What he did is what liberals do; so in my opinion you need to return the favor and dismantle him in public.
Talk to someone at the nearest newspaper, and send out emails to your local network affiliates. Raise Hell.
Bullying behaviour transends political labels... Bullying behaviour transends political labels...regretably, it's a more universal human trait than would be preferred. Bullying extends from the abuse and missuse of power, regardless of whether from the left or right of the political spectrum. I don't think that "liberals" have a monopoly on this kind of small minded malicious bastardry...it has to do with the individual's mindset rather than their political world view or affiliation. As to "dismantling the idiot in public" that's an option, and may be effective, depending on how it is done. Making JimBob eat crow by forceing a public retraction and apology would be a good first step. It might embolden others who have been bullied by this boob to come forward with their own complaints.
So Ditch Witch...Enlighten us pleaze... Me think's you've banged his wife/sister/girlfriend or someone close to him...??? If you have then +1... lol....
But, on the other hand, not such a good option if you think you may accept an offer there in the future. Deserved though it may be, publicly embarrassing him/her would certainly not open the door for a cordial working relationship.
It is an option...not the only option...The guy's defamation of DW was public, so a public retraction and apology is a proportional reparation. Whatever the remedy to the guy's defamation....whether it be public embarrasment, or $$$ out of his wallet in damages...the possibility of an amicable working relationship has been poisoned by the man's behaviour. Bullies don't tend to change their behaviour, and it is unlikely that a reconciliation with gritted teeth showing will change much.
Maybe in the land of Oz "fair and balanced" still exists; here conservatives, especially conservative women are free game to all sorts of "humor" and attacks. Yet, Limbaugh's Fluke comments made it all the way to the president. See Bristol Palin and Sandra Fluke. As far as here in the land of "free speech," if DW replaced her name with his name in the slur; he could sue her for slander and win. To make my point, imagine Trayvon and Zimmerman reversed and the KKK puts a bounty on Trayvon for shooting Zimmerman. America has taken a hard fall from a nation whose Founders settled these situations with a duel. Although I am not advocating a return to lethal duels; I do advocate a return to all being held equally responsible. Forcing retractions then a published apology is how a sleaze bag is dismantled. Unfortunately the majority of our media is one of them..
Um... well I'm not into girls, and far as I know my husband hasn't tapped his wife either... Honestly I don't know the dude. I've never met him and couldn't point him out in a small crowd either. He'd already been going around saying that once he was mayor he was going to fire everyone working for the city, so it isn't just me he has a hard on for. I think he thought he was just setting things up in advance so he would have no problem firing me and putting in one of his friends. Or maybe his wife. I really don't know. I just know the man picked the wrong skirt to try to screw. I made it clear in my resignation letter that I would not work for the city as long as he was a part of the local government. Sad thing is, I am friends with all of the current employees here and they are all looking for another job. If he gets sworn in, this town is going to go for a ride. It's been real interesting watching the town grapevine in action. I have learned more about my neighbors and who I would consider friends in the past week than I ever did in the three years I've lived here. There are a few that I woudl have helped if TSeverHTF... but not now. Small towns. They either know all your business, or make up what they want to fill in the gaps. My old lady neighbor, whom I've taken veggies and flowers from my garden for two years, told a bunch of people I "was NOT a nice person AT ALL". Granted she is one of those who just likes to talk smack about everyone but wow. Nice.
Sorry Chello, but in my experience, Bullies DO tend to change their behavior, or get out of town. Once they get their ass whipped royally in public!! Done it a few times. They pushed too much and too hard at the wrong time & well........
That is a messed up place you live in Ditch Witch. His agenda does seem to be personal, but the actions of your neighbors don't really surprise me. Small towns seem to eat their own at times. I have seen this happen before, and they love to spread the most malicious rumors without caring what type of damage they may do. There is no easy solution, but I would be damned if I would just let somebody get away with something like that. If you showed up with an attorney in tow at City Hall a lot of small town people would crap their pants. As a matter of fact we have a local constable that has served here for many, many years but he will be losing his job on May 29th for costing the county $200K in a sexual harrassment suit.
Now IF you happened to have a CHL, you could simply mention that fact around town. If any one ask why you mention having a CHL, then you could make them aware of Texas requirments> that being, no wants, no warrents no felonies ,etc. As for "I can't imagine working under such a lying coward for the next 2 years., well shucks I'd gladly take on the challenge. Wouldn't be the first time and it'd sure be a good way to prove you can survive. Then again I'm still on the MONKEY after others tried at first to run me OFF. Gotta Luv Success
For the past two years I've come out on top of investigations by the Attorney General's Office, the Secretary of State's office, the sherriff's department, and every local newschannel and paper for 60 miles, all fueled by everything from wannabe politicians who couldn't accept they lost fair and square, to drunken and disgruntled ex employees who had an axe to grind. I've already proven I can survive. Fortunately for me, my old job told me over the weekend to come back, and they cut my replacement loose. That means I get to wrangle a council meeting tonight where they swear in a registered sex offender as a new city council member. The news crews have been slobbering over this for months. I'll survive that as well. And the mayor who effed me at the new job? I had a field day at last night's city council meeting. He kept clutching his chest feigning heart pain in hopes of distracting people while I laid out his unethical behavior. I also paid enough attention to see he blatantly broke the Texas Open Meetings Act and the Nepotism Act last night. Old fool isn't going to last in office for long, of that I'll make sure.
People like your mayor think everyone will just roll over and play dead to there attacks and most will. Happy to see you stand up and take it to him. Maybe next time he will know to side out of your side of the sand box.
Glad it worked out so well for you Ditch Witch, I think you would be an asset to anyone, and as we say in Texas "fit to ride the river with."
moron mayor I agree take the high road, don't stoop to his level (even though he deserves what he gets!), just show who the better person is YOU!