Bah! Public schools... They should privatize the entire mess. Thank goodness I don't have any children...
I got the usual swats in school.nice plexiglass paddle with holes drilled in it. I had about every swat coming. I don't think it caused any damage. Today's kids are wussies. Goes right along with kids playing sports where no score is kept.Or everyone gets a participation trophy. Oh, when my folks would find out about my getting paddled? It was worse than what happened at school. My mom was good at just looking at me and making me feel like shit. I just got through listening to my kids talk about their classmates being disruptive. I'm sure this no consequences thing will work out well in the long run for the country.
Amen Big Ron. The school whoopin was just a runner up to the real whoopin ya got when ya got home. If it was early in the day , then you had all day to think about what you had to look forward to when you got home. But nowadays , the schools aren't allowed to discipline the kids , and the majority of parents won't discipline them. So in my opinion , this is part of the reason why we have a lot of the problems we're having with kids these days. I'm not saying these whoopin's will cure these problems , but it will start to teach them repurcussions , which I think the kids don't understand because of the lack of discipline in the home.