feeling alone when your other half thinks your crazy!

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by sunshine, Oct 30, 2010.

  1. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Too old???????? I think just the opposite. As someone on the downhill slide of life, I think it's even more important to be prepared than it was when I was young and robust. Digging out of a 3 foot snowfall to get to a plowed road would do me in now. If the roads are unpassable, what am I going to do if I'm not prepared. I live alone in the country so I better be ready to take care of myself. A winter storm that knocks out power for a week would make life miserable if I didn't have a backup plan.
  2. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    What she says +1. However, the older you are, the shorter time you need to prep for. Black humor? No, it's a simple fact. 20 years ago, I had to prepare for the 20 years already passed, and a 20 (plus whatever I have left above the green rug) year inventory is no longer needed. Nor do I need to consider children's tastes and needs. Unfortuneatly, I don't have a 15 year old to shovel the drive (135 feet) nor mow the acre and a half of yard. Fortuneatly, my taste are simple. Also fortuneatly, I've gotten organized to the point where it doesn't take me as long to do things as it did years ago. Organization and simplification is a cornerstone of survival.
  3. BadgeBunny

    BadgeBunny Monkey++

    Yep ... and thank goodness too ... all this living in tunnels like a groundhog is for the youngsters out there! LOL Me?? I have seriously bought into the "thrive not just survive" mentality. We don't buy every little gadget out there but what we do have has more than one use usually ...

    Like you, our tastes are considerably less "fashionable" than in years gone by ... Forget turning into my parents -- I find myself turning into my GRANDPARENTS ... And that is not necessarily a bad thing. They did so much with so little and were happier and more content than any other couple I have ever known.
  4. 2Munkeez

    2Munkeez Monkey+

    WOW! this thread reminds me how blessed i am. my wife was raised in a rural area of a developing country. i've stayed at her/our parents house, in her home country, for a month on more than one occassion. in that home, we don't have a fridge, an air conditioner (S.E. Asia gets warm), nor a hot water heater (it gets chilly, too). i adjusted, quick, but she spent 20 years there compared to my 2 or so months. so.... she's a 'grow yer own' kinda girl. in fact, we bet 10bux on a fire building contest and she whooped my azz. then i thought: her family has been cookin over fires, for generations. for her, building a fire is the equivalant of me throwing a hot pocket in the microwave.

    i wish i had something helpful to suggest, i don't. i just wanna say THANX for reminding me how good i have it with my spouse... who incidentally is A LOT younger than me and pretty hot :D
  5. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    Moral support is good too.

    Your moral support of Sunshine, and those in her situation is important in itself, indeed, making prepping a fun activity by a little friendly competition, is an excellent suggestion.

    Cheers from Chello
  6. kryptic

    kryptic Monkey+

    My wife is finally starting to turn she has seen all the coinidences and facts and now is more open minded. She even now enjoys making our own food and canning as well so no more additives and the food from the yard is fresh. We are even making a bug out bag for her so while we arent exactly eye to eye she is still coming round and is alot better than before about accepting what i do.
  7. delsolb

    delsolb Monkey+

    My wife is excepting of my interest in survival but does not participate. recently she has watched a couple of Zombie movies with me and has asked questions about what should be done in certain situations. I am afraid that if TSHTF she will follow the instructions given to her by the news and family rather than trusting my judgement and preparedness plan.
  8. delsolb

    delsolb Monkey+

    My wife really needs a hobby so I have been trying to convince her to start a garden. I told her I would help because I too would like to learn. My plan is to persuade her to become more self reliant without her knowing.
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