No doubt, our public school system has been hy-jacked by social progressives. Been that way for quite some time with no end in sight. Glen Beck had a show about the progressive movement and big industry collaborating to create "worker bee's', and after watching it, well, it made sense. They are re-writiing history to make lincoln and rosevelt look great, while Franklin and Washington were just slave owners with crazy religious ideas. Having said that, schools are not the problem as much as the PARENTS. Kids sit around watching the idiot box munching on candy, drugged on ridlin smart mouthing their dad. It's easier that way I guess. This drive through right now mentality we have leaves little time to "train up" a child in the way he should go and we are paying for it as a nation. Like was stated in an earlier post, "I dont care if my kids hate me". Well thats true, they dont have to like me, BUT... thay WILL respect Me.
A cynical response would be that government schools are educating the next generation according to plan. This is one way to get rid of the well educated that might have caused trouble in the future.
Yeah, instead of a few, they left them all. Travesty. Gentleman's Cs, auto promotion, gradeflation, the whole closet full of tricks from K-12 and in a lot of cases, well beyond that.
I have grown up in the middle of generation "X" and generation "Y" but had the "luxury" of doing so on a farm with little to no money. My parents took special care to make sure I could get that new "contraption" the Internet, and I DO NOT believe it is the cause of the problems described. I also played those same video games and received that same public education and remember much of the history and geography I was taught. Some people are just STUPID, no matter what you tell them. You all know the way the media portrays events in today's society and it does not surprise me in the least when kids know more about "reality TV" than actual reality. The loses we take in Afghanistan, Iraq, Africa and other places in the world are regularly down-played or totally shunted to the side. Blame can be thrown around to bad education, bad resources, or parenting, but the main thing that gave me an advantage was that back-breaking work I had to do growing up every morning. Personal responsibility is the only culprit I see here. I was told in no uncertain terms the animals and crops we raise would feed me in turn. And yes, I use spell check, who wouldn't?
Puck - "loses" (in the 'stans and ir's) is a prime example of what CRC was talking about. Don't take it hard, it is spelled right, and we know what you meant in spite of being the wrong word. "losses" was clearly your intent. Nevertheless, synonyms and homonyms are completely lost on the kids today. If it is close, and can be understood by their contemporaries (even if mis-pronounced face to face) it's close enough for them. Do that in a business letter, and your credibility is not healthy. Read any newspaper, print or on line, you'll find at least one incorrect usage and another mis-spelling on any if not all pages. Even the Wall Street Journal is not immune. And the newscaster's pronunciation is more often than not, atrocious on a good day. All that set aside for the moment, we have to look at the differences of teaching programs today vs. how it was done, say, 30 years ago before the beat generation grew up. The internet, per se, is not the problem by itself. And methinks you were too busy to watch these alleged reality shows that do nothing good, and are poor entertainment on a good day. Porn would be far better, because it is reality, even if poorly portrayed (and one show is quite sufficient to teach the mechanics.) Preaching switch now in the OFF position.
We all recognize that "reality" shows are not meant to portray reality but rather to feed the prurient nature of human beings. For the most part, they hope to gain an audience based on the sordid and outrageous behavior of the participants. Adults are rarely interested in this type of programming but young people see them as we saw James Dean" in my generation.
my oldest is in the 6th grade, she is a 4.0 student. We have been lucky to have her attend the best public schools in the area (we live close enough to the GOOD side of town). but I have yet see American history or any civics whatsoever. This week I was at her school and saw some of the kids work on display on the walls. The projects were titled "Promote Welfare" ugh what is THIS? The depictions didn't suggest anything relevant to the preamble. I asked my daughter and she said "oh, its on Buddhism". Great.... Every time I talk about the revolution, constitution etc my family just says "Dad's at it again" I pray some portion of it is absorbed. Now when I was learned American history it was awful and boring, rote memorization of places and dates. That was it, no explanation of WHY things happened. It was not until later that I became interested and excited about the founding of this nation and the principles behind.
English class is now "Language Arts"; social studies is "modern living"; history is "World Events". I suppose the name of the class is intended to make the course more palatable to young students but it sure creates some confusion for me. I play a little game with the grands when they are here. If we are watching certain TV programs, the one who can name the most Articles of the Constitution represented by the story wins an ice cream sundae. The down side is they get too intensely involved with the TV.
Proofing my spelling is not the point. I am not Hemmingway on the best of days(let alone that drunk!), but if I write something meant be really seen, I'll actually look at it twice. The point is responsibility! If I mess up, I'll own it. I know who raised me. Who raised the kids who get these complaints? It wouldn't seem fair to blame the parents or would it?
The point of my obviously trivial remark was in support of CRC's assessment of the state of education and it's so-called enhanced learning techniques (read as dumbing down of the population) and my continued disgust with school systems. Parents bear the brunt of the problem, no question. Even school boards must consider the parents, no matter that the same parents elected the lawmakers that choke off the responsibility. The kids that were raised by lackadaisical and overly permissive parents in the 70s are now the teachers of our young ones. Since they were raised without proper guidance, they have no clue what it takes or how to grab the reins firmly. We olde pharts can see this, the folks that have somehow reached responsible positions cannot. You had the guidance, obviously, and personal responsibility is part of how you deal with things. The point is that responsibility has to be taught, either by example or enforcing the learning of it. It is NOT innate.
Having my first problem with either the disconnector or the trigger. It failed the function test despite taking it apart five times to check the process. Time to visit a gunsmith.
No, it is all on right, the hammer just gets caught on the disconnector hook. It is slightly off and forward and catches on the hook of the hammer.
disconnector is supposed to hook the hammer. but release it when the trigger rises. check your safety, the safety bar has a flat spot that is supposed to let the trigger rise when safety off. or am I misunderstanding? sorry for thread hijack
The hook on the disconnector is catching on the inner notch of the hammer. I think the disconnector is just a bit too far forward. Don't worry about it too much, its a significant problem that will require a good look at the problem, something I won't be able to truly show with words. I'll be showing it to my local smith, so no worries.
dragonfly, Good for your son for taking the responsibility to do what he needs to do to take care of him. His willingness to find a job - any job - speaks volumes about his character. He need not give up on his photography dream job. It may be that which he does on his "off" time, which may lead to a career opportunity nearer his dream. It's a shame his friends didn't learn. There is information and education out there for those who seek it. Unfortunately, it's a hard sell in this day and age.