Food Storage and Bugs

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Tracy, Feb 3, 2007.

  1. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    Put stuff you don't want the bugs to get into inside of 2L bottles, or 1 gallon juice bottles.
    Stuff like flour, rice, on cake mix.
    I have had these bugs get into atuff before. They didn't chew into the PETE bottles.
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  2. Actually the bay leaves may impart some smell, after all they are highly aromatic. But as long as they stay dry? I have never had them impart any taste to my food, unless of course I added them as seasoning...
  3. Just another little post I think you may like, Its not related to food. But it is, to natural bug and parasite removal.
    First off, we are going to tackle fleas and mosquitoes. God I hate mosquitoes, In Florida, we have some that could carry off a small puppy. Ok so I exaggerated a little. But not by much!:) We have two things, err, I guess three things worth keeping in mind. They all work because the fleas and mosquitoes don't like the smell.

    First off, Pennyroyal. this herb is very easy to grow with nice flowers that look great in the flower bed. Pennyroyal contains the same chemical that most all flea and tick collars and sprays use that you buy. having pennyroyal growing around your property also helps greatly against the local mosquitoes and ticks, as they hate the smell. If you sew a tube of cloth to make a collar, you can fill it with fresh crushed pennyroyal and use it as a pet collar to help out our furry family members. One word of warning though. Do NOT ingest or let your animals ingest it. And wash you hands well after handling. It is poisonous. Also do not do what one friend did. She made a decoction of it and sprayed her cat with it. Cats like to lick their fur. She failed the common sense IQ test. and almost killed her cat. Thank god for good vets.:(

    Next up, Mothballs and flakes. This is something I have used a lot when camping. yes they stink. but I find them perfect when I want to get a good nights sleep in the tent. After setting up your tent, place a plate or tin inside with some mothballs or flakes, and leave the door tied back and open. also open the windows. about a half hour to an hour before going to bed. remove the plate or tin and sprinkle the contents thinly around outside it. And close up the door. this gives time for the tent to air out. Mosquitoes absolutely hate the smell and it will drive them away. And this makes sure when you go to bed, you have no unruly guest in the tent, making your night aggravating .

    Avon's Skin so Soft, This is also a great help in making mosquitoes go somewhere else to feed. without covering your skin with poison. Granted it is not DEET. And if I was in another country where Mosquitoes carried far more deadly disease ? I would go with the poison. But it does work well, and smells far better to us puny humans.

    Ok now for the 2nd on the most hated kill list....
    Parasites, Just typing it sends chills down my spine.:mad:
    Here we have 2 suggestions. First minced and crushed fresh garlic, Mixed with a little molasses. My grandfather used this on his goats and dogs. they ate it right up and love it. That was grandads de-wormer. and it worked great for most common Parasites like pin worms and tape worms. however it has no effect on heartworm unfortunately.

    Next up? Green Black Walnut extract with or without Wormwood. Green Black Walnut extract works very well to eliminate most parasites from the body even without the wormwood. and is quite safe. (NOTE: EXCEPT in the case of Nut allergies! Please DO NOT USE, if you have nut allergies) 1 Dropper full 2 times a day for an adult for 7 days and their usually dead and gone. With wormwood, it works better and will even expel liver flukes. But caution must be used. Wormwood is the plant used to make Absinth an alcoholic drink that is VERY hard on your liver. If you use Green Black Walnut extract with wormwood long term daily? You WILL damage your liver! Normal dosage for an adult is one dropper full ONCE a day. for 7 days, Lay OFF taking for 7 days, and if needed take same dosage for 7 days more. Also take special note: If this is used within 1 week of a blood test. you Will freak out and likely P*** off your doctor. The wormwood will greatly increase your bilirubin levels. Indicating you have a serious liver problem. Takes about a week for the levels to return to normal

    This information is given for informational and educational purposes only! I am not a doctor or vet. I personally have used all these in my life with great success but your use is at your own risk.
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2019
    Ganado likes this.
  4. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    I have absinthe. Not the fake shit they sell state side. The real stuff I got over seas.
    Hell I don't even know if it's legal here.
    Ganado likes this.
  5. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    I'm in the liquor business and absinthe is legal in the USA. I also did some research and discovered that drinking absinthe, within reason, wasn't as bad for you health as people claimed, however drinking fake absinthe would blind you, make you insane and kill you. The fake stuff was often wood alcohol with some copper sulfate added for coloring. Kind of like moonshine that was watered down and then laced with lye to make it burn when you drank it.
    Ganado and oil pan 4 like this.
  6. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    Yeah read the msds for copper sulfate. You really don't want to ingest copper sulfate.
    Legitimate absinthe doesn't contain copper sulfate if it was made this century.
    Grain alcohol and copper sulfate would be useful in clearing up fungal infection on livestock maybe.
  7. You are correct with everything you said. The reason for the warnings and concern in my post. Is because of the toxicity of wormwood. Though it is not as toxic as many plants, it is toxic. And can build up in the system over time. It is absorbed by the body and liver readily, But leaves the liver far slower. This can cause the wormwood to buildup to dangerous damaging levels, destroying the liver. Real Absinth is safe in moderation. But, If taken daily say 2 shots a day? over say 3 years? with vodka or whiskey? I would say that's moderation. With Absinth? I would have to say you need a new liver. And the fact it can cause your bilirubin levels to skyrocket in blood test can cause your doctor to make a miss diagnosis. Most definitely Not heathy, And not wanted. And to the point of Bilirubin levels and your Doctor? I personally, Have first hand experience! Trust me please? It's not fun...…….
  8. The copper sulfate would worry me. We used it at a lumber mill I worked at once. For fungal infections I personally would use Tea Tree Oil, Far less chance of poisoning and bad side effects.
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