No trees is ok, you could sink a couple of poles, and run a zipline across the pond, and the kids will love it.
lol, you're a braver man than me! My kids can get hurt without any props to help them! They're the kids you see walking into the local ER as you're driving by.... think heads stuck in a chair or arrow to the butt etc....
We had a zipline here for several years, until the power company butchered one of the trees involved, and I had to remove it. They will love it. (And you will too!)
uh yeah.... hold my beer and watch this.... Unfortunately I've heard that a few times before, just not from my kids! lol (Not yet anyways) Kinda like last summer when hubby was "tuning up" the go-cart and "NEEDED" to ride it just to make sure it was running well. "Hold my pop honey... I'm just going up the road a ways". In the f-a-r far distance I hear this big crash and awww SHI*!!! Being the good type, I hop on the 4 wheeler and toodle down to see whats up and I have to say that cut stone down in the field with 3 foot high hay around it.... it won that fight against his hard head. Thats the first time I ever saw that head actually get hurt... its so hard! lol What is it with men???
"Thats the first time I ever saw that head actually get hurt... its so hard! lol What is it with men???" If our heads were of softer stuff, they might crumble under the onslaught of constant chatter.....It's a natural safety device.
Ooooohhh you soooo funnneeeee! NOT!!! ok maybe a little... Still resent that since I am intelligent and do not "CHATTER"!!! And no... you may not ask my husband if that is true ......!
We are "nowhere" with our pond yet! Still winter here and having rain all week which is already turning into sucking mud... Geez what a mess!
(It was so nasty here yesterday that my son went to put the goats in the barn last night and 2 little deer tried to go in with them) He fed them some corn because they were so hungry. They were so hungry they were "tame". Haven't had them do that here before...
We bottle fed a tiny baby deer and she became a house pet. Even after fully grown she would come to the door wanting to eat with us. She slept with the dogs and met the kids at the mailbox. Church groups and vans full would come to pet her. Abele was one sweet girl. She had two fawns one year and one the next then disappeared. We had two blaze orange neckerchiefs on her and had spray painted her sides blaze orange--LOL, you could spot her a mile off. Had many hunters say she walked up to them for tidbits. She was the communities pet.