Re: Getting caught with my pants down(intheammunitiondepartm dunhams had 9 boxes 7.62x39 @7.49, one bulk box333 36grn .lrhp, I usually buy 40 grn..but its what was there,snapped it up... How's the supply of 9mm holding up????
Re: Getting caught with my pants down(intheammunitiondepartm Johnny Rocko said "Yea...more; that's what I need! More.".
Re: Getting caught with my pants down(intheammunitiondepartm its like that around here too ..any thing thats for practical stuff is is low .. i have a gun shop a few blocks from me ..and its a 2 week turn around on getting ammo in ..and when stuff comes in it gets snapped up right away .. lluckly im just suplamenting what i already have .. ..look at turkey or goose loads ..for home defence .. as for shooting i bought an adult spring air rifle that can change barrals ..22/.177.. can be shot indoors with a good pellet trap and because the spring makes it hard to shoot the more you shoot it the better you get the better you get with one of these spring guns the better you get with a center fire .. and its cheap ..