For The Children

Discussion in 'Freedom and Liberty' started by Minuteman, Apr 14, 2008.

  1. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    The problem is not with these people or with thier beliefs, I could care less how they live thier lives, so long as there is no evidence of criminal abuse. So far I have seen none. The problem is that the government has taken it upon itself to declare that thier lifestyle is wrong and they need to be punished.

    A raid is conducted with no evidence of a crime, children are basically kidnapped at gun point with no evidence that they were in any danger. They are being kept from thier parents on the grounds that they might be taught beliefs that the .gov doesn't santion.

    That's the problem. That's the danger. And all we have seen as evidence is " a long female hair" on a cot in a room. Oooohhhh!

    And the case against this Jeffs guy was very shady too. Convicted of the rape of a girl when he was not even present? Since when has that been accepted legal practice?

    I'm not saying that these people are saints or that thier not nuttier than peanut brittle, but they are American citizens and our government has singled them out for persecution, conducted unconstituional search and siezures in thier homes and taken thier children and most people are going along with it. I have heard people I work with say "they should have just burned them out like they did those nuts in Waco".

    That's what's wrong with this country. Just like the Nazi's did to the Jews. You demonize a people then anything you do to them is justified. Especially if it is "for the children".

    I don't believe anything that the government has to say about these people. I want to see prove, not allegations. And all I have seen is sensationalism and innuendo at it's worst.

    They had beds in thier church? Well must have been to have sex.
    I have never been to an FLDS church but I have been to a Church of the First Born and they have long marathon services and they also have cots in another room for the children who get sleepy during those long services. So they're pedophiles too I guess?

    They say they have 13 year old girls that are pregnant. Ok, let's see them. Find out who had sex with them and arrest them. But you have to keep in custody over 400 boys and girls who are not pregnant, who are not mistreated, who have loving mothers?

    There are minors who are married and have kids? Meaning under 18. Gee, how many inner city girls under 18 get pregnant in any major city in Texas? And don't have a husband, spiritual or not, that will take responsability for those kids and see to it that they are provided for.

    This whole thing stinks and it is being accepted by the sheeple who get thier whole world view from the lamestream media.

    No wonder our rights can be trampled in this country without an objection. Just make whoever your target is out to be a nutcase, and claim your doing it for the children and the rest of the country will sit back and cheer as you march them off to the ovens.
  2. FalconDance

    FalconDance Neighborhood Witch

    Very important thing to keep in mind: the media only tells us what they want us to hear and the govt only tells the media what they want them to hear. In the end, we get a fraction of any given story at best.

    There is a HUGE series of gaps of reasoning and sense in this story as portrayed thus far. The media would have us believe that a phone call was made (to Tx Fam Serv?) and the govt acted immediately to abate the problem as they saw fit, that being the immediate forced capture of over 400 children. Then the media says, "oops, looks like the whistle-blower might actually have been a 30 something weirded out woman with a grudge" and the govt says "too flippin' bad, these children were in danger and we're gonna fix it! Besides, it's already a media circus, might as well break out the popcorn."

    Now then. I feel sure that the group was already being watched. Uncle Sam foams at the mouth like a rabid squirrel when he catches wind of anyone who doesn't fit into the mainstream - especially if that someone back talks the system.

    Yes, polygamy is illegal in the US as is sexual intercourse between an 'adult' man and an 'underage' female (both statuses as defined by individual states). But that's NOT the issue here; the issue is the government forcibly removing over four hundred children from parental care in one fell swoop without 1) a reasonable publically available cause or 2) a fore thought plan as to after care. It made very good media coverage to "rescue" these poor "brainwashed" children from their horrid "child-rapist" parents. But at the end of the day, Texas clearly had a humungous "oh frek" situation on their hands and instead of finding a solution (which would be nearly impossible at this point), they blindly proceeded to steamroll forward into insanity.

    Who're the abusers in this situation? A religious group practicing their beliefs (if we suspend judgement on polygamy) falls under the freedom of religion in this country. Our laws do not dictate how a child is to brought up when it comes to religion as long as the extant laws (clear cases of assault and battery, child labor, etc) are not broken. "Brainwashing" is a subjective term, not a legal one. I would hazard in this case, the govt is using the term to mean "anything that teaches someone to not kowtow blindly to what we say is true", not actual manipulation of the thought processes for nefarious means.

    The reports say there are several who gave birth while underage and some as young as 13. If this is true, I find it criminal BUT unfortunately that happens all over the US every cursed day! Do we arrest the babies of those young mothers and hold them as state hostages while investigating the parents? Last time I checked, the answer was simply that the mothers joined the national dole and life went on ... another sad statistic. Maybe the govt should turn their eye towards abating the whole damned issue not just the most visibly advantageous one in an election year wind-up.

    The state's own experts have already testified that they found no signs of abuse or ill-use among the children. Case closed, in my book.

    As for the single long hair found on a matress in their Temple. OH. My. GODS. Give it up already! I have long hair and quite frankly, you'll find hair on the sofa, the floor, the sink, etc. But my husband and I do not have sex on the sofa (too small), the floor (too many curious cats) or the sink (cold porcelain does not equal erotic in my book). Gee, I guess maybe a hair found somewhere might not concretely prove sex happened there. Case closed.

    If they can prove there are grown men forcing young girls into sexual reltionships, string them up by their danglies and have done with. If they can prove the mothers allowed or encouraged such behaviours, string them up by their short-and-curlies. Otherwise, admit utter stupidity as quickly as possible, publically apologize for the grievous error, and return the children. Period.
  3. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    Judge Andrew Napolitano on Fox news today equated the actions of the Texas CPS to what the Nazi's did to the Jews. He said that SCOTUS has upheld the verdict that an anonymous tip is not sufficient evidence for a warrant to be issued.
    He was pretty blunt about how they have overstepped the constitutional boundaries.
    I have decided to buy his book. I like a lot of what he says about constitutional abuses in this country.
  4. monkeyman

    monkeyman Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Cool, hopefuly they will listen when a SCOTUS judge points out they are screwing the pooch.
  5. FalconDance

    FalconDance Neighborhood Witch

    Not likely, though. They started DNA testing today and that's expensive. The state has so much invested money-wise now, they are NOT going to want to back down, no matter what.

    Guess we'll have to wait and see how things fall out. If the upper levels of govt get involved (yeah right) and instruct TX to back down, will they? But I'm far more curious to see if TX will miraculously find evidence of all sorts of atrocious abuses to justify their actions ..... whether they're actual truth or not.
  6. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    I wonder if they got warrants for the DNA samples, and what was used for a reason. VERY curious about that. And who did they serve? The parents? Or the state who has questionably legal custody. Now, THAT is the fox watching the henhouse. Good grief.
  7. FalconDance

    FalconDance Neighborhood Witch

    Well, the given reason is that there are so many children who apparently have the same names..... Of course, no one trusts the govt goonies so who knows if the names the kids are giving are even correct! Also, the DNA is being researched by cheek swabs of the kids. The news said tonight that because this group has been "inter-marrying for generations within a very small group" it could prove challenging just what kid belongs to which parents. The test results will take about a month. (Amazingly, the popular daytime shows do it in a day or two by independent lab!)

    Also reported was that until now, mothers were allowed to stay with children four years and younger. Apparently the state has decided in its dubious wisdom and stupifying ignorance that this is simply unacceptable. ALL the children, even babies, are now slated to be put into foster or group homes (until the state pulls its head out its own ass).

    Again, IF proof can be supplied - NOT concocted - that the alleged abuses occurred, then that's one thing. But so far, all TX has proven is how absolutely dangerous the govt can be if you don't agree with the doctrine whole-heartedly.
  8. RouteClearance

    RouteClearance Monkey+++

    The following news release about Rozita Swinton, the so called 16 year old girl who called in the false tip. She is also an Obama Delegate.
    Someone has to be a total "wack job" to do something like this. She should be held accountabe ib every way posible, including the economic cost that this is costing the taxpayers of Texas
  9. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    If that proves true, the dot gov has really stomped on itself. The juggernaut has no brakes, they simply cannot back up. If it were not such a convoluted, twisted mess, it would be a laugh riot. Salivating over what comes next --. The war costs probably can't cover the costs of backing out of this one, come suit time.
  10. CBMS

    CBMS Looking for a safe place

    Hooo dogey, The government might have accidentally messed up alittle bit. Muahah, I predict that McCain will win with 48%
  11. ChemicalGal

    ChemicalGal Monkey+++

    If you would like to do more than discuss it, here are some options. I have already done these at another board.

    This is being put forth unofficially, by a private person, and in no way can be construed as the offical policy, opinion or endorsement of the staff or owners of Survival Monkey.

    This is for any patriotic defender of due process and the United States Constitution. We may individually find the FLDS repugnant, backward, think their theology unbiblical and their clothes stupid. We may personally find polygamy to be sinful and the congregational blessing of a spiritual marriage of a seventeen year old - male or female - to be abhorrent. We may, each of us, be secretly convinced the FLDS men are rapist perverts the punishment of whom ought to involve sticking knives and rusty reel mowers. These are merely personal beliefs, however; which we are all entitled to under our Constitution, just as are the FLDS.

    We, the people, insist the FLDS are just as entitled to due process under the law and their constitutional rights as are any of us. Not because of our firm belief in their absolute innocence, but because we firmly believe they are American citizens, endowed by their Creator with certain rights inalienable.

    We believe these inalienable rights are being denied. We believe any possible criminal cases are being irreparably damaged. We believe in justice. This is why we protest.

    Contact your Representatives

    Contact your Governor

    Contact Texas Gov. Rick Perry

    Contact Focus On The Family

    Sign the petition

    Sheriff Joe Hunt, Tom Green County -

    The San Angelo City Council

    Email the Austin chapter of the ACLU at This may or may not be the correct chapter; I couldn’t find that information. Pester them anyhow.] Texas CPS[/url]]San Angelo Standard-Times[/url]]Austin American-Statesman[/url]

    If you need a letter:

    - to Focus on the Family
    <table border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tbody><tr> <td class="alt2" style="border: 1px inset ;"> Dear Dr. James Dobson,

    I am writing because of my deep concerns in regards to the FLDS custody case in Texas.
    In particular I am concerned about this legal argument offered by the Texas Child Protective Services, used successfully to retain custody over 416 children in a mass custody hearing.

    “…[The FLDS children] are ruthlessly indoctrinated from birth to believe disobedience will lead to their damnation.”

    This was cast by CPS, and agreed to by Judge Barbara Walthers, as inherently abusive; so abusive that the state could conceive of no proposal by which the children would ever be safe in their parents’ care.

    This is not even a small leap from concluding that all Christian parents are “ruthlessly indoctrinating their children” with the threat of “damnation” – this is the exact same as concluding this is so. However small, it is a legal precedent and dangerous beyond belief.

    Please, stand up against this. We may think it is very different to teach polygamy as biblically sound versus teaching the word of Christ. I doubt humanistic bureaucrats will make such a distinction.

    Regards, </td> </tr> </tbody></table>
    - to your Congresscritters or Governor

    <table border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tbody><tr> <td class="alt2" style="border: 1px inset ;"> Dear (insert proper name here), </td> </tr> </tbody></table>
    <table border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tbody><tr> <td class="alt2" style="border: 1px inset ;">
    I am deeply concerned about the FLDS case in Texas. As a devout Christian, the state’s argument that religious beliefs taught in conjunction with the “threat” of “damnation” are inherently so abusive that the state cannot conceive of a proposal by which children would ever be safe in the care of their parents, is dreadfully alarming. The lack of probable cause, via one phone call authorities now believe to be a hoax, will surely taint any evidence to the point that no criminal convictions will ever arise; however deserved they are found to be! The lack of due process, illustrated by an en masse hearing for 416 children in direct violation of Texas law, et cetera ad nauseum, is shocking beyond belief.

    Texas CPS is currently detaining an eighteen year old adult woman against her will, with a certified birth certificate to prove her age, because they believe she is lying about her age.

    District Judge Barbara Walthers deliberated for a mere five minutes before giving her ruling.

    A seventeen year old Canadian citizen visiting her grandmother has been made a ward of the state of Texas, without benefit of the Canadian consulate.

    I see abundant evidence of a miscarriage of justice, dangerous legal precedents and abuse of powers. I insist as your constituent that action be taken to uphold the Constitution and due process.

    Regards, </td> </tr> </tbody></table>
    If y’all can find it in you to take action by signing the petition and/or emailing anyone you feel proper, please do so at once. Please pass this on.

    <!-- / message --><!-- sig --> __________________
  12. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    Excellent info CG!! That is in the best spirit of being a monkey, action not just talk. Good on you!!!
  13. Clyde

    Clyde Jet Set Tourer Administrator Founding Member

    Why write when you can claim "Unintended Consequences" and begin the rebellion.

    Who is gonna fire the 2nd shot heard around the world? Come on you Texans, I thought you were the Free State of Texas?

    That is just great. A bunch of Texas pussies!
  14. RouteClearance

    RouteClearance Monkey+++

  15. monkeyman

    monkeyman Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    I figure they will be screwed now beyond what they already were. Seems it must have quit selling add time cause I havent been seeing it on network news anymore. So with no one watching I figure the gloves will come off and it will quietly get them screwed.
  16. FalconDance

    FalconDance Neighborhood Witch


    Why in the nine hells would they put these women in a Baptist shelter - a bitter rival religious group? That, of course, is not my major concern, but it boggles the mind, smacks of fishy business.

    The stench of the whole thing just keeps building, doesn't it?
  17. FalconDance

    FalconDance Neighborhood Witch

    The Tribune has a lengthy list of articles on the issue. Quite disturbing and eye-opening, not all pro-sect necessarily, either.

    Also shows what a f**k up the whole thing is, even allowing for FDLS members not all being innocent (there are always a few bad apples in every barrel of human society).
  18. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    I cannot see that we should be surprised. The odor of dead fish has been hanging over this whole episode since Day 1.
  19. monkeyman

    monkeyman Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    The state has said that enough evidence of "spiritual marriages," pregnancy and childbirth by underage girls at the ranch exists to seek permanent removal of all the children from their parents because of the risk of child abuse.

    So I wonder when we can expect them to go through all the houseing projects and inner city areas and summarily collect all of the children. People living together as man and wife without a government issued lisence to do so, under age pregnancy, risk of abuse.....all sound even more applicable to those areas, so whats their hold up if they figure thats their job?
  20. RouteClearance

    RouteClearance Monkey+++

    I guess that we can add Texas to the list of Socalist/Facist states.
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