I'm a Southern boy and if there is to be another Civil War all I have to say is, "Thank you GOD! Thank you JESUS!". It has been 6 generations since Appomattox and we still have an axe to grind. My Daddy once told me that he though there was going to be one back in the 1960s, but that didn't happen. Folks down here have been a massing guns and ammo for a long time for a reason. This time I hope we'll have of some those boys from Iowa, Michigan, Ohio, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Nebraska, etc. fighting on our side this time.
No sensible person would welcome the possibility of civil wars...often than not, its an excuse and opportunity for settling grudges and petty jealousies and imagined slights, and opportunities for murder, theft, rape, and many other indictable crimes and the execution of progroms against one's political, cultural, ethnic , religious and racial ememies and rivals...what's to like and want to live through a civil war, except by sociopaths, tyrants, and opportunistic adventurers? To those who have the romantic notion that a civil war in America in the present day will be a rerun of the Lexington stoush...think again. It will probably be like the dissolution of the former Jugoslavia...genocide and misery for all, one way or another. The only beneficiaries of a contemporary American civil war will be the USA's rivals and enemies who will not hesitate to exploit any power vacuum left by a super power which is at war with itself. There is no doubt that Russia and China will exploit such weakness in the same way that they have exploited opportunities in the face of the present ineffectual US occupant of the Oval Office.
I'm a Southerner, we are considered by many people to be the least sensible folks in America. I might add that we don't think too highly of a great many folks ourselves.
I was good when you were going off on the pure stupidity of civil war and the bad that would inevitably come from it but why did you have to go and put in a political dig at our president at the end of an otherwise well thought out statement? That cheapens it.
They already have. While we are so busy playing politics, China has now emerged as the world's largest economy. Other countries are looking at the US and shaking their heads.
Yes,there will be a really bad nuclear war soon. I hope not for my grand and great grandkids kids ,get prepared while you can.MAGA.