Finding Others....Sheesh!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by dragonfly, Jul 31, 2011.

  1. dragonfly

    dragonfly Monkey+++

    I have never met Mr. Rawles, but, I had the "misfortune" of meetng his "twin" in deed.
    Same schools, same jobs, same mental designs....
    I was shocked to see what is referred to as "Military Intelligence" today!
    I hate to say the word 'oxymoron', but the person I met with was beyond description in that realm. ( there are exceptions to all rules!)
    Not "spooky", ( likes to refer to himself as a SPOOK! Hardly, I know real SPOOKS and many others!) but he's as nutty as a fruit bat, OH YES!
    I have had a number of people try to tell me how to set up my place and all based on a fictional novel. I have had at least 4 people try to read the danged novel to me on the phone, 2 were even LONG DISTANCE and I was paying the bill for God's sake! Not my idea of sanity.
    "IF" there is a following ( and I am sure there is), they are all doomed by the scenario's they are basing their layout's and setup's on. Now it's TRUE that some of the "advice" comes straight from some Military manual/s. Therein lies the problem. The people doing this are NOT military, have no training as such, and are 'lost' when it comes to reality. Most of the wacko's out there have all the Weapons and ammo in the world, and not much else....What are they thinking? They are going to fend off the freakin' Chinese Army? What happened to "common sense"? That went out the window...BUT, they've got their weapons!
    Mr. Rawles is in BUSINESS to make money and he does that quite well....No doubt he has his heart in the right place ( no one ever used scare tactics to sell anyone anything,...right?) I do not care one way or another, BUT he and his site have become a tribute to the uneducated that will take his NOVELS for the absolute GOD'S TRUTH, and try to make it work. Fine, so be it. I'm easy. Just keep them far away from me. I have seen the after effects of those people reading too many fictional novels....they are like the kids that saw the movie "Superman" and tried to fly out the 12th floor windows!
    Some people are too moronic to NOT get caught up in the fiction and take it for truth. Now the TRUTH be told, that it is a sad condition of the people walking the earth today. I liken the whole thing to listening to a politician, their lips are moving, so, they are lying!!!
    I like fictional movies and books...especially SCI-FI..,. I am NOT worried about the Martians invading! ( ack ack!)
    BeReady likes this.
  2. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Dragonfly, Maybe when I get so old, that I can't live "so far out in the alaskan bush" I just might be looking for a few acres to build a small cabin on, (>700Sq Ft, at my expense) to live out my days. I would need to string up a couple of antennas for my radios, but not much else. There ARE folks that could do what your looking for. They are just a little hard to come across, as you have found. Keep looking, because they ARE out there, and if you find one or two, that really have the "Right Stuff" grab them quick, because they aren't falling out of the trees. ..... YMMV....
    dragonfly likes this.
  3. Clyde

    Clyde Jet Set Tourer Administrator Founding Member

  4. dragonfly

    dragonfly Monkey+++

    ...and still the search continues, even today!
    BeReady likes this.
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