Ive got the smaller gerber pack axe with knife in the handle,i usually carry that,or i carry my scandvik hatchet,both work well for me ive also got the folding gerber saw and their little bone saw as well.all came in a pack. Axe,saw,folding saw and a nice folding buck skinner with guthook D
Update for 2015: BUCKSAW How to make your own... I use one made by Browning, will post pics another time maybe. Lots of varieties out there. Any folding pack saw would be a decent addition to your pack. Knowing how to make your own is great, too. Wikipedia: Bucksaw - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Along the same lines, a Silky Bigboy folding saw would be a fantastic addition Lots of people give hatchets and axes a bad name, that's because they do not know how to use them properly. Knowing how to use your axe and choosing the right size for the job are worth more than any tool a hundred fold...
I don't know if any of you guys have seen this yet, but this is my Cold Steel Trail Boss after I modified it. BEFORE: AFTER:
I have a Companion Hatchet my Dad carried camping for years. Also two bow saws which I hate to use but would rather saw than worry a log in half with a hatchet! Mine is like this one..
I have a hawk, wire saw, folding Gerber saw, and a Bear working knife... I can cut, split, slaughter and kill... what else do you need?
Generally speaking I think a 1 1/2 - 2 pound 14"-16" hatchet is best for most utility work. I have lived in the rural south all my life and have hardly ever needed anything other than a wildlife hatchet and a bow saw. If a man has a 2 pound hatchet, 2.5 pound blacksmith hammer and a bow saw.. you can do darn near anything.
I can do just about everything with a hatchet or small Axe, that I can do with a saw. But there are things I can do with a hatchet, that I can not do with a saw. So the hatchet is more useful.