Ex-Chicago Cop: Zimmerman Acquittal to Cause Race Riots

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by stg58, Jun 29, 2013.

  1. VHestin

    VHestin Farm Chick

    Having only heard about this trial here on the forum(we don't have TV), and since Paula Deen was mentioned, I wonder now if the Paula Deen issue was only made into a big story to further the racial tensions TPTB wants over the Zimmerman trial.
  2. stg58

    stg58 Your message may have been removed or altered. Founding Member

    CNN put out Zimmerman’s phone, address, DOB, DL number AND social security number live on the air.

    Can you imagine the outcry from sharpton if they sent out the SSN of martin and he won't have a need for it. Although his parents will no doubt max out any kind of pay out from social security they can.
    This is hardly the first time Zimmerman’s personal information has been distributed by those who oppose him. During the initial coverage of the Zimmerman trial, Spike Lee retweeted the home address of what he thought was Zimmerman’s home address. It turned out to be the wrong address. Roseanne Barr then tweeted Zimmerman’s parents’ home address. “If Zimmerman isn't arrested I'll rt his address again. maybe go 2 his house myself,” Barr tweeted.

    This isn't the first element of media bias in the Zimmerman case, either. The Associated Press originally reported that Zimmerman was white. That falsehood was repeated for days by the media, heightening the racial aspect of the case.

    The media also broadcast photographs of Zimmerman from a 2005 arrest rather than current photos, and conversely broadcast photographs of Martin as a pre-teen, not the 17-year-old he was at the time of the killing (the media's photographic choices actually impacted witness testimony during the trial).

    NBC News manipulated tape of Zimmerman's 911 call to make it seem that Zimmerman had targeted Martin because he was black, rather than responding to 911 dispatcher questions. CNN also isolated audio of Zimmerman purportedly calling Martin a racial slur during the call -- an allegation that ended up being completely false.

    Both ABC News and NBC News also alleged that Zimmerman's injuries did not exist, releasing badly-pixellated photographs from the night of the incident. As trial testimony has shown, Zimmerman was indeed injured during the incident with Martin.

  3. Kingfish

    Kingfish Self Reliant

    We are ready here for anything the Hoods here have to throw at us. It wont be pretty. KF
  4. Cruisin Sloth

    Cruisin Sloth Special & Slow

    I was sent this link

    What I have read here and other places plus the MSM it' sure looks one sided .

  5. vegasrandall

    vegasrandall Monkey+++

    I'm pretty sure that they won't try to loot the korean owned stores again.
  6. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Except in Commiefornia, New York, New Jersey, DC, and Connecticut..... Where all the Store Owners will be vulnerable... Due to the Unconstitutional nature of
    their Weapons Statutes......
  7. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    Naw, they will be judged by 12, not carried by 6. legal or not, they will defend.
    mysterymet and oldawg like this.
  8. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    for the love of <pick your favorite god, deity or just humanity itself> we are freaking doomed.
    Beam me up Scotty. There isn't any intelligent life on this planet.
    tacmotusn likes this.
  9. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    There, they're, their, have a Tribble. They are remarkably soothing....
    Cruisin Sloth likes this.
  10. VHestin

    VHestin Farm Chick

    TRIBBLES! [alien]
    Yard Dart likes this.
  11. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    I don't mean to hijack the thread but I wanted to share this from a newsletter from a Political Action Committee I belong to. It makes the points I was trying to make above in a much better way. Interesting reading.


    About 15 years ago, the local chapters of the John Birch Society brought to OKC the Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson, a black pastor from Los Angles and the founder of BOND, Brotherhood Organized for a New Destiny. Approximately 3 years ago we co-sponsored Reverend Peterson to OKC again where he was the keynote speaker for the OCPAC awards banquet. One of the themes in all of his talks is the need for white people to become engaged in the dialogue regarding racial struggles. He suggests that white people have allowed themselves to be put in the closet of fear by black race hustling pimps such as the Reverends Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.

    At one time during his speech, he said that he, a black person, had been called nigger so many times by today’s race hustlers that he was actually considering changing his name from Jesse Lee Peterson to Jesse Nigger Peterson. Then without warning he turned his head to the left and begin to repeat the word nigger over and over as he turned his head to the right and then laughed as he said you white people are afraid of that word aren’t you! Jesse, wasn’t trying to get people to use the word nigger, but was simply pointing out how we have been cowed into silence.

    Remember the childhood saying “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me”? Actually words do and always have had the power to hurt, especially young children as well as weak and emotional people. That was the reason our parents told us the rhyme, they were trying to toughen us up. Today, fueled by the diversity and political correctness crowd, we have a whole industry of the overly sensitive and easily offended little snowflakes, the fragile little teacup crowd.

    Fast forward to the Paula Dean situation. Here is a liberal, who on the one hand deserves what she is getting for supporting liberals who have now turned on her. She is witnessing her lucrative business empire crumbling right before her eyes. Paula doesn’t seem to be able to do anything about it other than to present blubbering apologies. She should have put on her “big girl panties” and said, well yes I did use the word nigger 25 years ago, like so many in the southern culture. However, as time has gone on people change and I along with most white people no longer use such a word to describe people because it is not kind nor productive.

    She should have gone on to say, most white people no longer tolerate the word nor racial jokes at the expense of people because of the color of their skin. In light of that, if that is offensive to black people, then they need to stop using the word among themselves. They need to discontinue using it in their language, their music and the movie industry or else they need to toughen up and not be so overly sensitive. Get over it and lets all get on with life.

    I seriously doubt Paula Dean has what it takes to say such a thing, but it is a message liberals need to hear. However, would it make a difference with the corporate fascist crowd, now intent upon showing their power to bully and destroy whomever crosses their newly found cause.
    Probably not, as the “mightier than thou” policy makers at these giant corporations have become excessively intolerant of anyone who shows even a hint of being intolerant. I wonder just how many of these “purer than the wind driven snow” corporate policy makers can honestly say that they have never uttered the word nigger, listened to or told a joke which uses such language, ye hypocrites.

    Don’t think it is just about racial speech with the corporate bullies, anyone not toeing the line regarding the homosexual agenda will also be punished and made into an example. As all pro defensive lineman Reggie White of the Green Bay Packers retired a number of years ago he was asked to do the prayer, I believe it was before the Wisconsin legislature. In his prayer he simply mentioned the sin of homosexuality and all hell broke loose, Democrats got up and walked out of the chamber.

    He had just signed a contract with one of the major networks to do color commentary and the next day his contract was canceled. Other companies dropped him for endorsement ads as these corporate bullies intended to warn anyone else that might stick their heads up on the issue, no matter how high their profile happened to be. It was estimated that Reggie lost $20 million dollars as a result of that prayer. An executive for the network told Reggie in private to lay low and in a year they would talk again. To his credit, Reggie told the executive that homosexuality is a sin today and it will be a sin a year from now, so no thanks.

    Now back to the racial issue. It is to the advantage of black race hustlers to keep the pot stirred with offences. How else can these so called leaders portray themselves to the black community as saviors, as protectors from the evil whitey “crackers” who want to keep black people down, suppress them and not let black people experience the prosperity of rich white folks. I believe the last people in the world who want racial harmony and fair justice are these race hustlers like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.

    Let me end this by expressing a few thoughts. Again, when Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson was machine gunning the word nigger and laughing about the looks of shock on the faces in the audience, he wasn’t urging people to start using the word and neither do I. He was simply pointing out how white people have become captives of fear, fear of being called a racist just for daring to discuss racial issues. The Paula Dean, and Reggie White situations are sober warnings. However, Peterson says it is imperative that white people engage to try and bring about racial harmony, because far too many black preachers and the civil rights race hustlers aren’t telling black people the truth. They are keeping black people enslaved on the plantation of the Democrat party and the civil rights movement while they become millionaires and strut around the country as little gods.

    No doubt in the past many black folks were the victims egregious treatment by white people. However, with the passage of the civil rights act in the 60’s, many of the evil “Jim Crow” laws that did suppress black folks have been torn down and a new era of fair treatment has been ushered in. It is a transition process that requires attitude changes for opportunities to be accessed. Truth is, though there is only one race, the human race, there are different wrappings on we humans, wrappings we describe as red, white, black, yellow and brown people. The real differences between these colors of people are found in their cultures, mores and values.

    Regardless of skin color, all people have the same basic needs. They need to be loved and respected, the latter must be earned. They need opportunity and they need to be treated justly in the courts of law. While not all white people have the best interests of people of other color in their hearts, for the most part, the vast number of white people want to see black people as well as others do well. However, not through reverse discrimination know as affirmative action, but by being challenged to develop a positive (can do) attitude, work hard, try hard and if one stumbles, get up and try again.

    There are many black people today that have risen above the victim mentality and achieved respect and fulfillment in life. Their attitudes have risen above people with attitudes of bigotry and today these folks experience the prosperity valued by all people. I am not necessarily talking about those who have obtained financial prosperity through excelling in sports or entertainment stardom, but black folks in everyday walks of life. People like Thomas Sowell, Walter E. Williams, Justice Clarence Thomas, Ward Connerly, Herman Cain and many solid black pastors. On a local level, Russell Perry with his publishing and media empire, and others like Jonathan Small, Toby Pedford, Arlie and Janice Ponds, Terry and Kathy Alford and many others too numerous to mention. These are the kind of people black folks experiencing difficulties need to emulate. However, far too often the race hustlers label these people I have just mentioned as “house niggers”, “sell outs”, and “Oreos”.

    Bottom line, with a little less sensitivity, less government, a lot of hard work and by turning our eyes and hearts toward God and the principles of His Word, we can get through the racial divide and experience racial harmony. White people want black people to do well but the ball is in the court of the black community. The question is, is that community ready to overcome? Will unhappy black people change their attitudes, seek out new role models and new kinds of leaders? Only time will tell, I sure hope so.
  12. stg58

    stg58 Your message may have been removed or altered. Founding Member

    Given a high level of legal firearms in the hands of Florida residents and many retired military the rioters may be in for a few surprises.

    A CNN report shows Sanford police going door to door in an attempt to calm residents about possible unrest in response to the Zimmerman verdict.
    “Our worst fear is that we will have people from outside of the community coming in and stirring up….violence in the community,” Smith told CNN’s David Mattingly.
    Sanford Mayor Jeff Triplett echoes Smith’s concerns, warning that just one person intent on violence could spark wider disorder and “a provocation of violence”.
    City Manager Norton Bonaparte is similarly on edge, fearing a Rodney King-style riot if Zimmerman is found not guilty.
    “I’m saying that’s a scenario that’s certainly a possibility,” said Bonaparte, adding that plans had been made through law enforcement but that he would not go into detail on the nature of what they were.
    Police Chief Cecil Smith was similarly evasive when asked if SWAT teams or “special personnel” were on standby to respond to disorder.
    “As far as the particulars of the plans, we’re not releasing that,” Smith told CNN.
    Authorities have also enlisted the help of local pastors who are acting as “observers” in the Zimmerman trial and will then report back to their congregation.
    The involvement of pastors is interesting in light of a program first reported by Infowars back in 2006 under which the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) was training pastors and other religious representatives to become secret police enforcers who teach their congregations to “obey the government” in preparation for a declaration of martial law, property and firearm seizures, and forced relocation.
    As we reported earlier today, scores of Twitter users have threatened to riot and loot if George Zimmerman is acquitted.
    Other prominent voices have also warned of potential civil unrest, including former Chicago police officer Paul Huebl, who said that he fully expects “organized race rioting to begin in every major city to dwarf the Rodney King and the Martin Luther King riots of past decades” if Zimmerman walks.
    With police already going door to door to calm Sanford residents in anticipation of unrest, some are worried that social disorder could be used as a pretext for gun confiscation in a similar vein to how Hurricane Katrina was used as a justification to disarm residents of New Orleans.
  13. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    given the ineptitude of the prosecution and witnesses. This ought to be interesting.

    If they are going to riot, they are going to riot. meh.
  14. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    With all the "be aware" articles floating around, there will be a hair trigger out there to get things rolling. Sure am happy I'm up here.

    How many buses do we think Jesse and Al can fill for a ride to Sanford?
  15. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    I wonder if there is a Federal Statute against crossing State Lines, to instigate a Riot..... Sees to me that there is such a Statute.... but I can't absolutely recall.... Seems to me, chartering a Bus, and loading it with Protesters, that then Riot, or cause a Civil Disturbance, would qualify.... Hmmm, worth looking into.....
  16. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    I'm going to go with .. not enough.
  17. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    kellory likes this.
  18. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Well there you go, Jesse, and Al, could get some serious Federal GrayBar Hotel time, if one of their Bus Riders starts anything, like an unLawful Assembly.... Couldn't happen to a nicer couple of Guys.... HOWEVER, do you think Holder would ever actually prosecute that kind of violation? Heck, he let the Panthers off the Hook for their Federal Statute violations.... ......
    STANGF150 and stg58 like this.
  19. stg58

    stg58 Your message may have been removed or altered. Founding Member

    The idiot Al is very well versed inciting riots.
    With MSNBC paying him a million+ he does not have to cross state lines to spew his lies and hate, he has a pipe into every cable, internet and satellite wired home.

    CROWN HEIGHTS/ “DIAMOND MERCHANTS”: In 1991, Gavin Cato, a seven-year-old black child was killed in a traffic accident in Crown Heights (in Brooklyn), when a car driven by a Hasidic Jew went out of control. Sharpton turned it into a racial incident. Sharpton led 400 protesters through the Jewish section of Crown Heights, with one protester holding a sign that read, “The White Man Is the Devil.” There were four nights of rock- and bottle-throwing, and a young Talmudic scholar was surrounded by a mob shouting, “Kill the Jew” and stabbed to death. A hundred others were injured. Sharpton said, “The world will tell us that [Gavin Cato] was killed by accident….What type of city do we have that would allow politics to rise above the blood of innocent babies?…Talk about how Oppenheimer in South Africa sends diamonds straight to Tel Aviv and deals with the diamond merchants right here in Crown Heights….All we want to say is what Jesus said: If you offend one of these little ones, you got to pay for it. No compromise. Pay for your deeds.” Later Sharpton said, “If the Jews want to get it on, tell them to pin their yarmulkes back and come over to my house.”
    TAWANA BRAWLY: 1987. Al Sharpton, during the infamous Tawana Brawley case, falsely accused a former assistant district attorney of raping and sodomizing Ms. Brawley. Young Tawana stated that white racists abducted, raped, and sodomized her, scrawling the initials “KKK” on her in human feces. A grand jury later found the entire incident a complete hoax. Most likely, Ms. Brawley, afraid of punishment for staying out too late, fabricated the entire story. This did not stop Reverend Al Sharpton, who accused Pagones an assistant district attorney, of the crime. “We stated openly that Steven Pagones did it. If we’re lying, sue us, so we can go into court with you and prove you did it. Sue us—sue us right now.”
    Pagones did. After receiving death threats, and threats against his child, Pagones sued Sharpton and two others for defamation. A jury unanimously concluded that Sharpton defamed Pagones, ordering Sharpton to pay $65,000 to Pagones. The Reverend promptly announced his intention not to pay. A couple years later, Sharpton’s buddies passed the hat and paid off Sharpton’s debt, which totaled $87,000 with interest and penalties. To this day, never having paid one penny of his own to Pagones, Sharpton refuses to apologize, “I did what I believed….They are asking me to grovel. They want black children to say they forced a black man coming out of the hard-core ghetto to his knees….Once you begin bending, it’s ‘did you bend today?’ or ‘I missed the apology, say it again.’ Once you start compromising, you lose respect for yourself.”
    CENTRAL PARK JOGGER: In 1989 “the jogger,” a young white woman, was monstrously raped and nearly beaten to death in Central Park. Sharpton insisted—despite the defendants’ confessions—that her black attackers were innocent, modern-day Scottsboro Boys trapped in “a fit of racial hysteria.” Sharpton charged that the jogger’s boyfriend did it, and organized protests outside the courthouse, chanting, “The boyfriend did it!” and denouncing the victim as “Whore!” He brought Tawana Brawley to the trial, to show her “white justice” and arranged for her to meet the attackers. Sharpton appealed for a psychiatrist to examine the victim, generously saying, “It doesn’t even have to be a black psychiatrist….We’re not endorsing the damage to the girl—if there was this damage.” (While it doesn’t excuse his calling the victim a “whore” and denigrating any damage to her, or his accusations against the boyfriend, the convictions of the accused were eventually vacated, despite their taped confessions, after another man—whose DNA matched—confessed to the rape in 2002.)
    FBI TAPES/DONATIONS: After Sharpton’s name surfaced on wiretaps in an unrelated Philadelphia City Hall corruption case, the FBI launched a probe into Sharpton’s fund-raising for his failed 2004 presidential run. The FBI secretly videotaped Sharpton on May 9, 2003, pocketing campaign donations from two “shady fund-raisers” in a NY City hotel room, and then demanding $25,000 more. The two fund-raisers were La-Van Hawkins and the late Ronald White. Hawkins is currently on trial in Philadelphia on corruption charges. White was going to be indicted, but died before charges were brought. A later wiretap recorded Hawkins telling White that they had raised more than $140,000 for Sharpton the previous quarter, but Hawkins was concerned that Sharpton had only reported about $50,000 to the Federal Election Commission, as required by law. Sharpton said the allegations were a “politically motivated smokescreen” to hide the fact the Justice Department is out to get him. He ripped the probe and the secret videotaping, saying, “Can you imagine what would happen if it was a white presidential candidate?”
  20. VHestin

    VHestin Farm Chick

    I guess Sharpton never read "The Boy Who Cried Wolf"
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