Took a road trip from Charleston SC to Gulf breeze FL to visit 2 sons and the grand kids gas off of I-1O $4.15/gal in Gulf Breeze got it for $3.87 I hope come November elections people aren't lulled into forgetting the high cost of fuel.
Holy cow….$4.41 in metro Detroit area for 87 octane. Gaylord $3.45!! The Soo was $4.51. All prices from today.
looks like I'll be stopping in Gaylord instead of St. Ignace and then fill up again on the Reservation on the next trip up. Was that at the Holiday Station in Gaylord?
$3.87 here in Gulf Breeze FL visiting my sons still a far cry from the less than 2 bucks a gallon pre Bidumb
Here in NW Alabama the price is $3.69 per gallon and has been going down for nearly a month. Despite what I hear, Biden had nothing to do with the prices going down...not a damn thing! He just let the prices rise to the point that everyone quit driving, and the Law of Supply and Demand actually reduced prices.
Get ready to open your wallet even-- more gas prices are going up big time. Bidumbs draining the strategic oil reserve is about to end driving us deeper into recession----- remember this when November election take place.
well after dipping down to the 3.8x a few weeks ago. We are now back to 4.59 for regular unleaded. I hope we hit 6 right before the mid-terms, Maybe that will help democratic voters change their minds about their party and the whole environmental thing. I predict ESG that corps are touting are going to become the latest fad to get chucked into the bin in the downturn.
The price for unleaded locally is currently $3.19, it went as low as $3.09 before going back up. I'm glad that I have gasoline and diesel stored in the barn...just wish that I had more. I heat, primarily, with NG, but yesterday I ordered enough propane to top-off the tank. Electricity, NG, propane and wood-burning fireplace should give me some security and flexibility this winter, whatever the price or availability of energy.
Canada produces enough oil to export yet you pay an obscene amount for gas. Guess you can than thank your socialist government. When you going to boot them out of office?