Food on hand?

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by pizzamonkey, Jan 24, 2008.

  1. TnAndy

    TnAndy Senior Member Founding Member

    Local Ace hardware store here had the best prices on new jars. 8.00/case for quart wide mouths. I bought 40 cases.

    Garage sales have great prices ( see them for 10-20cents each ), but usually small amounts at a time, and various sizes. Figure your gas and time and buying new is probably cheaper.
  2. pizzamonkey

    pizzamonkey Monkey+++

    I dont have to much faith in forage, to many people out and about as soon as they hear shots they wont be looking for game they be waiting and looking for you (pray you see them first) I been stocking up on traps (like hunting 24/7) without the exposure. Many things will have to be done nocturnaly. I just keep stocking and storing plan to lay low while things pan out I could last bout 5 mos.
    Going to get real interesting these next 5 years to say the least.

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