FSMA and the Homestead

Discussion in 'Back to Basics' started by Thunder5Ranch, May 4, 2018.

  1. Thunder5Ranch

    Thunder5Ranch Monkey+++

    I believe the only reason they withdrew is because her own testimony in the deposition damned any chance she had of winning. Had she kept her mouth shut instead of giving such a colorful narrative of the days events, it would have went to trial and entered the 50/50 coin toss system. The bigger problem now is the FSMA shift and accountability away from the end consumer and places it squarely on the producers, warehouses, and retailers after the products have left their control In future court cases it is going to matter less and less if the end consumer mishandled the products and caused their own woes.

    I am all for common sense regulation that actually creates a standard, which we had with the existing health department, State and USDA rules and regulations. Granted some States and Counties are/were well beyond draconian and to the point of being hostile, but I am also a supporter of State and local Government rights and could simply choose not to do business in those jurisdictions. I have seen some real sh!t shop operations, A lady baking bread with goats standing on the counter right next to rising bread and the cat urine smell so bad in the house that the bread smell just like rancid cat urine and she carted that crap off to market. Yes evil mean me reported her and she was shut down shortly after by the Health Department. Another buy that pumped water from his sewage lagoon to water his market lettuce and bragging about how much faster and greener it grew, totally ignorant of the pathogen bacteria he was spraying on the lettuce. Regulations and Laws already exist about those things and for good reason. What we did not need was another layer of duplicate regulations and load of additional absolute nothing to do with food safety nonsense record keeping and paper trail regulations. Where we fell short and will still fall short is most health departments are understaffed, at here in IL the State IDOA Meat Compliance is way under staffed (The guys that go out and inspect the facilities, and brokers for hygiene and proper storage and temps etc.) Having one guy responsible for inspecting 300+ brokers a minimum of 3x per year with those brokers being 30-100 miles apart...... Yeah there are not enough hours in a day or days in a year for him to do the job right. We did not have a regulation problem we had a man power and enforcement of existing regulations problem. Tossing a entire new layer of largely duplicate regulations on top of the existing regulations and shifting responsibilities all on to producer, warehouses and retailers and mandating that the same state and local agencies enforce more nonsense will only result in less food safety and more hardship for every one involved from producer to, regulator.... to end consumer. I am sure on paper and in the FDA's statistics the FSMA is going to be a resounding success.......... In actual practice I can't see it being anything bud onerous failure. (Sorry Ghrit that last is not directed at you, lol I started typing and got carried away)
    3M-TA3, ghrit and Bandit99 like this.
  2. Thunder5Ranch

    Thunder5Ranch Monkey+++

    We might win a insignificant battle here and there, but we are losing the the war to a enemy that is largely invisible. Yay I beat the Health Department or State Agency............ Great they were just pawns on the board being controlled by someone else much higher up the chain.

    And yes it is sad when the Tinfoil Lounge Stuff is real and tangible.
    Dont and 3M-TA3 like this.
  3. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Yes ghrit, the system worked this time because the woman was ignorant and her lawyer was more so for even allowing her to open her mouth. I would not bet a doughnut it would work next time. Nuisance suits by ambulance chasers have been around for a long time and yet nothing has been done to stop them. In my opinion, one can be murdered by a legal book as well as numerous other ways. The courts in this country has shown to be biased, even politically biased, following their own interpretation of law in many cases, too many to even count, or practice obstruction of the law for political reasons. I would rather faced a murderous crack head because I honestly do not trust our judicial system anymore. Let's face it, money is a big player in our courts now. The more money you have the better chance you have of achieving your aims. Blind Justice my backside. Honestly, it scares hell out of me.

    EDIT: It's not only nuisance suits that have been around and nothing has been done, it's damn near everything. There are so many problems that have been left to linger, cans just kicked down the road, nothing ever truly gets fixed or changed. Look at all the hell going on trying to even change the Immigration Laws that have needed changing for 3-4 decades, maybe more. Then we get some bullshit tax law that doesn't do a damn thing to clean up the tax code mess, it's still a stack of 4'x4'x4' paper (or whatever) or truly helps the taxpayer. It's a damn good thing 'In God we Trust' because we cannot trust our government any longer - no branch of it. And, it is hard to even just be left alone in this country. One retires and they are all over them, for this, that and the other. Hell, I got sent so damn many books for this Medicare crap that now I have to be a professional student again and study to understand the ins and outs of not only Medicare but all the damn other medical insurance systems and even then they will not pay for everything, constantly getting nickeled and dimed. But, yeah, such a great deal, ohhh, yes everything so wonderful in America...Bah! I mean Amerika. We taxpayers get a mere drop of value for what we pay, crumbs.
    Last edited: May 5, 2018
    Thunder5Ranch and 3M-TA3 like this.
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