ferFAL Some first hand experience A brief story of Argentina

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by melbo, Mar 25, 2006.

  1. melbo

    melbo Hunter Gatherer Administrator Founding Member

    The top of my list of possible sceneraios is most definatly economic collapse. We are almost there right now.
  2. FerFAL

    FerFAL Monkey+++

    Thanks Melbo :)
    I'd worry about another terrorist attack if I were you guys.
    But don't sell everything and move into a cabin in the middle of nowhere. Even if it does happen, life goes on. That's what many people in the survivalist/preparednes comunity dont understand.

  3. ozarkgoatman

    ozarkgoatman Resident goat herder

    Hello Ferfal

    Glad to see you joined. [applaud]
  4. FerFAL

    FerFAL Monkey+++

    Hi there, thanks ;)

  5. Blackjack

    Blackjack Monkey+++

    I worry about it, but only in the context of what my own government will do to me if it happens.

    Chance of a terrorist killing me... .001%
    Chance of losing more liberty because of terrorists.... 100%
  6. FerFAL

    FerFAL Monkey+++

    So true.
    All they have to do is label you as a “domestic terrorist” and they can do whatever they want.
    Don’t want to give up your guns? You are a terrorist, and from that moment on you have no rights at all.

    swell. a disasters natural or accidents attacks, of variety for protection provide can it and idea, good like seems shelter fallout A areas. populated in detonating terrorists real about thinking was bombs” “dirty I was thinking about real terrorists detonating “dirty bombs” in populated areas. A fallout shelter seems like a good idea, and it can provide protection for a variety of attacks, accidents or natural disasters a swell[
  7. Wild Trapper

    Wild Trapper Pirate Biker

    Welcome aboard FerFAL, glad to see this thread revived. I think you'll like it here.
  8. E.L.

    E.L. Moderator of Lead Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    FerFAL, welcome to the forum.
  9. Clyde

    Clyde Jet Set Tourer Administrator Founding Member

  10. E.L.

    E.L. Moderator of Lead Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Re: Some first hand experience - A brief story of Argentina

    FerFal is the E.F. Hutton of the Survival forum world. This is a guy that not only lives, but is living well through catostrophic events. I hope we hear more from him, he has a lot to contribute. [winkthumb]
  11. melbo

    melbo Hunter Gatherer Administrator Founding Member

    Re: Some first hand experience - A brief story of Argentina

    Must have gotten a link somwwheres. We have over 100 viewing this the last couple of hours.

    Pull up a chair...
  12. ozarkgoatman

    ozarkgoatman Resident goat herder

    Re: Some first hand experience - A brief story of Argentina

    Gee with the econemy as sound as Bush says it is you would think that the dust would be piling up on this thread. [booze]

  13. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Re: Some first hand experience - A brief story of Argentina

    Not just all that, but let us take a good look at the logistics, shall we?

    MS-13 is REAL. This is not pretend. What is happening in Argentina (hell, most of South America) is nothing short of genocide. And what about America? Well, I have included several links for you that will hopefully open some eyes on the matter.

    LINK1: Gangs from Central America and Islamic radicals may present a deadly threat- http://www.secretsofsurvival.com/survival/ms_13_islamic_radicals.html

    LINK2: Interviews with MS 13 Prison Inmate Gang Members- http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=8y2ylbna1ug

    LINK3: Report: MS-13 gang hired to murder Border Patrol- http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/january2006/110106hiredtomurder.htm

    (For all those who don't believe that the US Gov't could possibly be fueling this war.)

    LINK4: Blackwater & Foreign Troops to Occupy America- http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=Nzuvy3xw5_k&feature=related

    When does it all end?
  14. ColtCarbine

    ColtCarbine Monkey+++ Founding Member

    Re: Some first hand experience - A brief story of Argentina

    Missed this one, good read.

    Bump for those who haven't seen it.
  15. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer

  16. franks71vw

    franks71vw Monkey+++

    Re: Some first hand experience - A brief story of Argentina

    A+ thanks alot i have a new look on things and preparing my plan accordingly thanks again Melbo[beer]
  17. medicineman

    medicineman Survival Guru

    Re: Some first hand experience - A brief story of Argentina

    I'm sorry if this seems like a rant or flame.
    It's not meant to be more than a head's up and a CAUTION.

    Before we get too far into the "hero worship" over this guy, let me warn you of some things you NEED to know.......

    FerFal has registered all over the web on as many boards as he can.
    He uses them as a platform to purvey his self proclaimed "GURU" status.

    Those who dare to disagree with him, are trashed thoroughly by him and his cult-like followers.

    He has actually gone so far as to create a FAKE blog, resistered as another person, in order to slander that person and hurt his business.
    Yes, BUSINESS. As in his way of feeding the family.

    The blog is (was) HERE...

    It's all a pack of LIES.
    He is IMPERSONATING the guy to cause harm.

    I know we like a "winner" or a "victor", but this FERFAL dude isn't it.

    Here are some quotes from NUMEROUS people outlining the basic picture of his problem for you........

    He has been BANNED, and/or REMOVED from numerous sites because of his rabid attacks on those who question his methods and information.

    I don't really have anything against the guy, but I know trouble when I see it.
    This is just a "heads up".

    Approach his information with caution and the understanding that he has no more insight than any of us here.

    Don't drink the kool-aid.
  18. Sgt.Barnes

    Sgt.Barnes Monkey++

    Re: Some first hand experience - A brief story of Argentina

    very interesting.[cow]
    looking around on google i also found www.ferfal.com ( http://ferfal.com/ )
    the blogspot thing you linked doesn't show much at all anymore,edited out , but why even get a blog with another guys name, especially one your bashing? Except to cause further harm or problems, He did threaten to post this LD3 guys personal home address,name,phone number as well on the web, maybe that's what was posted at the ld3 blog? i dunno? I thought it was illegal to do that?

    I have seen ferfal attack others out of the blue. I was lurking over at another forum( i like to lurk since to many put value into post counts anyway) and he was out right calling some folks ridiculous names.
    From cult leaders,Nazi's, idiot farmer's, hillbillies etc. From what i then read was that besides the posters at that forum he was attacking, the insults were made towards the owners of two rather large web forums he was banned from for doing the same thing? Seemed like a kid throwing a temper tantrum really! I got banned boohooo [ROFL]

    I was kind of shocked that the forum it was on allowed it as most do not let posters bash other forums openly. But as you said MM, his followers were right there to throw rose peddles at his feet and prop him up with " oh ferfal your so awesome".
    What made that whole thread sad, was ferfal showed up with a zero post count and then jumped right into attacking everyone that disagreed with him. What has made that even more laughable is that FerFal will use post count numbers to discredit those that disagree with him on forums! Kettle meet pot? LOL

    Of course i now await many to say I'm a troll, etc since I'm new here. That is the reason i mostly lurk. To many cry dont be a sheep but they are quick to follow with out looking at the facts.
    From what i can see with crime rates,unemployment rates, 1st hand accounts from others that live and have lived there it seems to not have been as bad as FerFal would lead most to believe. Doesn't take much clicking of the fingers to talk with those there!
    I'm sure there was some bad time's, there is not fighting that fact. From what i have read online though things just do not add up on FerFal's side of things.

  19. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer

    Re: Some first hand experience - A brief story of Argentina

    Well I guess more information is always good...

    So..I take it; uh; you guys don't like ferfal's writings??? Its the internet for "chrise-'sake's"!
    I'm not a worshipping disciple, But I admit I did think it was a good read and alot made sense to me; But Any real life reports (depending on % of fabrication) are helpful.

    That's alots of numbers/effort to spend trying to get one up on some guy on the internet).
    Lets see:
    1) Ferfal had it easy because his parents are well off?[beat]
    2) ferfal had an escape route and a"bugout" location secured in anothe rcountry?[beat]
    3) Ferfal talks bad about other folks on the internet?[beat]
    Jeez; bad ferfal what an Asshat..

    Why the avarice; Sour grapes(?)...
    "low post count" who gives a rats azz.
    (Lurking?) get in the game, man.
    brush off your ego and Start your own blog...( ferfals' a lieing south american scumbag and it pisses me off because.com)??
    Sorry I just don't get it... [coffee2][gone]
    "Of course i now await many to say I'm a troll, etc since I'm new here. That is the reason i mostly lurk. To many cry dont be a sheep but they are quick to follow with out looking at the facts".
    Doesn't have anything to do with anything...So I guess this makes me a petal thrower???
    And the"facts" are?
  20. Sgt.Barnes

    Sgt.Barnes Monkey++

    Re: Some first hand experience - A brief story of Argentina

    Never said i didn't like his writing's. I actually did read a lot his postings until recently!
    I think that is the purpose of that link i posted, it isn't mine but it seems the authors intent was to sum up a lot of the frustrations most have with FerFal and his writings ,along with his recent quest to single out one person and personally attack him and his livelihood.
    As to Facts, go on the net search , its all there. From his attacks on others to trying to do harm to another mans business!
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