little about. Like most normal people my knowledge didn’t go beyond what I saw in Hollywood movies. It was all, ‘fantasy land’ information; and I had an almost natural contempt for the people who dealt in and used drugs. To my subsequent chagrin, I held such people in categorical contempt: Didn’t like them, didn’t want to know them, strongly disagreed with how they were living their lives, and assumed that our two separate and distinct worlds would never even meet - let alone collide! As things turned out, that contempt nearly cost me my life! Thank you. If you have an iPhone there are security programs that will notify you anytime someone enters into and moves around your home. Dogs are great to have! A dog doesn’t necessarily have to be a guard/attack dog; more important, I think, is that the animal has a pronounced tendency to alarm! In my experience the perfect canine companions are one, ‘yapper’ and one, ‘grabber’. With one alarm dog, and one attack dog you’ll have all the bases very well covered! Yes training does matter; but, in my opinion: prior experience, forethought, and preparation trump everything else. Hmmm, …… apparently I hit a nerve! That’s, still, a nice smooth intro into the rest of, ‘the mud’ I could just tell you were getting ready to throw! (You’re too transparent, Sport.) Something - I don’t know exactly what - must account for your hypersensitivity and compulsion to reply in such a manner, though. So, let’s get into it: Oh …… I think I’ve, pretty well, ‘got the feel of the place’ right now; and you are correct, I am well qualified to speak on this subject. The only question is whether or not I choose to? Well OK, ‘Captain Obvious’! What’s that smell? You’re doing it, again. Interior choke points have been taught for many years now; and, in this thread, are distinguished only by the fact that no one (including yourself) has described or enumerated any of them. (There are, at least, four principal interior choke points.) Neither has the best way to monitor each choke point been mentioned. (All internal choke points are like, ‘two way streets’. Either you get to take immediate control, or the intruder does.) Why do you think all of this genuinely useful information has, so far, been omitted? Would it be secrecy, perhaps, as you suggest; or, maybe, just plain good old fashioned naiveté? By omitting any discussion of primary choke points, as well as the most effective manner in which to set each of them up (Not only once, but often twice, because with multiple invaders you may need to use the same choke point, again, before falling back!) Secrecy? Come on! For any general audience this neglect of essential subject matter is huge, and might constitute the difference between a homeowner or spouse surviving, or not! I think it more likely that, as I originally implied, somebody’s naiveté is simply showing; and, if nothing else, you should have thanked me for pointing these omissions out, rather than taking me to task for mentioning them! Did I just read the word, ‘knife’? Cool beans, Man, cool beans! (I like the part about installing a camera in a choke point, though. The camera is NOT going to provide any advantage while an intrusion is actually taking place; but it sure will help after the event is over; and it’s time to analyze and clean up the mess!) There are distinct differences between bashing, and critiquing. Apparently you need to learn them. I’m not a marriage councilor; if I were I might be able to help you to reconcile one spouse’s opinion with the other’s; but I’m not. Beyond teaching two spouses how to support and back up one another’s tactical behavior(s), I have no further suggestions to offer you, here; but, ‘bashing’ I think that sort of reply is uncalled for, and a little bit too strongly put. Were I to actually bash anyone, believe me, he’d know it! Yeah, tell me about it! ‘Full of himself’ is an understatement for what you’ve shown me so far! Neither am I going to apologize for either my (admittedly) extraordinary education, or credentials. (I can’t help, but, notice that you’re the first person to complain about it, though. If I were to take your remarks at face value, (I don’t.) other people have had similar opportunities to behave like you; and, for whatever reasons, they have chosen not to do so. (Extraordinary courtesy? I doubt it! Most people simply aren’t a blowhard like you.) Thank you for your generous offer to speak further on this topic, though; but, once I’m finished here, I’m going to withhold any further inclination to either dare to critique or offer any additional advice. As you’ve been careful to point out, in your opinion, this board already has many home security specialists whose, ‘toes’ I need to be more careful not to step on. Whether or not I find you too peevish I, still, respect the (obvious) sensitivity behind your remarks. (I don’t get out of bed in the morning in order to deliberately offend anyone; and I, sure as hell, know better than to brag; although, I can and do appreciate that, sometimes, it’s too easy for me to arouse jealousy in certain others. Hey, ‘C’est la vie!’) Yup! Already been there and done that. Providing you’re not grossly outnumbered, there is what I consider to be an almost perfect solution to this problem. So good, in fact, that I (almost) feel sorry for any fool who might get caught like that; (Why manage choke points unless you absolutely have to?) However, since you already know all about these things, why don’t you tell everyone the best way to deal with any such tactical dilemma? (Here’s your big chance to impress the hell out of me, Sport, with something other than your hypersensitivity to what you perceive to be personal criticism!) The classic, textbook, answer to this problem is to, ‘defend-in-place’ by fortifying the immediate proximity (e.g., placing furniture, a bed, or perhaps an upturned mattress between yourself, and the attacker). OF COURSE, there should already be some sort of mutually agreed home defense plan in place. One that can be quickly setup, and contains a certain amount of flexibility. (Things like: Preselected verbal warnings, WHEN to issue commands, HOW to issue commands, and when to go completely silent, as well as how to set up dual firing points; and, if necessary, using a separate tactical light operator.) If the time and opportunity are available, then, some sort of prearranged, ‘safe room’ is, also, recommended to be used. (The biggest problem with the, ‘safe room’ method is that, ideally, there should be more than one means of, both, outside communication and egress available to the occupants.) No idea? Now, ‘Why’ would that be? Because you say so? Wow, talk about being too, ‘full of yourself’! Man, you drip crap talk! Your reasoning is, once again, beyond any acceptable norm - Even for a cowardly denizen of the internet! (So are several of the subsequent remarks made by a number of your monkey pals.) In the past I’ve made very good money talking about topics like this; so, what happens? On one of the few occasions when I decide to give it away for free I wind up dealing with a troop of pissant, ‘internet monkeys’. Stunning, Sport, simply stunning! Thank you for opening my eyes.
Gents, you are pushing the limits of CoC item 1 rather hard. Please ease up with stuff like this: "simply aren’t a blowhard like you". NB, I am not singling out anyone here, it's a general note. If you feel the need to get personal, take it to PMs.
While almost all of us appreciate information that allows us to look at our particular concerns with a new light, I am absolutely certain that none of us appreciate being called "pissant internet monkeys" We are a community that values the sharing of information and when posts are put forth in that way, I think you will find a receptive and even an appreciative audience anxious to share.
So Cap, How many other forums have you been banned from? No doubt your full of it and have crossed a standard threshold set here.
Well Sport, though I think you may have much to contribute here.... you should not be declaring your disdain for my "pals" as well as "a troop of pissant, ‘internet monkeys", hoping to garner folks to listen to your extensive experience. Sorry you took my post as a challenge to your prowess in home defense. Though I would never declare myself to be a pro such as you have, I do have a background that significantly assist my means for survival. I have no interest in discussing who has the bigger wang... since that is not our objective on the Monkey, which I think you have ignored. You have managed to slam the long standing members, founding members, mods & admins that were the responders to my post and your subsequent post. I would suggest you check it a bit... and be a little more within the "norms" of our COC, or else I suspect your visit shall be brief. If your "eyes have been opened"... maybe they should open a wee bit more... IMO.
Unfortunately, I think the forum members here will not pay you for the experience you are selling. Though you are well spoken, I suspect your drive is nothing more than to draw folks into your training program at some form of cost. Good to see you my friend... but we are not buying your bravado. Maybe I could suggest you become an active member and participate for a while. Contributing to the forum with substantial knowledge, which you so eloquently expressed... and maybe at that point, some may want a pint of your koolaid.... but until that point, I think you need to slow your roll just a bit. If you consider myself or any of the other Monkey's that have responded to your post as "pissant's" doom on you. For you know not one of us, and you have not even tried to partake of the community, until that time my friend...
I know I'm just a simple minded dumb@ssed welder, but pissing off folks I hope to get business from doesn't seem like a good business plan