Be very very very warned of these Ishmaelites in both political parties and Hollywood....working well as a phony tabloid media... who would try to keep you on their puppet strings...and to prevent you from thinking for yourself and your families.....for your own reasons...but only the reasons of group think which they intend to control and or regulate. This is not freedom and or liberty...but herding like cattle with a tag on our ears. My non Ishmaelite .02, Orangetom
by Big Ron.. No argument from me... As I am oft want to say....these people in Washington DC today......are clearly demonstrating that the real standards for the office of President of the United States are not as high as we have been mislead to believe that they are. So what about a Senator..a Representative...a Supreme Court Judge....??? Are we ever supposed to think this far off script???? My non Ishmaelite .02, Orangetom
Separation of Powers - Our three branched government exists for a very good reason. And the only thing that kept this radical coup from being wholly successful was the Supreme Court. Think about it for a moment. The Leftists used OSHA as a means to implement "mandates" to employers which ultimately resulted in the ultimatum, "upload your personal medical history to our company database, get vaxxed...or lose your job" and the crazy radicals had no problem pushing this agenda. "Trust the CDC" they said, and we were supposed to just buy the horse shit. Then, the Supreme Court finally got around to the case and decided to uphold the Constitution and the Leftists went apeshit. I even told my (now former) employer to pound sand until the SCOTUS ruling comes down. The Leftist in charge told me to still get vaccinated, and I told him to wait one more day for the ruling, and when I'm proven right, he owes me and every other employee an apology for trying to force us to vaccinate against our will. Of course, the ruling SMACKED DOWN the crazies and do you think we got an apology? Nope. All of this explains how far we've come. Our nation is in a perilous condition. We are already experiencing a population decline like never before. Our food supply is toxic and extremely unhealthy. The medical industry predates on our condition, profiting immensely the more sick we become. The Big Pharma industry, in league with the AMA who creates more conditions for us to be treated, rake in hundreds of billions annually and can control vast media empires and politicians. Every agency of government from the Federal level to State and Local are corporations. All of it. And like every corporation, they file CAFR's (comprehensive annual financial reports) and if we know where to look we can see what they are doing with the money. Each time a State tells you they have another "deficit" this year and must raise taxes, just remember they can make the numbers look any way they want most of the time. And they can move money around, investing in other corporations (your tax dollars) while claiming they don't have the money in the bank to pay their bills. And when they tax us, they go for education and health care first because it hits us the hardest. Making the American People into slaves wasn't too difficult at all, it just required unlimited power in the hands of corporations. Yes, Kamala is quite stupid, but she's the right kind of stupid they need. This is how nobody really seems to know who is actually steering the boat. But, I just told you I think. "But Brokor, this makes no sense. Why would they want to kill us if they profit from us so much?" -Not killing, soft-killing. It takes time. And while we slowly die, we pay them dearly. And should we die they can just import more bodies. And I give you immigration. *drops mic*
lol lol lol lol are proving out one of my previous posts... I was stunned at work when one of the other guys on our team showed me his phone wherein the Left is doubling down on labeling Trump as Hitler....Hitler...Hitler ..and more Hitler.. Sounds like they cannot change their playbook..or their leopard spots so to speak. I have also been thinking that the caliber of the American character via "Entitlement". beliefs replacing common sense. has caused many Americans to become Fallen...devoid of Grace.....or if you prefer...a very base natural man.. Put another comes across as many Americans are bad winners and also bad losers... If Trump wins are we going to see Entitlement beliefs.....cause havoc ....again they leave the White House I can ransack the White House before leaving if the new leader is clearly a Hitler.....right???? No limit!!! But...that is just one of my the election is not over.... Nonetheless....someone out there is showing signs of desperation..... Ishmaelites run wild..... Orangetom Not an Ishmaelite.
Been thinking about this interesting statement by one of the members... Someone out here profits greatly from cattle as they not???? Even put a tag on their ears.....and keep track of them cradle to grave...yes??? Sort of like your car is designed to expire in the number of pages in that payment book...yes???? Now apply that to people ....and think of how that is a representative government...a limited government...or is it a Herded People??? I do not believe we are supposed to think this far off the Reservation... Da Tovarich???? Oh....agree with Brokor here...very much.......but I also believe we are never supposed to think or get a trace of who is really steering the boat.... We are not to comprehend that those steering where never elected or appointed to office. My non Ishmaelite. .02, Orangetom