FBI arrests former Marine for views contrary to Obummer Obamanation

Discussion in 'Freedom and Liberty' started by tacmotusn, Aug 19, 2012.

  1. -06

    -06 Monkey+++

    "Nobody" arrested him yet he is handcuffed and taken to the police dept. Might be a real good thing that he did not own a firearm--or maybe not. Somethings are worth defending--to the max.
    ExHelot likes this.
  2. Quigley_Sharps

    Quigley_Sharps The Badministrator Administrator Founding Member

  3. Mountainman

    Mountainman Großes Mitglied Site Supporter+++

    They went after Nugent for what he said, but to high profile of a person to put away for evaluation and would have started a S storm. So go after people that are not well known to scare the sheeple into submission. I have been emailing the info on this to everyone I know so info on this gets out.
  4. tacmotusn

    tacmotusn RIP 1/13/21

    I found this this morning. The first time I know of that it was widely reported on Major Media news.
    By Jason Ryan
    Follow on Twitter

    Aug 21, 2012 7:35pm

    Former Marine Detained After Alleged Facebook Threats

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    A 26 year old former Marine has been ordered to undergo a psychiatric evaluation after being detained for alleged threats he made on Facebook. Brandon Raub, who lives in Chesterfield, Virginia, was detained last Thursday after being questioned by law enforcement about his postings.
    “Sharpen up my axe; I’m here to sever heads.” Raub posted to Facebook on August 13, 2012. The post appears to be a lyric from the band Swollen Members and its song “Bring Me Down.”
    The case has pitted First Amendment freedoms against potential security concerns. Raub, who served tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, was questioned by the FBI, U.S. Secret Service and Chesterfield County Police last Thursday and was then taken into custody by the Chesterfield County Police Department. At a court hearing on Monday Raub was ordered to be detained for mental evaluation for 30 days. Court records on Raub only showed traffic violations. A Facebook group supporting Raub already has over 5,800 supporters.
    “For government officials to not only arrest Brandon Raub for doing nothing more than exercising his First Amendment rights but to actually force him to undergo psychological evaluations and detain him against his will goes against every constitutional principle this country was founded upon. This should be a wake-up call to Americans that the police state is here,” said John Whitehead, president of The Rutherford Institute, which is serving as counsel for Raub.
    “I feel like he’s being unconstitutionally detained.” said Raub’s mother, Cathleen Thomas, in an interview with ABC News. Thomas said her son was a good student and an Eagle Scout who never had any mental health problems. Thomas said that after his six years in the Marines, she never noticed any signs of post-traumatic stress disorder.
    “He’s a good kid, he’s a great kid,” Thomas said.
    Lawyers representing Raub said they expect to file an appeal of the 30-day detention order and are trying to prevent Raub from being moved more than 3 hours away to a medical facility in Salem, Virginia.
    “After speaking to Raub, officers believed him to be in need of further evaluation. Chesterfield officers at the scene contacted Chesterfield Mental Health Crisis Intervention. Crisis workers recommended that police take Raub into custody and bring him in for evaluation.” Col. Thierry Dupuis, Chief of the Chesterfield Police Department, said in a statement.
    Virginia law allows police to detain people for mental evaluation under emergency circumstances.
    “Raub was placed in handcuffs after he resisted officers’ attempts to take him into custody. Raub was evaluated by a Chesterfield mental health official, who determined that he should be held under a temporary detention order and transported to John Randolph Medical Center for additional evaluation.” Col. Dupuis said.
    Raub’s postings on Facebook seem to focus on several conspiracy theories related to the 9/11 attacks and what he says is a coming revolution.
    “If you are my friend, you deserve to know the truth. This world is secretly run by a shadow organization of people who among other things enjoy raping children. Some of leaders were involved with the bombing of the twin towers. It was a sacrifice and a complete inside job. Also the Bush’s [sic] are very sick twisted problems. I believe they have a secret Castle in Colorado where they have been raping and sacrificing children for many years. Think I’m crazy? Think again.” Raub wrote in a July 28, 2012 Facebook post.
    “Dear Friends, I know many of you think I’m going crazy, and are wondering just why I have been posting the things I have been posting. I don’t have the energy to explain. Just know that a new beginning is coming.” Raub posted on August 11.
    On August 7, 2012 Raub posted to his profile a picture of men in robes by a lake with the caption, ” Do you know that world leaders sacrifice children in robes?”
    According to federal law enforcement officials the FBI received several complaints from concerned individuals about Raub’s postings. Certain other Facebook postings that were discussed at a court hearing on Monday for Raub focused on messages allegedly from a closed Facebook group that was not part of Raub’s public Facebook profile.
    ABC News was not able to obtain access to those postings.
    Following several high profile mass shootings the FBI says it needed to interview Raub.
    “It would be horrible for us not to respond to reports and complaints about threats from the public.” Dee Rybiski, spokeswoman for the FBI Richmond field office, said when contacted by ABC News.
    Rybiski said that the FBI did not detain Raub despite the assertion from his lawyer that he was arrested by the FBI.
    “When we left we had not arrested him, we did not touch him, we did not detain him. There are no charges pending.” Rybiski said.
    The Richmond Times Dispatch quoted an Internet posting by a former platoon commander, Sean Lawlor, who served with Raub in Iraq. The paper said that Lawlor called Raub an “excellent Marine” but quoted Lawlor as also saying, “Knowing the man that he is, I believe that he fully intended to act on the threats he was posting…We may never know, but the fact that law enforcement intervened may have kept Brandon from doing something extremely destructive.”
    transparent. transparent. transparent. transparent.
    Quigley_Sharps likes this.
  5. Clyde

    Clyde Jet Set Tourer Administrator Founding Member

  6. tulianr

    tulianr Don Quixote de la Monkey

    Sorry, but this guy needed a mental health eval. The authorities would have been negligent had they not picked him up. We want to scream at LEOs when they don't stop some crazy from acting on his impulses, and we want to scream at them when they do. Sure, there are some abuses of power out there, but this is not one of those situations.

    This guy has some issues, and needs to talk to someone. He's right where he should be. My congratulations to the agents who picked him up and took him in for an evaluation.
    ExHelot likes this.
  7. NWPilgrim

    NWPilgrim Monkey++

    What do you base your opinion on? What indicators do you know of beyond the song lyrics and conspiracy theory posts? I don't see this happening to the left wing ranters and "kill Bush" etc.

    I would hope that psych commitment would be based on behavioral indicators, not interwebz posts. I have not read of one account of Raub acting erratic or acting on any threat or having a history if being erratic or violent.

    It does dovetail nicely with DHS insistence on military vets being at high risk of domestic terrorism rather than some young Muslim men taking flight lessons.
    TwoCrows and oldawg like this.
  8. tulianr

    tulianr Don Quixote de la Monkey

    Crazy people are fine. Potentially dangerous, violent people are fine. Potentially dangerous, violent crazy people are not so fine.

    I know I was one of the people who asked, "Why wasn't some sort of intervention affected before the nutcase in Colorado murdered innocent people in that theater?" The mental health professional who was seeing him was concerned that he might hurt someone, campus police were notified of this, and then the ball was dropped. Nothing was done. Had he been hauled in for an evaluation, a lot of people who are now dead might be alive.

    If this guy wants to believe that the Bush family is involved in some cult operating out of a castle in Colorado, raping and sacrificing children, fine. He can believe whatever he wants.

    If he wants to post extremist rants about revolution and post violent song lyrics, as long as he isn't making direct threats, fine.

    But taken together, along with his other posts, someone needs to have a chat with the fellow to make sure all the cylinders are firing properly, and that he isn't planning some violent mischief. If they determine that he is not dangerously insane, fine, turn him loose; but wouldn't it be prudent to at least talk to him?

    Just because he doesn't like Obama is not a get out of jail free card. There are some indicators in his behavior that should be examined.
    ExHelot likes this.
  9. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Agree. The question here is, "Who gets to decide what indicators point toward an examination under restraint?" "The story" is that someone reported his posts as dangerous, so several alphabet agencies got involved, presumably(!) with a warrant to have a talk with him. After that, the whole thing gets fuzzy to me, up until he gets into an "evaluation" by court order. No agency has stood up and said they are the responsible group. (At least not that I've seen so far. and the Fibbies specifically disavow responsibility.)

    We are asked to conclude that because someone spoke up, a probably cause existed to talk to him. Hm. Makes me think of Stalineque spying on neighbors, even if the neighbors are facebook neighbors.

    I have to wonder if there was a warrant. I have to wonder if the agency, whichever it was, stopped off to talk to him "en mass" and when he resisted talking, they found an excuse to cuff and carry. The whole thing stinks. I hope Rutherford gets to the bottom of it and publishes the findings.

    Haven't found an update yet today.
  10. Quigley_Sharps

    Quigley_Sharps The Badministrator Administrator Founding Member

    Wheres broker???????:D
    RightHand likes this.
  11. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Ghrit, I suspect that there was NO Warrant.... and the FBI Guys were NOT the folks that insisted on custody, as they stated "they LEFT the Premises", before he was placed in custody. I suspect, as the stories have said, that the local COPs called in to the local Mental Health Unit, and talked to some person, who I suspect was NOT an MD, more likely an RN, and described some of the things said, and behaviors observed... Then that person, told the local COPs, that they thought an 72 Hour Eval, on the Guy, was indicated. so the COPS put the Bite on him, and he Resisted. At that point he was in custody, and when the REAL MD finally got to talk to the Guy, (within 24 Hours) he was so out of control, the REAL MD testified to the local Hack Judge, that they needed 30 days to figure the Dude out. There are set procedures for appealing this decision, should his Attorneys decide to do so, that are specifically spelled out, in the State Statutes. The Judge will have heard testimony, from the MD, read the Notes, and Medical Records, of what was said, and recorded, during the 72 Hour Eval, and then made the decision to hold the guy for 30 days. AlaskaChick (RN with experience in this area) tells me that there are two SPECIFIC Requirements that NEED to be SATISFIED, to get yourself a 72 Hours Eval. First, you must demonstrate a willingness to harm yourself, or demonstrate a specific Threat, to another Person, or a specific Place, and, or Time. Second, you must demonstrate that you "CAN" and have the will, to carry out that specific Threat. If the Guy had just STFU, he still would be in his house.... it seems like this fellow, needs to learn when NOT to jabber on, about his political beliefs. some things it is better to "Hold Close".... YMMV....
    tulianr likes this.
  12. tacmotusn

    tacmotusn RIP 1/13/21

    Bruce, I think you are confusing this arrest with another one. I highlighted with bold the problem with your statement above. Search all the links and videos as long as you like, This guy did not have a gun or any other weapon at the time during the confrontation / questioning prior to him being removed from the premises in handcuffs.
    There was an arrest of a Seattle (suburbs) man who sent an email to the FBI threatening the Usurper who answered the door with a shotgun. Anton was his first name, not Brandon Raub.
  13. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Ok I fixed that part .... I must have had a Senior Moment, on that one..... My apologies.... Thanks Tac...
    tacmotusn likes this.
  14. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    And now that he has had an involuntary stay in a mental ward. No guns for him! One less veteran that can't shoot back when the jack boots come a knocking.

  15. tacmotusn

    tacmotusn RIP 1/13/21

    Actually if I were him, I would legally change my name as well as move to muddy the trail, and then buy all the guns I want. Right now there is no direct link between the wacky farms and the Feds for records checks for purchase.
    tulianr likes this.
  16. Midnightblue72

    Midnightblue72 Monkey++

    A very common technique used in quelling potential unrest, target the opposition leadership or the most vocal opponents, snatch them up and create a chilling effect (fear) so others dare not follow. This is a technique used all the way down the ladder to crowd control. Watch a video in NY regarding OWS and the "Cuffing Circle." The squad leader targets one person, the line does not attack an entire group, one person is targeted, the arrest team moves forward, he is snatched (one person), the line covers while the cuff team circles and hauls him away. This is no difference, it has the same psychological effect.

    It's a psyop, if he was considered a REAL threat, they would have raided the house and determined if he had the means to act. They would have confiscated firearms, weapons, computers, notes, books ANYTHING to prove he had the potential to follow through on a "Perceived Threat." The fact they did NOT serve a search warrant, tells me they just wanted to potentially chill the Patriot Movement and or make the man look insane so those who sound, act and behave like him, will be labeled, insane too.

    Maybe the "Bugs Life" can clarify a few things, I friend suggested I watch this.

    wink. wink.
  17. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member


    Yes. Not good. It's not like I didn't warn people or anything. When the kitchen is on fire and has been burning for a long time, we shouldn't be surprised and suddenly yell, "oh my god the fire has spread to the rest of the house!" --we needed to do something about it from the start. Now, this is the bed we have made, through our indifference and ignorance we will reap what has been sewn. It's unfortunate that it happens this way; I like to believe people are good originally, not evil and corrupt. Even the most despicable kind are only following their perception of what is best. The separation of powers with a three-branched government and a clearly worded Constitution for our republic was only the guide, and our nation still requires constant vigilance and steady focus to keep within the boundaries set by the founders. The system is broken, and the people are divided and without focus or clarity. The road toward tyranny and despotism is no longer an avenue for story-telling --it's already been long traveled and trodden, and this is our reward for our journey. So, don't expect any solutions coming from me...

    Ghandi knew something about it.
    "You assist an evil system most effectively by obeying its orders and decrees. An evil system never deserves such allegiance. Allegiance to it means partaking of the evil. A good person will resist an evil system with his or her whole soul." -- Gandhi

    What do I know, little me? Nothing. I am just another happy, fluoride-induced zombie clone with a high fructose corn syrup addiction. Row, row, row your boat...gently down the stream...merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily...nothing lasts forever. (except for Spam perhaps. That s&it lasts an eternity)

    Relevant: http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/lookout...ible-civil-war-president-obama-230545603.html
    VisuTrac, BTPost, Sapper John and 2 others like this.
  18. Harbin

    Harbin Monkey+

    Anyone equally stunned that Drudge hasn't picked this one up? I would think they would have jumped all over this.
  19. TwoCrows

    TwoCrows Monkey++

    Raub has been released;


    HOPEWELL, Va. --

    A judge today ordered the release of a Marine Corps veteran being detained as a psychiatric patient after concerns over his Facebook postings.

    After an hourlong hearing, Circuit Judge W. Allan Sharrett said an involuntary commitment petition issued against Brandon J. Raub was invalid because it contained no allegation or basis to holding him.

    "The petition is so devoid of any factual allegations that it could not be reasonably expected to give rise to a case or controversy," said the release order signed by the judge and sought by lawyers Anthony F. Troy and Brian D. Fowler.

    Sharrett said that he was shocked by the failure of a magistrate to not include in the order any grounds for holding Raub, a Chesterfield resident who was transferred from John Randolph Hospital in Hopewell to the Salem Veterans Affairs Medical Center.

    Cathleen Thomas, Raub's mother, said after the hearing that as soon as an order is entered by the court, she will head to Salem to get her son.

    "This is phenomenal." she said. "This could have happened to anyone. We're not about allowing wrongs like this to take place.

    "This has never been about anything but freedom of speech.... We're going to continue to post on Facebook."

    Thomas said her son is a "true patriot" who gave up military benefits for a back injury so the money could go to another veteran.

    Raub, 26, who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, was taken into custody last Thursday after the Secret Service, FBI and Chesterfield Police arrived at his North Chesterfield home. An FBI spokesperson said the agency had received inquiries from people concerned about the nature of postings Raub had made on his Facebook page.

    Monday he was ordered to be detained for 30 days by a special justice who presides over commitment hearings. Special Justice Walter Douglas Stokes also ordered Raub to be transferred from John Randolph to the VA Hospital in Salem, about 180 miles from his home and family.

    The Rutherford Institute, a civil liberties organization based in Charlottesville, challenged Raub's confinement, arguing that he is mentally fit and has become the target of an overzealous, unauthorized police action.

    In an interview Raub gave to a radio station from the Hopewell hospital, Raub sounded alert and clear-thinking, at one point urging the public to "educate yourself."

    "Find and rediscover the ideas of liberty and freedom," he said "Those are the ideas that make us great as people."

    No information has come forward regarding what medical personnel determined is Raub's clinical condition. Raub told the radio station that he talked with assessment personnel for about 25 minutes. It was not clear if Raub was provided with legal counsel or given an opportunity to receive an assessment from a physician of his own choosing.

    Facebook postings by Raub generally involved impassioned pleas for a return to American ideals of freedom and independence but also speak of betrayal by elected leaders.

    "Your leaders are planning to merge the United States into a one-world banking system," he wrote. "They want to put computer chips in you... these men have evil hearts. They have tricked you into supporting corporate fascism. We gave them the keys to our country. We were not vigilant with our republic."

    On Aug. 15, Raub posted that "the Revolution is here. And I will lead it."

    He went on to say, "I know many of you think I'm going crazy and are wondering just why I have been posting the things I have been posting," he wrote Aug. 11. "I don't have the energy to explain. Just know that a new beginning is coming."

    On Aug. 4 he wrote, "I am standing against a great evil. I will do it all by myself if I have to."

    Raub told The Times-Dispatch over the weekend that he served in the Marines from 2005 until 2011 and was a combat engineer sergeant. He said he operates a home-based silver numismatic-coin business.
  20. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Good for Him, and very good for his Attorneys, to make the Police, and that HACK Magistrate. prove that He was not in his right mind. This is a very big Victory for Freedom of Speech, and the Rule of Law. Now I would hope that He and His Attorneys, pursue the Violation of his Civil Rights, in the local Federal District Court, and go for the BIG BUCKS Judgement, against the EVERYONE involved in his seizure, and subsequent incarceration, including the HACK Magistrate. It is also not likely that this would effect his Personal FireArms Rights, as the Hold was deemed "InValid", which is to say, never should have been Issued, in the first place. Just "MY" Opinion..... YMMV.... Alaskachick wonders if the Magistrate, was just to incompetent, to issue a Judgement in the proper form, and that was the basis of the Circuit Court Judges ruling. It has still never be published, the transcript from the Magistrate Hearing, and what led him to issue the invalid Judgement in this case. Lots of FACTs not in evidence, here, so speculation is high, and confidence is low.... .....
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