Do you have any idea just how many people are alive, because it takes so much time to decide which gun to use to kill them...then you need to select the right ammo, clean the gun, go to the range, clean the gun again, load the magazines or speed-loaders, etc.! After you have killed them, you have to get rid of the body (bodies if there were witnesses), and clean the gun! It's a lot of work!
Boy-oh-boy talk about opening a can of worms with this post! LOL! It's Glocks for me. I got 3 of them, 2 each G19's (1 for wife, 1 for me) and 1 each G43. I don't care much for the Sig 226 but must admit their P365 XL has the nicest feel in my hand of any handgun I have every lifted, balance is extraordinary, and also points better than anything I have ever used. I haven't got one (yet!) as it would mean changing over holsters and etc. and I have a lot of money into the Glocks plus the wife is trained on maintaining them. Besides, Glocks are super reliable, super easy to maintain and do the job so I cannot justify the cost to switch over. But, if I was buying new....yeah, it would be the P365 XL.
I've heard that some of the Glocks were good guns, if only they were made of metal instead of plastic!
Again, depends on usage. For EDC (depending on the day) I carry either my FN 509, or my SIG P365, or Ruger LCR .357, or The Judge, or the S&W 686, or my Para Hawg 1911. If we're just keeping it the the handhelds...
Got my Colt M1991A1 in .45ACP, my Ruger Security Six in .357Magnum, and my late Dad's old High Standard Doublenine in .22LR. I find I generally carry the Doublenine around the house. Minimise home damage if I do have to use it, and 9 shots. Plenty if well placed. When I go outside I strap on the Colt. 8 shots of .45.
My sister emptied one of those in a home invader many years ago in her home. He took 4 running down the hall toward her, 1 turning around, and 4 more running down the hall away from her. All the bullets went through a 200 pound man and were in the wall at the end of the hall. I saw the holes, all looked to be tumbling at that point. Went she followed to the main room he was reloading his pistol so she bulldogged him onto the floor and hit him a dozen times in the head with the butt of the pistol until he collapsed. While she rendered aid to family, the SOB crawled off and conveyed himself to the hospital. The police report said he was shot 9 times in the torso and had 9 exit wounds. Drugs, yes. Big guy, yes. Tough, definitely. But don't take a chance with a .22 handgun if the bad guy is in the house. Remodeling is fun. Tear the house to pieces if you have to.
Everyone has their favorites,, it's what just feels comfortable to each individual. I've had Glocks , 40s ,,, Llama's ,, S&Ws 38s , one of the best feeling shooters I had was a Beretta 92fs , 9mm ,, but , for some reason,, I do not like a 9mm. I know a gal that's still carrying a 9mm round in her ass from a robbery at a bank deposit box ,, dropping off the church's weekly collection offerings .