
Discussion in 'Back to Basics' started by skyking, Jun 25, 2011.

  1. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    When the great unwashed come visiting

    Bed bugs would also be useful additions to the uninvited / unprepared accomodation, though I guess in a world short on personal hygiene products post TEOTWAWKI, the great unwashed will mostly bring their own unwanted critters : O
    skyking likes this.
  2. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    My wife's grandparents had us sit their dogs one summer. They were infested with fleas, and our carpets got infested, and we had an extreme flea problem. Our solution? Borax and a stiff bristle broom. Borax contains boric acid, which is extremely deadly to insectovoria. I sprinkled Borax on the carpets and worked it down into the fibers with a good stiff bristle broom. I did not vacuum the treated areas for 2 weeks then vacuumed the carpets three times. We have had zero fleas or other insects for 5 years. It seems that enough boric acid gets worked into the mat of the fibers and keeps on killing. I also ring my garden boxes with boric acid and it kills slugs, snails, etc. Seems that the bugs eat it, and die. Non staining and safe for use around children and pets. Good ol' 20 Mule Team Borax works wonders. YMMV, as with all things.
    Pax Mentis, Barbosa and Tracy like this.
  3. BAT1

    BAT1 Cowboys know no fear

    I agree with the Borax method, and if you are on pier and beam, they will be under the house.
    You will need to dust it with either Borax, or add some Demon WP for quick relief.
    Throw flea bombs with growth regulator in them for maintenance. Roaches, Spiders, Scorpions, Fleas, done.
    Trap the mice, Find out where they are getting in or under. Operation Deny access.
    Then go around the house and seal all holes etc. that may allow entry.
    Caulking gun, wet rag. Expanded metal, screws, drill.
  4. CATO

    CATO Monkey+++

    I had a flea problem a couple of years ago. In some stage of the flea life cycle, I can't recall which, but not the adult, the flea can develop a husk around itself and go dormant for a very long time. The thing that breaks the hibernation is vibration. In essence, the flea detects movement and comes out of its husk to feed.

    I got rid of my with off-the-shelf flea spray killers (not aerosols). I think it had pyrethrins (not Permethrin). I sprayed daily.
  5. UrbanFool

    UrbanFool The Village Idiot

    We inherited a flea problem when we rented this house too. We came with 5 dogs that had never seen a flea and it's a nightmare. We have birds and can't bomb or anything. Husband just sprayed Shelby down this morning and she's still giving him the cold shoulder.
    skyking likes this.
  6. Barbosa

    Barbosa Monkey+

    So what happened, Skyking?
  7. Tommygun0101

    Tommygun0101 Monkey+

    I suggest spending the money on pros, if possible. If not, boric acid is the way to go.

    Just my opinion, do with it what you will. :D
  8. IndieMama

    IndieMama Monkey+++

    As a pest control operator, I have to recommend you first confirm they are fleas, and then call a licensed, bonded exterminator that is in good standing in your state. The thing about fleas is this: the eggs need to be killed, or they will continue to hatch. A house with flea eggs can sit flealess until you move into it. The heat from our bodies causes the eggs to hatch and there you have it.

    Precor is a chemical we use that kills adults and eggs, etc. It is supposedly safe to spray on your carpets. I would definitely check out the MSDS sheet online and call a good exterminator.

    Bed bugs are a whole different story....

    The flea bombs do not work and are really not very safe to use. Why would you want checmial everywhere in your house when the fleas are not everywhere? Ick. It's a lot of unneccesary work.
  9. peanut

    peanut Monkey+

    My cats got fleas from the dogs next door (which is awesome because my cats don't go outside). IDK maybe the neighbor brought them over on his clothes, but the house was infested and I was getting eaten alive in bed. I bought Revolution for cats, needs a prescription but you can get it from Canada without one. Available for dogs too. Wherever they went, it killed the fleas and within a week the fleas were gone. Good luck. Fleas suck. Literally.
  10. Alpha Dog

    Alpha Dog survival of the breed

    With your dogs take their bed mats and fill them with cedar chips, fleas can't stand cedar chips. You can see them fall of fo the dog when they lay on the mat.
  11. Quigley_Sharps

    Quigley_Sharps The Badministrator Administrator Founding Member

    Bombs don't work. Most sprays don't work--they don't get to the fleas--they just sit on top of the carpet and furniture. Boraxo (as in laundry detergent, 20 mules and all) works.

    Sprinkle the borax everywhere. I use a plastic peanut butter jar (clean of course--drilled a bunch of holes in the top) and sprinkle the whole box throughout the house. Brush it in with a broom, leave it on overnight, then vacuum it the next day (or longer if say you're leaving town or something).

    If it's real bad do it a couple of times. The borax will also clean the carpet as well, makes it smell fresher if possible. Use any leftover in your laundry.

    Fleas eat the borax which is deadly to them, but the borax also dissolves their exoskeleton and they track it to their nest where it will dissolve the eggs. If you don't get the eggs you have outbreaks every 2-3 months. Plus eggs can lie dormant for several years, I'm told.

    In other rooms without carpet I do use Enforcer brand flea spray (purchased from the local Ace hardware but it's a common brand I think)--in my experience it's the only spray that works. Spray crevices in furniture, under furniture, the piping around mattresses, between mattresses, against the baseboards and under them. Fleas like to get into tight deep places then come out to feed.

    FOOD GRADE DIATOMACEOUS EARTH works same as Boraxo but harmless to everything but fleas.Get it on FleaBay in everything from 1/2 pound to 10 pounds.10 lbs was about 25 bucks with free shipping.Make sure it is food grade only.Works in a few days to kill adults and eggs also then just vacuum it up.
  12. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    Borax is best, IMO. The method as Quigs and I both outlined, is cheap, easy and effective.
    skyking likes this.
  13. goinpostal

    goinpostal Monkey+++

    The Raid fumigator smoke bombs work better than the spray bombs,without leaving a residue on everything.Spraying straight white vinegar on the effected areas will kill the eggs.The eggs can stay dormant for six months or longer.
    Get"Comfortis"for your dogs.One $25 pill each will kill"All"the adult fleas in a couple of days,and I mean"All".
    Mice dont like pepper,or hot sauce.Sprinkle pepper into carpet,and fabrics.Wet mop hard surfaces(floors,counters,ect.)with hot sauce,and let air dry.
    If your dogs have cat buddies,the cow dip(malathion)can kill the cats even through second hand contact with the dog and the areas frequented by the dog.Total renal failure on an animal is not a pleasent thing to see.
    skyking likes this.
  14. ozarkgoatman

    ozarkgoatman Resident goat herder

    If you want to keep fleas and ticks off your dogs take a peeled clove of garlic and pack it in some raw ground meat. Then feed it to you dog, if your dogs are as greedy as mine are they will swallow it before they figure out the garlic is in there. Do this once a week or as needed.

    skyking likes this.
  15. Jaybird

    Jaybird Monkey+++

    Borax worked for me. Work it into the carpet good.
  16. skyking

    skyking Monkey+

    well second round of baths and a Frontline type of product from Argentina and the Malathion type of rub/spray just made these rascals hungry.The fleas are still winning[dunno]
  17. dragonfly

    dragonfly Monkey+++

    I had to use a liquid spray...let it set for 2-3 hours, vacuum, spray again and wait once more. Then after vacuuming the second time i put down some flea powder made just for the prpose. My son brought in some abandoned kittens (6 of them) and a ton of fleas. We had bites all over our legs and those things got into the beds, and furniture. The spray was just a gallon jug of standard bug spray, sold at the hardware and Walgreens. That cured the flea problem and we never had a problem since. For my dogs, when they got them from outdoors, I bought "ADAMS PLUS" and one treatment cured them. I still have most of the bottle left today and that was several years ago! I even lent it to a neighbor that took in a stray cat that was infested and one treatment and they were happy as larks! That stuff works like magic!
  18. skyking

    skyking Monkey+

    Adams is good stuff, used it yrs ago,just wish we could get it here.The dish soap here works about as good as anything killing the adults on the dogs.There are times I wish we had carpet but everything is tile or in our case old,old bricks that are a real pain to clean as they left big gaps in the mortar ,you know it had to have been a man ,he never thought far enough ahead to how are you going to sweep and mop it clean??
  19. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    There are products that can be used to seal porous surfaces, even as coarse as bricks. I think, digging into very old memory that silica gel ("water glass") is one. I'm pretty sure that others exist and/or have been developed since those wayback times; haven't kept up with the market. There is one at least that will do it but will cover up the charm of brick; "Fixall", IIRC, that I used to fill some awful concrete surface roughness in a kitchen. You'll want to cover that with something a bit more attractive.
  20. tdwhite03

    tdwhite03 Monkey+

    Like others have said, the eggs are the problem. you can kill all the adults and the next day you will have more fleas. Its a very frustrating process, took us about a month to kill off all the dang things last summer. we used a comb of borax and 7 dust
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