Not only will the gas tax "holiday" not amount to much for the consumer, it will actually make the inflation rate WORSE.....because, once again, spending will be UP, while income coming in will be DOWN. It's like they're just too STUPID to understand the reasons for inflation!
Locally, gas prices are approaching $4.00 a gallon. Think I might fill that last 55-gal. drum this weekend.
Went to town for my PT and gas is averaging $4.30/gallon What a Deal ------NOT!!! I hope the Saudis told Bidumb to go pound sand and drill your own oil. This NIMBY ain;t going to fly anymore
Especially after cutting into their Market, by selling National Oil Reserve Oil to china, to help balance his books…
Just heard on the radio the illegal regime is down playing Bidumbs begging the Saudis to pump more oil because they know the Saudis are going to tell him to F off ------maybe not in those terms. Can't blame them oil is there only resource why sell it all to us when we are sitting on more than what the saudis have.
I hope that the Crown Prine uses those exact words... during the press conference...while the cameras are rolling...for ALL the world to see!
Apparently, they were able to make nice for the cameras and the Saudis have agreed to pump more oil...maybe! While the Saudis were able to increase production back in the 1980s to help bring down the USSR and again in the early 1990s during the First Gulf War, they haven't been able to do so since. On several occasions the US has requested increased oil production, but the Saudis have been either unwilling or unable to do so, despite assurances that they would. Still, oil prices and gasoline prices should go down as a result of this "successful and productive" meeting, even if the Saudis don't pump a single additional barrel of oil. It could be months before we see any increased oil output reaching the world markets, it's not like turning on a tap. Back in the 1980s, it took about 6 months to flood the world with cheap Saudi oil and dry-up the USSR's only source of hard currency, that and a number of other factors lead to the fall of the Berlin Wall, the collapse of the Warsaw Pact, and the break-up of the USSR! It also, lead to the near bankruptcy of the US oil industry, and the First Gulf War...which lead to 911 and the ongoing War on Terror!
I've seen several stations around town that have gas for $4.00 or less...and some that I would actually buy gas from!
Still well into the mid $4.50 range here for regular. Don't you love that they raised the gas prices $3 and then try to make you feel good about a $0.50 price cut? Typical politician/dictator mind game BS.
According to the news this morning, the Saudis didn't promise to raise oil production and crude oil is back above $100 a barrel. What the Saudis did promise to do was to bring up the idea of increasing oil production at the OPEC August! So, we are still up a certain waterway in a Native American watercraft with no means of propulsion!
Surprised? No. Pissed? Yes. But hey lets take all of that money and ship it to Ukraine for shits and giggles to see what happens... Just checked the current cost of backing Ukraine... $13,000.00 so for taken from every man, woman, and child in America. You didn't notice it was gone? That's because they just printed it right out of your pocket. That's the great thing about printing money. You pay for it with out even noticing. This is why gas prices are up. This is why ALL prices are up.
Thinking about setting up a portfolio with monthly dividend from multiple midstream pipeline stocks are paying my extra fuel cost. It's basically a wash, dividends paying for the price rise.