Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by Popcorn, Mar 17, 2013.

  1. DMGoddess

    DMGoddess Monkey+++

    Thanks, BT, I'm saving your post so that I can make adjustments to the design before I try and build something like this. Any other ideas?
  2. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    A solid sheet metal will work for all wavelengths, DC to beyond light. It need not be heavy sheet, but does need to be thick enough to carry current away to ground, if you go the grounding route. If not grounded, the induced charge will dissipate on it's own, given a bit of time and patience. Waiting is mandatory if not grounded, you can use a VOM to determine if a charge remains, positive to a ground, then reverse it in case the voltage is negative vs. ground.

    Going with solid sheets makes the lid/door gap sealing a bit trickier.
    9h0s7 likes this.
  3. mrghostwalker

    mrghostwalker Monkey+++

    Why not use a metal garbage can with a lid?
  4. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    As long as the Seal on the Lid is RF Tight for ALL wavelengths, DC to Light, you would be correct.
  5. padkychas

    padkychas Monkey+++

    I work on MRIs and we use Farady cages around the scan room (where the magnet is, that is why the door is the way it is), there is a few rules to test one, (with out the expensive equipment)., if you can talk on a cell phone with the door shut, you have a leak. An AM/FM radio should not pick up a strong station inside with the door shut.
    so you can test a home made Faraday cage with these, put your AM/FM radio in side the box/cage you have made, tuned to a strong station and turn up the volume and close the door/lid and see if it blocks the station.

    I have thought that a 55gal drum will work, the type with the locking ring and removable top. ground the drum and the lid and the locking ring with bonded wires, It should be grounded to a good ground, a dedicated ground rod is better. Clean off the paint, and use a metal gasket, I would make it out of the 1" tinned copper braided strap, (like used for ground on battery's on some large equipment, tractors etc.) use this to make a gasket ring under the lip of the lid, with no paint and compressed under the lid it will make a good RF seal. add some silicone spray lube to keep the rust/ oxide off.
    A 55 gal drum will be not to expensive for most and will work for computers and small generators and radios etc. But only if it is inside and sealed when it is needed.
    Also spare computer and electronic ignition and alternator for your truck/ car to keep your wheels going.
    ghrit, kellory and HK_User like this.
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