Getting started with food storage basics

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by tacmotusn, Sep 24, 2012.

  1. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

  2. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    I just searched pasta storage and this thread seems like a good place to ask.

    Pasta. Charts say 1-2 years pasta lasts in storage. One place I read said if you keep it in the original package it last the longest. I don't trust those boxes to be as air tight as I would like. How do my fellow monkeys store their pasta? For my family I should have 100 lbs of pasta. By my calculations I do not go through 100 lbs of pasta in one year but it is good, family likes it and you can get creative.

    This is a great chart- put in the number for your family members, calculate and tweak from there. Food Storage Calculator

    I could do pasta in mylar bags but that would be many bags. I currently am storing in a tote but I do not think that the tote is as air tight as it should be. I know if I stored just spaghetti it would take up less room but variety is something that I try to do. Barilla has veggie pasta it does not have more fiber but it does have a bit more vitamin A. Barilla also has a white fiber pasta, which is higher in fiber.

    I am looking for suggestions on pasta storage that would make stock rotation easy without wasting lots of mylar bags.
    TheEconomist likes this.
  3. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    I store most of my pasta in Vacuum sealed bags using a Foodsaver. I also use Tupperware type plastic bins with airtight rubber seals and toss bulk pasta in those. I keep all my pasta in large plastic storage bins, rodent proof military type bins. I believe it will keep 50 years like this. I am willing to give it a try. So far, 5 years is fine, just made some macaroni from my 5 year stash, no problems.
  4. TheEconomist

    TheEconomist Creighton Bluejay

    I think the gallons of water estimate is low. Pretty neat to see this!
  5. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

  1. Yard Dart
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  6. DebfromAZ1
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